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Instructional Accountability Presented by: Elementary-Isela Moreno & Veronica A. Brown Secondary-Olga Cantu & Christina S. Casanova.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Accountability Presented by: Elementary-Isela Moreno & Veronica A. Brown Secondary-Olga Cantu & Christina S. Casanova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Accountability Presented by: Elementary-Isela Moreno & Veronica A. Brown Secondary-Olga Cantu & Christina S. Casanova









10 Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) As mandated by the 76th Texas Legislature in 1999, the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS™) was administered beginning in the 2002-2003 school year. The TAKS measures the statewide curriculum.


12 Student Success Initiative (SSI) Enacted in 1999 by the Texas Legislature Students have 3 testing opportunities to pass the required tests. Grade 3 students are required to pass the TAKS reading assessment to advance to Grade 4 Grade 5 students are required to pass TAKS in reading and math to advance to Grade 6 In 2007-2008, Grade 8 students will be required to pass the TAKS reading and math tests to advance to Grade 9



15 State-Developed Alternative Assessment II (SDAA II) SDAA II is the new TAKS-aligned SDAA Program. Designed for students who receive special education services and for whom the TAKS is not appropriate as determined by the ARD committee. Students must be enrolled in Grades 3-10 and receiving TEKS instruction in reading, writing, and math.

16 SDAA II allows for the selection of the appropriate assessment by instructional level The assessment should match the instruction the student has received- regardless of enrolled grade. *The ARD committee must decide at which instructional level the student will be testing in each subject area (reading, math, writing, and/ELA). State-Developed Alternative Assessment II (SDAA II) cont.

17 Enrolled Grade 10 students who are receiving instruction below grade level in reading and/or writing must take an appropriate level SDAA II test in both reading and writing.



20 Linguistically Accommodated Testing (LAT) LAT is an alternative assessment process for recent immigrants who are LEP EXEMPT from the Texas assessment program and enrolled in Grades 3-8 or 10, the grades used in the calculation of Adequate Yearly Progress.

21 *The LAT process will enable recent immigrants who qualify for a LEP exemption under Texas policy to take TAKS and SDAA mathematics tests with linguistic accommodations that will help them better understand the language used on the tests. (*Accommodations MUST be used in classroom instruction)

22 TELPAS- Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System. RPTE TOP

23 Grades K-2listening, speaking, reading, writing Grades 3-12listening, speaking, writing TOP

24 The domain of reading in Grades 3-12 is assessed through RPTE. Together, RPTE and TOP provide performance data used to fulfill NCLB reporting requirements.


26 General Information about RPTE The Reading Proficiency Tests in English (RPTE) are administered to LEP students in Grades 3-12. There is a designated window for RPTE March 20-April 7, 2006. RPTE is not timed; some students may take longer than others to complete the test. However, once a student begins taking RPTE, the student should complete it on the same day.

27 RPTE is designed specifically for LEP students whose ability to demonstrate general reading skills is often obscured by their limited understanding of the English language. RPTE measures English reading ability according to a language proficiency continuum that is based on the stages of language development of second language learners. The RPTE results helps on the understanding of the educational needs of LEP students by providing state-level measure of their reading proficiency and their annual progress in learning to read in English.

28 General Information About TOP In response to the federal testing requirements NCLB, TEA has developed TOPs that enable teachers to logistically rate each LEP student’s English language proficiency based on classroom observations and daily interactions.

29 TOP Eligibility Requirements All LEP students in K-12, including LEP students with parental denials, are required to be assessed through TOP.

30 Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) The ITBS Form A is a battery of tests which the district uses to measure the skills and achievement of Limited English Proficient (LEP) students in 2 nd grade. It provides an in-depth assessment of students’ achievement of important educational objectives in reading,language, and math. It is administered at the end of the year.

31 Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI) and/or Tejas Lee The TPRI is an early reading instrument designed to be administered to students in K-2 nd grade. Early identification of reading skills and comprehension development provides teachers with useful information they can use to ensure that students receive targeted attention needed.

32 Language Assessment Scales (Pre-LAS and LAS) Pre-Las (for Pre-K and Kinder) and LAS (for 1 st -12 th ) are language oral proficiency tests which measure speaking and listening skills in either English or Spanish. The assessment offers reliable and practical ways to identify students for placement in and exit from the Bilingual/ESL programs.

33 We’re here to help! If you have any additional questions, please contact us: Veronica Brown – Olga Cantu – Chris Casanova – Isela Moreno – Texas Education Agency

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