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Six Sigma Overview Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo

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1 Six Sigma Overview Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo
Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available

2 The Classical View of Performance
Six-Sigma is a philosophy: Why isn’t “99% acceptable” good enough...?? 20,000 lost articles of mail every hour. 15 minutes each day of unsafe drinking water. 5,000 incorrect surgical procedures per week. 4 or more accidents per day at major airports. 200,000 wrong drug prescriptions each year. 7 hours each month without electricity. Long-Term Yield 3 Sigma Process Capability % Historical Standard Key point :- The customer is receiving defective product 4 Sigma Process Capability % Current Standard 6 Sigma Process Capability % World-Class

3 On target, minimum process variation
History of 6 Sigma 6 Sigma manufacturing philosophy came from Motorola They recognised that sufficient process improvement would not occur using a conventional approach to quality. It was developed to help them reduce variation within a process by focusing effort on improving inputs to a process rather than reacting to outputs. The process was failing the customer expectations Traditionally, processes aimed for process capability of 3 to 4 sigma (Cpk=1.0 to 1.33 or 93% to 99.3% acceptable) The customer received 6200 defective product per million at best Processes now aim for 6 sigma (Cpk=2) The customer would receive 3.4 defective product per million Key point :- After the introduction of ^ sigma the customer is now not receiving defective product On target, minimum process variation

4 6 sigma Process Capability “What is it (CPK)”
3 Sigma ( Process capability of 1 CPK ) if the process (lorry) slightly varies then the scrap or damage will occur 6 Sigma ( Process capability of 2 CPK ) if the process (lorry) varies, there will be no scrap or damage CPK of 2 (6 sigma) Curbs = required process tolerances CPK of 1 (3 sigma) Key point :- 3 sigma would mean if you where to drive your car on to your drive, then you would you would just squeeze past the gate posts and error and the wing minors would be off 6 sigma would mean that you car could easily get past the gate posts with out any risk of breaking the wing mirrors off.

5 Understanding Variability
Variation exists in everything. Even the best machine cannot make every unit exactly the same. Improved capability, becomes a necessity, due to the need of : improved designs lower costs better performance All of this leads to the need of tighter tolerances This means that the ability to operate to a tight tolerance, without producing defects becomes a major advantage Key point :- A stable process, repeatable process is the key i.e. the car it starts every time when you need it to start gets you to work and back in the same manor no variation, day in day out

6 Improvement methodology
KPIV Key Process Input Variables Controllable Inputs X1 X2 X3 Quality Characteristics: Outputs Inputs: Raw materials, components, etc. The Process Y1, Y2, etc. Key point :- Every process has inputs, man, method, material, machine and uncontrolled inputs these combine to give an out put (what the customer wants) By control the key inputs the out put is more stable less variation and is what the customer want, every time when they want it N1 N2 N3 Uncontrollable Inputs On target, minimum process variation

7 Improvement methodology
D M A I C Define Measure Analyze Key point :- 6 sigma 5 step improvement methodology Improve Control

8 Improvement methodology
Define Define terms of reference (Charter the project) Team / customer / project charter Brain storming Mind maps Affinity diagrams High level Process Maps Systematic diagrams / Fault tree Business Process Mapping Define customer requirements (Voice of the customer) QFD Quality Function Deployment To develop a team charter. To define the customers and their requirements (CTQ Critical to Quality). To map the business process to be improved Key point :- ? What is important to you, when you buying cookies write them down in silence and rank out of ten put them up on the board and compare to other in the group Cookie test characteristics:- (QFD) chocolate colour taste crunchiness Characteristics Product / customers Importance out of 10

9 Define Define terms of reference (charting a project)
What you can deliver to the customer and the support you need from the customer to facilitate a successful improvement (contract of engagement) Brain storming, Mind maps, Affinity diagrams, High level Process Maps, Systematic diagrams / Fault tree, Business Process Mapping Tools to explore a problem, project or current thinking. Tools to group those ideas logically. Then define a route map to improvement, the risk involved and how to mitigate that risk. Define customer requirements (Voice of the customer) QFD Quality Function Deployment, is a method of defining what the customer needs, what is critical to there business success & prioritise objectives to meet the customer need. Key point :- Talk about each point

10 Improvement methodology
Voice of the process Data Collection - 7 quality tools Tally charts Bar charts Pareto Run charts Control charts Cause & effect Check sheets Evaluate measurement systems Gauge R&R Select measures of performance Quality Function Deployment Measure To measure and understand baseline performance for the current process Key point :- 7 quality tool Key question is the capability of the measurement process (key process)

11 Measure Voice of the process (7 quality tools)
Tally charts, Bar charts, Pareto, Run charts, Control charts, Cause & effect, Check sheets. Evaluate measurement systems Gauge R&R Every process has variation and measurement system, tools & cmm are no exception. Typical your measurement process needs to be ACCURATE, REPEATABLE & REPRODUCIBLE to less than 10% of the tolerance you are trying to measure to & proven to be so. Select measures of performance QFD Quality Function Deployment is a method of defining what the customer needs and what is critical to there business success and prioritising performance measures to support the customers need. Key point :- Talk about each point

12 Improvement methodology
Investigate source of variation (Special cause / Common causes) Stratification of data to get information Cause & effect CP & CPK Fault tree Contingence analysis FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) Design of experiments (DOE) Detailed process maps Analyze Seek to:- Prioritise Understand Clues Causes Monitor improvements Look for signals Key point :- Talk about each point

13 FMEA (failure mode effect analysis)
Why Battles are Lost Lost Nail Lost Shoe Lost Horse Lost Soldier Lost Battle Current Window of Consideration Cause Failure Mode Effect Key point :- Talk about each point FMEA Identifies the ways in which a product or process can fail Estimates the risk of specific causes with regard to these failures Prioritizes the actions that should be taken to reduce the chance of failure

14 DOE - (design of experiments) will help us identify...
A1 A2 D1=D2 B1 B2 C1 C2 factors which shift the average factors which affect variation factors which shift the average and affect variation factors which have no effect Key point :- Talk about each point

15 DOE - (design of experiments) Measure the Process
Establish the performance baseline Controllable Inputs X1 X2 X3 Quality Characteristics: Outputs LSL USL Inputs: Raw Materials, components, etc. The Process Y1, Y2, etc. Key point :- Talk about each point N1 N2 N3 Uncontrollable Inputs

16 DOE - (design of experiments) Analyse the Process
Controllable Inputs X1 X2 X3 Quality Characteristics: Outputs LSL USL Inputs: Raw Materials, components, etc. The Process Y1, Y2, etc. Key point :- Talk about each point N1 N2 N3 Uncontrollable Inputs

17 DOE - (design of experiments) Improve the Process
Controllable Inputs X1 X2 X3 X Quality Characteristics: Outputs LSL USL Inputs: Raw Materials, components, etc. X The Process Y1, Y2, etc. Key point :- Talk about each point X LSL USL N1 N2 N3 Uncontrollable Inputs

18 DOE - (design of experiments) Control the Process
Error Proofing X1 X2 X3 Controllable Inputs Quality Characteristics: Outputs LSL USL Inputs: Raw Materials, components, etc. The Process Y1, Y2, etc. Key point :- Talk about each point Work Instructions 5 C’s Check Lists N1 N2 N3 Uncontrollable Inputs

19 Analyze Investigate source of variation (Special cause / Common causes) Special cause variation are the one off, occasional and obvious cause of a process / quality problems. Common cause variation are the day in day out causes of process problems, because the process is not stable enough, they are hidden (these form 80% of process problems) Conventional non-conformance management systems seek to solve special cause variation (e.g. concessions) - but these only represent % of the total variation. 6 Sigma addresses all variation. Key point :- Talk about each point

20 Improvement methodology
Prioritise improvements Impact Vs Effort Brainstorming Affinity diagrams Solution selection matrix Tactical implementation plans Deliver improvements (reduce variation systematically) Improve Key point :- Talk about each point Customer protection Get control Improve process

21 Improve Prioritise improvements Tactical implementation plans
Tool commonly in uses are, Impact Vs Effort, Brainstorming, Affinity diagrams, Solution selection matrix. These tools help define the best method to meet the customer need (as defined in the QFD) Tactical implementation plans Deliver improvements to reduce variation systematically i.e. make a change, note the improvement and make the next improvement. Critical we need to establish that any change is a change for the good. Key point :- Talk about each point

22 Improvement methodology
Control the process Recover Control plans Escalation process Prevent Poke yoke (mistake/ error proof) Monitor Control charts Checksheets Documentation and Standardisation Key point :- Talk about each point Control

23 Control Control the process
Recover, Control plans, Escalation process. Prevent by Poke yoke (fool proof the process) to fundamentally remove the rood causes of process variation. Monitor, Control charts, Checksheets, Documentation and Standardisation, to ensure that stable process is maintained and that the process does not degrade. The objective is to remove the root causes of process variation, management are only left with a few critical input variables in the process that need controlling and not all inputs as before. Key point :- Talk about each point

24 Where does 6 Sigma fit with Lean
Lean and 6 Sigma both seek to deliver business improvement They are different in the methods used and tools employed Lean typically address the total manufacturing environment 6 sigma typical address the root cause of process variation There is significant benefit from using the most appropriate tools and improvement methodology to meet the customer requirements 6 Sigma improvements Lean improvements Key point :- mutually supportive

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