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OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Assessment Update Webinar #1 August 27, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Assessment Update Webinar #1 August 27, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Assessment Update Webinar #1 August 27, 2015

2 August 27, 2015| Slide 2 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Today’s Topics  Score Release and Graduation Requirements  Reports and Reporting  Content-Related Developments  THSS  Digital Library  Science Assessment  Technology  TIDE  Customer Service

3 Score Release

4 August 27, 2015| Slide 4 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Score Release from Spring 2015  Smarter Balanced Results  Statewide by Grade and Content  Participation and Refusal Rates  Test Format (online/paper)  Science Results (grades 5 & 8 and Biology)  Graduation Exit Exam Status  Math EOC Results  ELA and Mathematics Exit Exam Threshold Scores  Class of 2015 For the complete Annual State Assessment Score Release, visit

5 August 27, 2015| Slide 5 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Consortium-wide 2014 Scores on Smarter Balanced ELA Field Test English Language Arts GradeField test Grade 338% Grade 441% Grade 544% Grade 641% Grade 738% Grade 841% HS (11)41%

6 August 27, 2015| Slide 6 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Statewide 2015 Scores on Smarter Balanced ELA Test English Language Arts GradeProficientField test Grade 353%38% Grade 456%41% Grade 559%44% Grade 655%41% Grade 759%38% Grade 859%41% HS (11)52%41%

7 August 27, 2015| Slide 7 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Consortium-wide 2014 Scores on Smarter Balanced Mathematics Field Test Mathematics GradeField test Grade 339% Grade 437% Grade 533% Grade 633% Grade 733% Grade 832% HS (11)33%

8 August 27, 2015| Slide 8 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Statewide 2015 Scores on Smarter Balanced Mathematics Tests Mathematics GradeProficientField test Grade 358%39% Grade 455%37% Grade 549%33% Grade 647%33% Grade 750%33% Grade 848%32% HS (11)29%33%

9 August 27, 2015| Slide 9 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Washington’s 2015 Proficiency Rates on Smarter Balanced Tests English Language Arts Mathematics Grade Proficiency of Tested Students Grade 3 53%58% Grade 4 56%55% Grade 5 59%49% Grade 6 55%47% Grade 7 59%50% Grade 8 59%48% HS (11) 52%29% These results do not include refusals.

10 August 27, 2015| Slide 10 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Smarter Balanced Participation Rates (95% required for AYP) ELA Participation Mathematics Participation GradePercent Grade 398.2%98.1% Grade 498.1% Grade 598.1% Grade 698.0%97.8% Grade 797.3% Grade 896.9%96.6% Grade 1097.1%NA Grade 1153.3%49.6% Grade 3-8 & 11 (AYP) 91.6%90.9%

11 August 27, 2015| Slide 11 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Impact of Refusals on Proficiency Rates English Language Arts Mathematics Grade Proficiency of Tested Students Proficiency of All Enrolled Proficiency of Tested Students Proficiency of All Enrolled Grade 3 53% 52% 58% 57% Grade 4 56% 55% 54% Grade 5 59% 58% 49% 48% Grade 6 55% 54% 47% 46% Grade 7 59% 57% 50% 48% Grade 8 59% 57% 48% 46% HS (11) 52% 26% 29% 14%

12 August 27, 2015| Slide 12 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ELA Smarter Balanced College and Career Ready Proficiency Rates ELAProficiency Rate HS – grades combined66% Grade 10 (with 97% participation)74% Grade 11 (with 53% participation)52%

13 August 27, 2015| Slide 13 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ELA Smarter Balanced College and Career Ready Proficiency Rates Proficiency Rate Grade 1074%

14 August 27, 2015| Slide 14 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Test Format for Smarter Balanced Tests ELA OnlineELA Paper Mathematics Online Mathematics Paper Grades 3-597%3%97%3% Grades 6-898%2%98%2% Grade 1074%26%NA Grade 1196%4%97%3% All Grades95%5%98%2% In 2015, districts were charged $6 per test for paper/pencil Smarter Balanced test booklets, except for grade 10 ELA. For 2015-2016, districts will be charged $6 for all Smarter Balanced booklets, including grade 10 ELA.

15 August 27, 2015| Slide 15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION MSP Science – Grades 5 and 8 (Biology EOC delayed) Percent Proficient MSP ScienceBiology EOC

16 Status on Assessment Graduation Requirements

17 August 27, 2015| Slide 17 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 2015 Proficiency Rates on New Mathematics EOC Exit Exams 2015 Percent Avg 2012, 2013, & 2014 Year 1 mathematics – Alg 1/ Int 1 57% Year 2 mathematics – Geo/Int 2 68%69%

18 August 27, 2015| Slide 18 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ELA and mathematics Exit Exam Threshold Scores Adopted by State Board Smarter Balanced Threshold Score Grade 11Grade 10 English Language Arts 2548 Level 2 61.2%80.1% Mathematics 2595 Level 2 37.8%NA ELA2299-24922493-25822583-26812682-2795 High School Score Ranges Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Mathematics2280-25422543-26272628-27172718-2862

19 August 27, 2015| Slide 19 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Progress Report for Class of 2015-12th Graders (as of August 11, 2015 CEDARS)* * High School Graduation Requirement for students in the class of 2015 is to meet standard on both an ELA and mathematics Assessment.

20 Reports and Reporting

21 August 27, 2015| Slide 21 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Reports and Reporting  Reports Due In District  Everything but EOC: Week of 7 September  EOC: Following week  No special reporting sort for this year  Report Card - Suppressed Data:   Grade 10 ELA and EOC mathematics scores  No reporting of graduation-only assessments  “Graduation Only” is not “Non-Accountability”  EOC data represents ‘pass rates’ not ‘proficiency’  New “Graduation Progress Report” tab

22 August 27, 2015| Slide 22 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Paper Reporting  Packing Specifications  Score reports will be packaged in the following sequence: school, grade, content, student  There is no option to apply a special sort to reports being delivered in September 2015. OSPI is working with AIR for enhancements in 2016.  Reports will arrive on the following schedule  Sept. 7-9: HSPE, off-grade, science MSP, and SBA  Sept. 15-16: EOC mathematics and biology

23 Content-Related Developments

24 August 27, 2015| Slide 24 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ELA Teacher Hand Scoring Materials - Update  The Teacher Hand Scoring Materials are now located under the THSS Materials tab in TIDE.  The comments, or annotations, that accompany each student response in the ELA Exemplar sets have been updated.  The Performance Task at 8 th grade has been replaced with a new Performance Task.

25 August 27, 2015| Slide 25 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Assessment Literacy Modules in the Digital Library

26 August 27, 2015| Slide 26 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Key Assessment Literacy Modules in the Digital Library  Assessment Coordinators  Understanding the Smarter Balanced Assessment System  Understanding the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments  Understanding the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments  Coaches and Classroom Teachers  Understanding the Formative Assessment Process  The Components of Effective Feedback  Clarifying Intended Learning, Eliciting Evidence, Interpreting Evidence, Acting on Evidence (4 different modules)

27 August 27, 2015| Slide 27 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION New Science Tests: Major shifts New science tests aligned to the WA State 2013 Science Learning Standards (NGSS) will:  Be administered online for all grades  Have the science and engineering practices embedded throughout  Be comprehensive for high school (Physical, Life, Earth and Space, and Engineering Design)  Assess the 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th grade standards on the grade 5 test

28 August 27, 2015| Slide 28 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION New Science Tests: Development Overview  Fall 2015: Begin development of assessment items  Spring 2016: Limited pilot test  Spring 2017: Full pilot test  Spring 2018: Operational test in grades 5, 8 and 11

29 August 27, 2015| Slide 29 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION New Science Tests: Upcoming Activities  Educator survey in mid-September: Prioritize the Performance Expectations for purposes of the summative tests  Item Writing:  Grade 5: October 12-16  Grade 8: October 19-23  Content Review:  Grade 5 and 8: December 7-10

30 Technology

31 August 27, 2015| Slide 31 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Secure Browser for 2015-16 is Available  Available on WCAP Portal at http://wa.portal.airast.org  Can be used for Practice Tests (or can use other supported browsers)  Must be used for optional Interim Assessments  Install Version 8.0 on Windows or Macintosh, will replace old browser from spring 2015 (version 7.2)  Reminder: Mac OS X 10.4.4 is no longer supported (announced earlier)  Note that Windows 10 is NOT supported at this time; MAY be supported later this year

32 TIDE: Order Module Proposed Changes for Spring 2016

33 August 27, 2015| Slide 33 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION “Track shipments” in TIDE for Spring 2016  “Track Shipments” tab will be displayed in TIDE.  Track outbound shipment materials  Tracking numbers for orders shipped from TIDE  Integration with the shipping carriers to show status of shipment  Display Packing Lists in TIDE  This is the same packing list that will be shipped along with the actual materials.  Display Shipping manifests in TIDE  Display Security Checklists (if any)

34 August 27, 2015| Slide 34 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Shipment tracking information (links to shipping sites) Shipment tracking information (links to shipping sites) Packing list: same as the one shipped with materials Return material tracking Checklists for secure materials

35 August 27, 2015| Slide 35 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Sample Packing List (PDF)


37 August 27, 2015| Slide 37 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Sample Security List (PDF)

38 August 27, 2015| Slide 38 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Proposed changes for Spring 2016  Integration of the tracking information, packing lists, security checklists and shipping manifests with individual orders.  Above information available directly on the “Order History” and “Order Details” page in TIDE.  Support for tracking return shipment of answer documents

39 Mockups of Proposed Changes

40 August 27, 2015| Slide 40 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Track shipments and Reports

41 August 27, 2015| Slide 41 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Direct access to tracking numbers

42 August 27, 2015| Slide 42 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Direct access to all documents associated with the order

43 August 27, 2015| Slide 43 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION New “Order Detail” page will have all information associated with the order

44 Customer Service

45 August 27, 2015| Slide 45 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Customer Service 2015-2016 Improvements  Response Time  Based on metrics from last year, modifications to Help Desk structure and knowledgebase will improve quality and timeliness of responses  Additional customer service representatives added  Retained staff over summer  Knowledgebase  Enhanced for faster searching of topics  Updated to be state-specific  Password Resets  Most frequently requested support (44% or all requests)  New interface will allow users to reset their own password or call dedicated agent to assist.

46 August 27, 2015| Slide 46 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GovDelivery Best way to stay informed via OSPI emails Go to website to sign up at Encourage your colleagues to do the same

47 August 27, 2015| Slide 47 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Contacts  AIR Help Desk for Technical, Network, and password issues  AIR Help Desk: 1-844-560-7366 AIR Help Desk:  OSPI Assessment Analysts for student data issues  OSPI Assessment Analysts:  OSPI Assessment Operations for assessment policy and test materials  Assessment Operations (800) 725-4311, press option  WCAP Portal   The Washington State Board of Education 


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