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Airbus Production System
Training Pack Training Pack Module: Autonomation Airbus Production System Element: Andon Systems Module: Autonomation Element: Andon Systems © Copyright Airbus UK Ltd 2002 All rights reserved. No part of this presentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright holder.
Aims & Objectives Target Audience : Operation Management
Purpose of Module : To explain what an Andon system is, and what are it’s links to performance improvements Aims & Objectives : What are the benefits of an Andon system Explain the different types of Andon and appropriate uses Behaviours required to support Andon How to maintain the system Explain the importance of a robust escalation procedure How to set-up an Andon system Links to : Visual Management Error Proofing 2 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Agenda Current understanding of Andon What is Andon?
Different forms of Andon What Andon does and doesn’t do Pre-requisites & features of an Andon System Types of Andon Examples of Andon Escalation Procedure Setting up an Andon System Guidelines Agenda To understand what part Andon plays in Lean Manufacturing it is important to know what is does and doesn’t do. Added to this the module aims to show the main features of a good system and how to go about designing one for your area. An Andon system is worthless without a robust escalation procedure, and this is covered in the course. 4 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Current understanding of Andon
Ask the group their understanding of Andon and Andon systems. Write them on the flip chart. Ask the ones how get it right what their experience of Andon is, and where they came across it Lead into the next slide 5 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
What is Andon Operator DO Mgr Team Leader PUM Shift Leader
SUPPORT HELP! DO Mgr PUM Shift Leader Operator Team Leader In traditional companies the chain of command comes from the top and goes straight down. ‘Thou salt do as I say’ Andon is a Lean technique that empowers the operator to highlight abnormalities in the process and obtain support to continue to plan. This system will form an important business measure of the health of a production line. By highlighting the concern in a timely fashion it maximises the chance of solving the problem before it effects productivity. Andon is a tool for exposing abnormalities within the production process 6 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
What is Andon? Andon is an information tool which provides instant, visible and audible warning to the Operations team that there is a abnormality within that area. The key words are: INSTANT VISABLE and AUDIBLE WARNING This on it’s own doesn’t achieve anything, and therefore needs a timely RESPONSE to make the Andon system effective. 7 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Different forms of Andon
An Andon can take many different forms from simple indicator to complex control boards. All of them give ‘real time’ status of the performance of the given area NO A Andon systems come in all shapes and sizes, dependent on the requirement. Simplest form :Airport security check’ Petrol gauge indicator, low battery indictor on mobile Standard lineside system : Lollipop system (RED/AMBER/GREEN) More complex: Andon board Some Andon systems can highlight every type of abnormality and where it originated, while others just draw your attention to a concern The system you choice is dependent of budget and complexity of the workplace. 8 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
What an Andon system does..
Andon allows timely corrective actions by alerting personnel when abnormal conditions occur. Allows Shop floor T/L’s to spend less time and effort monitoring the situation, and more time solving abnormalities. Allows Operation teams to monitor equipment and personnel more effectively. It can act as a 2 way communication device e.g. When indicator returns to green; this tells everybody it’s ‘back to normal’ Very important to understand what an Andon system is capable of. It should not be seen as a panacea to all production abnormalities Andon will * Highlight Concerns / Abnormalities * Provide information to allow the management of concerns. It will not solve Abnormalities. KEY POINT Without a robust Escalation procedure and corrective action process, it is worthless 9 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
What an Andon system doesn’t do
It doesn’t:- Solve Abnormalities Prevent all defects from being passed forward Replace good verbal communication between work group Remove the need for rectification or Customer protection IT DOESN’T SOLVE ANYTHING Make sure everybody understands that by putting an Andon system in isn’t an excuse for not doing anything. It may mean that rework has to be done or some level of containment is put in place. Andon should not replace human interaction within the workgroup. Good communication practises are enhanced by the use of Andon Behaviours should still include trying to solve that problem as soon as possible. KEY POINT The Andon doesn’t solve it, it just highlights it 10 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Andon will not SOLVE Abnormalities, it can only highlight them
Pre-requisites for an Andon system Andon will not SOLVE Abnormalities, it can only highlight them The Natural Workgroup Cell Leader Team Leader +Team J. Bloggs Logistics I Moveit Tel: 12345 Maintenance M. Fixit Tel: 24345 Engineer John Doe Tel: 12645 Material Mangement Theresa Green Tel: 90272 Support Team George Stubbs Tel: 11145 SLA’s As mentioned before the abnormality still need to be addressed if the concern is to not effect the performance of that work area. This is done by identifying the ‘natural workgroup’ that interfaces with that work area. It is important than individuals are identified and are accessible to the work group. NAMES and NUMBERS (phones on the line) Once a issue is raised then the ‘natural workgroup’ must support that request as soon as possible. If the issue isn’t eliminated in a timely fashion then the system should escalate to the next appropriate level. By doing this the abnormality will eventually be addressed and a long term countermeasure put in place to prevent future occurrence. EG Relating to the Airport security example, if nothing happened when the alarm went off, it would be worthless. Andon can only be effective if the team leader is backed up by an issue resolution procedure 11 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Features of an Andon system
Visible/Audible - Can be seen and/or heard by entire workgroup and workgroup leader Concise/Understandable - Primary three conditions (OK, Abnormality, Process stop) Timely/Responsive - Real-time data Pertinent - Only shows status of workstations in a particular area Complete - Provides a complete picture of the overall status of the entire area to enable prioritisation and coordination of corrective efforts Without these features the Andon system will have limited beneficial use. If these features are followed then the Andon system should be of great help to eliminating abnormalities in the workplace 12 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Types of Andon system The 2 main types of Andon are activated manually by the operator/ Team leader by either: i) pressing static button ii) pulling a cord It can be used to highlight either production or maintenance concerns. There are 2 main types of signalling an abnormality via an Andon system. FIXED POSITION BUTTON CORD ANDON Others include: Automatic sensors Trips Light guards Mixed Static/ Cords ASK THE GROUP TO OFFER UP SOME OTHER EXAMPLES AND PUT ON FLIP CHART e.g Burglar Alarm etc. 13 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Fixed Position Stop Flow Used by operators to gain assistance
Once activated the line will stop at a predetermined position Can be used in sub assembly Attend button lights, whilst awaiting assistance (main board also activated) Attend button turned off when Abnormality solved (main board also de-activated) Fixed Position Stop switch Andon Light The fixed position stop system is based around stopping the process at a predetermined position in the event of an abnormality This ensures the line doesn’t stop when somebody is working on the line. Safety reasons. KEY POINT SOME KIND OF PACEMAKER REQUIRED Lights Takt clock Audible timer 14 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Moving Line stop Cords often used on a moving line (7 wastes)
Highlights concern at a specific workstation (Team Beacon) Andon turned off by pulling cord for a second time(Team Leader or Cell Leader) If Andon is not turned off, process will stop at the end of the cycle A Cord Andon is used when an operator or T/L moves around the product during the process. This allows the operator to raise the alarm at any time during their work cycle. This system is used where the operator is unable to move far from the product. This can be for safety reasons or usually due to very tight work cycle time. Again this system can be used by multiple operators , and is usually placed above the head of the operator. 15 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
You don’t sit and watch your washing machine at home
Types of Andon Trigger Manual Operator pushes button or pulls a cord - Material call example - Quality check, change over, etc. Automatic A limit switch on a conveyor or on a chute monitoring movement of parts Limit switch may monitor time and count the number of parts passing through. (takt time) Andon can be activated by an error proofing device Separate the man from the machine, freeing up the operator to add value else where (Machine shop) There are 2 main types of light switch: The manual switch which we have talked about - Cord Andon Fixed position switch The other option is the automatic limit switch, which is activated by movement of a part or conveyor. This works by triggering the switch when something abnormal happens. E.G. 1 The weight of a box of parts holds down the limit switch until it is taken and the switch activates the Andon to highlight that the last box has gone. 2 A simple light beam across the front of a box, will trigger the switch if it is not broken in the right order (i.e. the operator is assembling the product away from standard) You don’t sit and watch your washing machine at home 16 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Examples of Andon Boards
Simple Andon System Andon systems don’t have to be complex or difficult to make. Here you can see the back of a board. Alternatively the Andon system can be as complex as your business dictates, as seen by the examples from the car industry, where electronic systems can cost £millions, and display vast amounts of information. 18 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Andon criteria Escalation Procedure Slide Verbal Photo
An issue has arisen It is threatening process Completion We need outside help We are on plan There are no issues No Action GREEN We will not complete our process on time T/L turns light on Mgr calls : Eng / Log / QA / PUM or Recovery Team Mgr QA…………… RED CONDITION WHO ACTION NAMED RESPONSE Op turns light on T/L calls : Eng / Log / QA / PUM or Recovery T/L Ref: SLA TEAM LEADER Log………… Other………… AMBER and contacts PUM Eng…………… 20 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Escalation process Stage 1 Operator Team Leader Shift Leader D/Mgr Mgr
Once a abnormality is identified it is escalated to the next level to eliminate it If next level cannot eliminate it, then raise it to Shift Leader Operator Team Leader Shift Leader The escalation process should endeavour to be contained within the 1st level of management. Once the light has been triggered anf the Team leader is aware of the abnormality they should try to eliminated it as soon as possible. IT IS THE TEAM LEADERS ABNORMALITY, and he/she should do everything in his/her power to solve the problem. If the problem continues to threaten the workpackage, the T/L should raise the problem to the next level. The organisation should be in place to support this decision HELP! D/Mgr SUPPORT Mgr 21 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Escalation process Stage 2 Operator Team Leader Shift Leader D/Mgr Mgr
Once all effort to solve the problem have been exhausted at Shift Leader level, the problem is escalated to the highest level to avoid the line stopping Operator Team Leader Shift Leader Again the Shift leader or equivalent should do everything in his/her power to alleviate/ eliminate the problem. At a point where the shift leader is having no luck in solving the problem the issue should be elevated to the next level etc. etc. until the problem is solved. The timing of this escalation should be agreed as part of the escalation process and should be strictly adhered to. D/Mgr Mgr HELP! SUPPORT 22 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Setting up an Andon system
WHO - Operations Team WHAT - Operations team must determine what production conditions need to be monitored, and what Andon system meets their needs. WHERE - Divide the operation into several processes stations and assign each a process number or code and owner. Usually a small team per process number or code Post process numbers or codes at line side stations WHY - To enable Operation teams to expose abnormalities with their process, to help them eliminate them. WHEN - The Andon system should only be installed after a robust escalation procedure has been implemented To ensure you are getting the most out of your Andon system, it is important to follow the following guidelines. 1 What do you want to control? 2 What type of system is appropriate for your workplace? 3 Make sure everybody can identify where the area being monitored starts and finishes 4 Make sure the escalation process is in place before you start using the Andon system THIS FINAL POINT IS KEY TO THE SUCCESS OF THE SYSTEM HOW - Document what the characteristics of the production line are and gather data history for the line Establish Andon Procedures Audit procedure 23 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Lean Enterprise function of Andon Systems
Appropriate use of the Andon is fundamental in highlighting Abnormalities. Ultimately we want to eliminate abnormalities from occurring Removing the causes of Abnormalities and not just responding to the effects. By analysing data and frequency of Andon pulls by operator, the workgroups can identify and focus on improving, abnormality / bottleneck areas. Andon systems are like all systems, they are only as good as the people who design them and use them. If they are strictly adhered to, and designed appropriately then they will drastically improve the performance of the process. BUT, again they are not the panacea to all problems, and should not be viewed as such. Constructive use of Andon systems can build up data, which can be used to permanently eliminate the abnormalities which torment everybody in the workplace. These simple systems can be the starting point to serious productivity/ profitability improvements much needed in today's global workplace. 24 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Guidelines Andon systems should be thought out and appropriate in design to be effective. Andon systems should be implemented when and only when an appropriate support system and escalation procedure is in place (Service Level Agreements, problem solving process etc.) Andon signals should be simple and easy to understand Avoid spending too much money on a ‘State of the art’ Andon System, prove the system out with a simple manual system to judge it’s worth In conclusion If you follow the simple steps highlighted today, you should be able to develop a Andon system, and the benefits are immense. The great thing about Andon is that it is simple and initially that’s how the system should be developed. Don’t go for the ‘all singing all dancing’ version, until you have proved out the appropriateness of the system in your environment. 25 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Guidelines Ensure the Andon system is visible / audible from every corner of the workplace, to the relevant work area Once established, monitor closely the response times from the support functions and Andon pulls Andon systems don’t solve abnormalities, it only highlights them in time to rectify the situation quickly. 26 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Where do you think Andon Systems could be used?
Opportunities Where do you think Andon Systems could be used? Prepare a slide with Production and non production written on it. Facilitate a discussion to draw out ideas for Andon systems in the groups workplace. If necessary ask the group: Is time important in what you do? When something wrong happens is there somebody to address that problem straight away? What difference would it make to your job if there was? List the workplaces where Andon systems would be appropriate, and try to get the group to agree on what sort of system would be required. Examples : 27 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
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