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Autonomous Maintenance
Training Pack Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Aims & Objectives Target Audience : Purpose of Module :
Autonomous Maintenance Champions, Production Teams. Purpose of Module : To equip attendees with the knowledge & understanding to participate in Autonomous Maintenance Activities, in order to deliver tangible and sustainable improvements in equipment reliability Aims & Objectives : Outline the Steps of AM Give Practical Guidance on AM roll out Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
What is Autonomous Maintenance?
An operator Skill development Programme An approach to allow problems to be identified and solved quickly An approach to stop accelerated deterioration of plant and equipment An approach to stop deterioration related failures An approach to stabilise equipment conditions (standards) An approach to develop training materials on how to run, operate & maintain equipment Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
What is Effective Maintenance?
An Effective Maintenance system will support Autonomous Maintenance. Effective Maintenance should also involve all areas of the organisation. Information is key. Operator and Maintainer training Up-skill Maintenance to be trainers and equipment improvers Up-skill Operators to be equipment maintainers (Autonomous Maintenance) Act Plan A P D Check C Do Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
How do we Implement Autonomous Maintenance?
IMPROVE HUMAN RESOURCES IMPROVE PLANT AND EQUIPMENT IMPROVE CORPORATE CULTURE Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
How do we Implement Autonomous Maintenance?
Step 4 - Finalise Standards & Train Step 3 - Develop ‘Provisional’ Standards Outline each of the steps of Autonomous Maintenance that the presentation will cover. Step 2 - Eliminate Contamination & Inaccessible areas Step 1 - Initial Clean & Inspect Step 0 - Education - Machine Function
How does Autonomous Maintenance Work?
Change in culture Move from reactive to proactive Evidence of success Change equipment condition Effect working environment changes Effect Reduced defects & failures Team members change Zero defects & failures are realised Change in activities Positive participation Kaizen thoroughness of maintenance & control * Understanding the machine functions Cleaning is inspection * Inspection can detect abnormalities * Abnormalities can be rectified Improve skills Develop confidence in their abilities Teams practice autonomous kaizen Very briefly run through the boxes on the slide (From left to right) to outline the changes that will occur through AM over time. TIME
How does Autonomous Maintenance Work?
The way that the stages of autonomous maintenance are described as steps, promotes how autonomous maintenance works. To get from the bottom to the top it is easier to use evenly spaced comfortably sized steps. You must maintain each step as you progress, or the whole thing will crumble Step 4 Step 4 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Step 0 Run through the slide
The 5 Steps of Autonomous Maintenance
Introduce new step Step 0 - Education - Machine Function
Step 0 - Education - Machine Function
Step 0 is about increasing our basic understanding of machine components and function. To help us with this we utilise the knowledge of engineers, and use machine components sheets to store this information. Run through the slide
Eg. Machine Components Sheet
Step 0 - Education - Machine Function Machine Component Sheets help us to understand how equipment works, and what can cause it to fail They also make a very effective training aid Eg. Machine Components Sheet Run through the slide
Step 0 - Education - Machine Components Sheets
How Does It Work? Run through a pre prepared Blank Component sheet Explain that skilled engineers must facilitate the completion of a sheet with the team. How Can it Fail?
Step 0 - Education - Machine Components Sheets
TIPS Should Initially be Hand drawn Should be completed at the machine in question Should be led by an experienced engineer Explain each of the tips to ensure that the session runs effectively. Go onto the shop floor and complete a component sheet on a ‘pilot’ piece of equipment or machinery. (45 minutes) Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 0 - Education - One Point Lessons (OPL’s)
Tool to Communicate Improvements Tool to capture ideas Tool to share knowledge Tool for effective training Three types of OPL Basic Knowledge Improvement Idea Downtime Problem Gauge needs to read between red markers within green zone. Run through a prepared One Point Lesson. Run through each of the points to explain the value of OPL’s Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 0 - Education - One Point Lessons (OPL’s)
TIPS Should Initially be Hand drawn Should be 80% Drawing 10% Words Should only take 5 mins to teach Adopt a company numbering system Should be verified by an engineer Use the bottom of the sheet as a training record Gauge needs to read between red markers within green zone. Explain each of the tips to ensure that the session runs effectively. Go onto the shop floor and complete a one point lesson on a ‘pilot’ piece of equipment or machinery. (45 Minutes) Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 0 - Education - Instructional Videos
Guidelines Keep it Simple Use Own Staff Humour Maximum 20 mins Plan the video Communicate intention to all staff Run through the slide Sell the benefits of video :- Training Aid Consistent Communication Fun to do Can get a lot of info over quickly Go onto the shop floor and produce and instructional video for a specific operation relating to your pilot area. (Obtain permission first) (90 Minutes) Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Under Pinning Knowledge
Step 0 - Education - Skills Audit Guidelines Based on detailed checklists that include Skills and Knowledge Required to complete Tasks Notes on how to carry out assessments Based on standard work instructions Under Pinning Knowledge Process AM Skills Explain each of the tips to ensure that the session runs effectively. (NB:-Skills may be taken from departmental Work Instruction Sheets.) Explain that each area will have key skills and knowledge that operators require in order to ensure the smooth running of plant and equipment - Operators will therefore need to be trained in these skills Training Matrix Trained A N Other Team 1 J Bloggs Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
The 5 Steps of Autonomous Maintenance
Introduce the next step Step 1 - Initial Clean & Inspect Step 0 - Education - Machine Function Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 1 - Initial Clean and Inspect
Problem Detection Restoration Set Standards Machine Awareness Outline each of the key points. Cleaning IS Inspection! Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 1 - Initial Clean and Inspect
Machine concern / fault analysis Example of how cleaning is the first stage to Total Productive Maintenance. In a Autonomous Maintenance programme, this step introduces the concept of solving problems in the area,particularly machine or equipment related problems.The saying is that ’through cleaning you touch ,through touching you find when you find you fix’.Use cleaning to inspect equipment and find abnormalities early. The photo is a machine were a concern/fault analysis activity was conducted. …..through cleaning you touch, through touching you find when you find, you fix !! 20 of 42 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available 3
Clean & Inspection Fault Finding Sheet
Machine: M/c 1265 Date: 15/08 Completed by: J Brown No Location / Fault Code class Cause Temp Perm Countermeasure Who When 1 Pressure Gauge not within limit H3 Poor labelling T P Ensure manual setting on label Write Setting on Setting sheet Team 1/11 2 Measuring probe unprotected next to pallet E9 Poor design Cover to be made Review machine specification NCMT MR Wk 26 3 Oil Leak next to twin pallet L4 Poorly installed Fix leak Review installation procedure Maint Wk 25 Wk 27 E Electrical M Mechanical L Lubrication H Hydraulic Pneumatic W Water Class Loose Worn Broken 4 Leaking 5 Missing 6 Dirty 7 Difficult to clean 8 Location / Routing 9 Take the delegates through how the sheet is used. Relate the included text example back the the machine on the previous slide. Explain the coding system and give the following example :- Example No Code Class - H3 H - Hydraulic 3 - Broken (Give further examples of the codes if necessary) Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Clean & Inspection Fault Finding Sheet
Machine: Completed by: No Location / Fault Code class Cause Temp Perm Countermeasure Who When E Electrical M Mechanical L Lubrication H Hydraulic P Pneumatic W Water Class 1 Loose 2 Worn 3 Broken 4 Leaking 5 Missing 6 Dirty 7 Difficult to clean 8 Location / Routing 9 Poor design Date Blank sheet of the Clean and Check Fault Finding Sheet. Go onto the shop floor and complete a clean and check fault finding sheet sheet on a ‘pilot’ piece of equipment or machinery. (45 minutes) Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Clean & Inspection Concern/Fault Analysis Sheet
CODE CLASS E = ELECTRICAL M = MECHANICAL L = LUBRICATION H = HYDRAULIC W = WATER P = PNEUMATIC 1 = LOOSE 2 = WORN 3 = BROKEN 4 = LEAKING 5 = MISSING 6 = DIRTY 7 = DIFFICULT TO CLEAN 8 = LOCATION & / OR ROUTING 9 = POOR DESIGN Concern / Fault Analysis sheet is used after machine Clean and Check stage to analyse faults and concerns that need to be fixed Complete a concern/fault analysis sheet on a ‘pilot’ piece of equipment or machinery. (30 minutes) Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Makes defects easier to detect. Better customer perception.
Creates a better working environment. Aids efficiency and reduces accidents. Helps standardisation. Explain the key learning points from each stage. Give examples for each of the bullet points. Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
The 5 Steps to Autonomous Maintenance
Introduce the next step Step 2 - Eliminate Contamination & Inaccessible areas Step 1 - Initial Clean & Inspect Step 0 - Education - Machine Function Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 2 - Eliminate Contamination and Inaccessible Areas
Quick Correction Maintain Cleaning Standards Reduces Inspection Time Explain each of the tips to ensure that the session runs effectively. Makes Maintenance Easier Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Planned Maintenance - Initial Equipment Survey
Tag 1 Tag 2 Tag 3 Tag 4 Tag 5 Tag 6 Tag 7 Tag 8 Tag 9 MACHINE MAPPING Group exercise. Lead by an experienced engineer/maintainer. Use in conjunction with “Tags”. Explain each of the tips to ensure that the session runs effectively. Outline the benefit of capturing the problems so that tags are not removed until the problem is solved. Tags Lead to Action. Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 2 - Eliminate Contamination - Machine Mapping
Tag 1 Tag 2 Tag 3 Tag 4 Tag 5 Tag 6 Tag 7 Tag 8 Tag 9 TIPS Group Exercise Identify Sources of contamination Identify inaccessible areas Should be led by an experienced engineer Can be used in conjunction with a red tag exercise Explain each of the tips to ensure that the session runs effectively. Complete a Machine Map on a ‘Pilot’ piece of equipment or machinery. (45 minutes) Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 2 - Eliminate Inaccessible Areas - Machine Mapping
TIPS Aim to reduce cleaning time Aim to reduce inspection time Make essential equipment access easier Simplify equipment operations The slide shows how Perspex guarding has been used in place of ‘solid’ guarding. This is to aid essential visual inspections by reducing time taken (through not having to remove guards), and also increasing the frequency of inspection (through checks being carried out naturally during the course of work) Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
The 5 Steps to Autonomous Maintenance
Step 3 - Develop ‘Provisional’ Standards Explain each of the steps to ensure that the session runs effectively. Step 2 - Eliminate Contamination & Inaccessible areas Step 1 - Initial Clean & Inspect Step 0 - Education - Machine Function Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 3 - Develop Provisional Standards
Schedules Cleaning Standards Lubrication Standards Inspection Standards Outline each of the components. Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 3 - Develop Provisional Standards - Cleaning, Lubrication and Inspection
Date: Machine: Cleaning Items Lathe Process: JIG REMOVAL C Item to Clean 1 LOCATING PINTLE 2 AREA AROUND SHAFT 3 SUPPORTING ACTUATOR SHAFT 4 GENERAL AREA C1 + D1 Lubrication & Inspection Items D Item 1 LOCATING PINTLE - INSPECT FOR Run through each stage of the cleaning lubrication and inspection sheet. Explain its value as a training aid. Explain the value of inspection and lubrication schedules. If available show some current department schedules. AM inspection and lubrication schedules will be developed with engineers after AM training has been undertaken. Complete a Cleaning Lubrication & Inspection Sheet on a ‘Pilot’ piece of equipment or machinery. (Optional) WEAR, LUBE WHERE NECESSARY 2 SUPPORTING ACTUATOR SHAFT - C3 + D2 AS ABOVE 3 REPORT ANY DAMAGE TO TEAM LEADER Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
The TPM Board Policy Goals Targets Before / After Photos Before /
Hard To Access Areas Countermeasures OPL’s Machine Component Sheets Improvement OPL’s Audit Checklist 30 Problem List An example of the content of an AM Storyboard. A storyboard is an essential tool to communicate the activities and successes of a team, that’s progressing through AM implementation. The content for the board needs to be chosen by the team, and may change from department to department. The boards needs to updated on a regular basis and reflect the AM activities that are taking place. The board should also be located in a position where the whole team can view the information. (eg near an amenity area etc)Produce an AM Board based on the above template, using all the info that has been produced during the course. This should then be presented by the team to management. (1 Hour) Radar Chart Red Tag Record Sheet Efficiency Chart Box of Red Tags Graph Of Problem Areas Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
The TPM Board TIPS Display all work from steps 1 - 3
Locate the board in the work area Present the board & improvements to senior mangers Ensure that the board is up to date and owned Establish a standard that other boards can adopt Explain each of the tips to ensure that the session runs effectively. (The board is an example from a Unilever Factory) Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
The 5 Steps to Autonomous Maintenance
Step 4 - Finalise Standards & Train Step 3 - Develop ‘Provisional’ Standards Explain each of the tips to ensure that the session runs effectively. Step 2 - Eliminate Contamination & Inaccessible areas Step 1 - Initial Clean & Inspect Step 0 - Education - Machine Function Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 4 - Finalise Standards and Train
Standard Practice Management Buy Off Structured Training Effective Knowledge Management Outline each of the key Points. Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 4 - Finalise Standards and Train - Deployment
Trainers Group leaders AM All the operators Outline your own departments roll out plan. Underline the fact that this can only work with everyone’s involvement. Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 4 - Finalise Standards and Train - Training Contents
Training Should Include:- Parts names, structure and function of equipment Problems and their corrective actions Keypoints, methods, and criteria for inspection Inspection practice Explain each of the tips to ensure that the session runs effectively. 38 of 42 Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
Step 4 - Finalise Standards and Train - Training Contents
Training Should Include:- Component Sheets One Point Lessons Standards Work Instruction Sheets Gauge needs to read between red markers within green zone. Explain each of the tips to ensure that the session runs effectively. Slide Verbal Flip Chart Training Matl. Photo Prepared Flip chart Extra Info Available
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