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Published byRandell Singleton Modified over 9 years ago
Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) New Administrator Training and Updates Prepared by Student Learning and Accountability October 2014
E XPECTED O UTCOMES At the completion of this training, Administrators will be able to: Communicate VGLA participation criteria and protocol to staff at their school Explain and train others in the procedures for collecting student evidence for VGLA Ensure that evidence collected for VGLA is permissible under VGLA scoring rules and clearly demonstrates student proficiency in the Standards of Learning (SOLs) 2
C ONTENTS 1.Overview 2.Reminders and Changes 3.Rules for Collecting Evidence 4.Hints and Clueing 5.Scoring 6.Identifying Students to Participate 7.Frequently Asked Questions
Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) Part 1. Overview
VGLA O VERVIEW VGLA is an alternative to Standards of Learning (SOL) testing for eligible students in grades 3 through 8. grade levelParticipating students demonstrate individual achievement on grade level content standards as presented in the SOL test blueprint for the content area being assessed. VGLA is available for students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) in reading only. VGLA is available for qualifying students with disabilities in science, history/social science, and writing through 2014-15.
VGLA O VERVIEW Eligible students demonstrate their knowledge of grade level SOL content through a Collection of Evidence, which may include work samples, audio or video recordings, interviews, and data charts and graphs. –Acceptable evidence does not include captioned photographs or anecdotal records. Collections of Evidence are organized into a binder prior to submitting for scoring.
VGLA O VERVIEW Student evidence is gathered throughout the school year. Collections are submitted in the Spring and then scored at the division level using established rules for scoring. After scoring, 10% of all Collections are randomly selected for audit by VDOE’s test service provider. VGLA scores are used in determining school accreditation and federal accountability status.
VGLA O VERVIEW : B INDER C OMPONENTS Contents (in order)Description Binder Spine Label and Score Sheets Binder Spine Labels and Score Sheets will be sent to schools by the Accountability Office several weeks before binders are picked up. Score sheets should be placed in front of all other documentation in the binder. Affidavit of Student Performance A signed and dated affidavit must be completed by all teachers and teacher assistants to attest work was performed by the student. Administrators also need to print and sign their names. Administrator Confirmation of Staff Training A signed and dated form must be completed by all principals to attest the VGLA Implementation Manual was read and all training materials were reviewed by teachers who prepared COEs. SOL Instruction Tracking Forms (optional but recommended) Should be checked to assure that all standards have been addressed. Student Evidence with SEI Tag Each piece of evidence must have a completed Student Evidence Identification (SEI) tag. Evidence should have only a single SEI tag attached. Evidence may be DUPLICATED if it addresses multiple standards. Evidence without a completed tag will not be scored. Special accommodations MUST be listed on the evidence.
VGLA O VERVIEW : B INDER C OMPONENTS Affidavit of Student Performance Contains language that addresses: –Evidence completed under testing conditions –Evidence completed by the student in the presence of a teacher or school personnel –Provision of accommodations documented in the IEP, 504 plan and/or LEP Student Assessment Participation Plan –Fabrication, alteration and/or modification of student work –Inappropriate assistance to students –Understanding that inappropriate administration holds the same consequences and repercussions as violations of test security for SOL assessments.
VGLA O VERVIEW : B INDER C OMPONENTS Confirmation of Staff Training Form All staff who participate in the creation of a Collection on behalf of a student should ensure the evidence they select is admissible under VGLA scoring rules. Students should not be unnecessarily disadvantaged and their scores should not be impacted because of the types of evidence they are asked to complete. Principals will certify that all staff, who participate in the creation of a Collection, have read the VGLA Implementation Manual and reviewed training materials provided by PWCS.
VGLA O VERVIEW : B INDER C OMPONENTS (O PTIONAL ) Instruction Tracking Form Optional form(s) that may be used to track the progress of a student throughout the school year toward meeting specific objectives outlined in the SOL for which he or she is responsible. Note: Evidence Organizers & Tracking Forms for English: Reading Standards of Learning (SOL) are available on the VDOE website.
12 VGLA O VERVIEW : B INDER C OMPONENTS Student Evidence Identification Tag Placed on the first page of each piece of evidence Indicates type of assessment Lists the content area being assessed Lists the SOL and any relevant bullets the evidence intends to address Indicates whether evidence for the SOL being defended is demonstrated or inferred NOTE: Evidence that does not contain a completed SEI Tag will not be scored.
VGLA OVERVIEW: Organizational Tips Organize evidence by Reporting Category and Standard. Place evidence in binder as soon as instruction is complete. Place consistent headers on instructional activities. Record special accommodations on the evidence when it is created. 13
VGLA OVERVIEW: Helpful Hints If a page contains more than one indicator or standard: –Draw attention to the part of the evidence you want scored. Highlighting, Color Coding, Circling, Write bullets in margins –Make sure all pieces are graded clearly and accurately. Letter Grade, Percentages, Check marks, Evaluative comments If a single piece of evidence maps to multiple SOLs, then copy the evidence and place the copies in the appropriate location in the binder. Each copy should contain a unique SEI tag. 14
15 VGLA O VERVIEW : S TAFF R ESPONSIBILITIES STUDENT LEARNING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (Core Content Areas, SPED, ESOL) ACCOUNTABILITY Teacher Training – Knowledge of SOLs Technical Assistance Rapid Response Teams (as needed) Interpretation of Training and Scoring Materials Scoring Teams Training Resource Development Distribution of Materials Student Test Numbers Pulling data from SMS Submitting data to VDOE Transferring Collections of Evidence Coordinate Scoring Event VGLA Administrators ALL PWCS Staff Communicating with building administrators School staff training – VGLA Implementation Rules & Instructional Support Coordinating the identification of students that qualify for VGLA Monitoring VGLA Collections of Evidence (COE) Reviewing and approving COE prior to their submission Coordinating the delivery of COE to Central Office for scoring Ensure student ability is clearly represented, and assessed fairly and accurately Maintain the integrity of the assessment process for all PWCS students
16 VGLA O VERVIEW : M ATERIALS Implementation manuals, SEI tags, worksheets, and forms are available on the VDOE web site at: Additional materials for VGLA may be found on the Testing Office page of the PWCS Intranet Portal. Manuals and SEI tags can also be sent to schools upon request. VGLA Administrators will need to work closely and communicate with STCs and principals frequently.
VGLA O VERVIEW : I MPORTANT D ATES DatesActivity March 1, 2015 Schools enter final list of student participants in SMS April 23, 2015Collections of Evidence (COEs) picked up May 1-8, 2015VGLA Scoring Mid-Summer 2015Preliminary VGLA score reports available
Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) Part 2. Reminders and Changes
REMINDERS I SSUES DURING 2013-14 S CHOOL Y EAR Sometimes evidence failed to address appropriate Depth of Knowledge Sometimes evidence was in violation of scoring rule 1 (student generated work) –Students copying answers from the board, text or notes –Hints and/or clues –Use of open-book In some cases, students were given multiple attempts to complete a work sample 19
REMINDERS Student learning is at the heart of standards-based instruction and assessment. Evidence collected should reflect the pace of the course. In other words, do not ‘pack it in’ as the year is winding down. Teachers should select pieces of evidence that specifically target and reflect SOLs in terms of a content and a process dimension. 20
Updates HB 930 effectively eliminated the following subject areas from the Virginia Assessment Program: –Grade 3 Science –Grade 3 History/Social Studies –Grade 5 Writing –US History to 1865 –US History 1865 to Present For 2014-15, only the following VGLA assessments are available for eligible students with disabilities: –Grade 5 Science –Grade 8 Science –Grade 8 Writing –Virginia Studies –Civics and Economics Beginning in 2015-16, VGLA will only be available in reading. 21
23 Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) Part 3. Rules for Collecting Evidence
24 SCORINGRULES If scoring rules are violated, the evidence cannot be considered for credit. See the VGLA Implementation Manual for more information.
25 VGLA Evidence VGLA Evidence must be completed under: the supervision of the student’s content area teacher or other school personnel, and testing conditions in which the student does not have access to materials or resources that would provide an unfair advantage (or disadvantage).
26 1.Evidence must be student generated. 2.Evidence must include a correct SEI Tag. 3.Evidence must clearly demonstrate student performance at or above the required level of the SOL being defended. 4.Evidence must clearly demonstrate the Depth of Knowledge expected of the student in accordance with the SOL test blueprint. 5.Evidence must be graded. Scoring Rules
27 The goal for teachers is to select student work that accurately reflects and communicates the student’s true proficiency. Collections of Evidence should reflect best practices for educating and assessing students. Failure to comply with scoring rules will result in the student’s evidence not being scored. It is the responsibility of the Principal and VGLA Administrator to ensure teachers understand the rules for VGLA when selecting work on behalf of their students. REMEMBER!
Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) Part 4. Hints and Clueing
29 Hints and Clueing Because the text and example provide clues to the student for completing the worksheet, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for this particular SOL.
Hints and Clueing 30 Because the reading selection clearly provides answers to the questions asked of the student, the evidence cannot be considered for credit.
31 Because the student is instructed to use the dictionary, if necessary, to complete the worksheet, the evidence cannot be considered for credit. Hints and Clueing
32 Because the graphic organizer guides the student in organizing his/her thoughts, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for this particular SOL. Note: In some cases, normally sound instructional and assessment strategies may not be appropriate, depending on the SOL being assessed.
33 Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) Part 5. Scoring
S CORING Student Evidence is scored holistically, based on overall quality. All evidence submitted for an SOL is evaluated. Evidence that does not pertain to a particular SOL being evaluated is considered extraneous. Evidence that demonstrates misunderstanding may have a negative impact on scoring. 34
S CORING R UBRIC Score PointDescriptors 0 There is no evidence of the specific Standard(s) of Learning being addressed. 1 2 3 No credit can be awarded if: No evidence is submitted for an SOL Violation of scoring rules does not permit evidence to be considered Quality of evidence is too minimal for credit Combination of these conditions 35
S CORING R UBRIC Score Point Descriptors 0 There is no evidence of the specific Standard(s) of Learning being addressed. 1 2 3 4 36 There is little evidence that the student has demonstrated the skills and knowledge stated in the Standard(s) of Learning being addressed. There is some evidence that the student has demonstrated the skills and knowledge stated in the Standard(s) of Learning being addressed. There is adequate evidence that the student has demonstrated the skills and knowledge stated in the Standard(s) of Learning being addressed. There is ample evidence that the student has demonstrated the skills and knowledge stated in the Standard(s) of Learning being addressed.
S CORING R UBRIC A DDENDUM DescriptorDetailed Explanation No Evidence A score point of “0” may be assigned if the evidence submitted does not show any level of individual achievement for the SOL being defended. Little Evidence Some Evidence 37 The course work compilation (or COE) provides a minimally sufficient demonstration of the student’s knowledge and understanding of the SOL. The evidence is incomplete and mostly inaccurate, exhibiting only a very basic level of understanding. Overall, the quality of the evidence presented is weak and does not satisfy most of the requirements of the SOL. The course work compilation (or COE) provides only a partially sufficient demonstration of the student’s knowledge and understanding of the SOL. The evidence may be incomplete or may exhibit major lapses in accuracy. Overall, the quality of the evidence presented does not satisfy many of the requirements of the SOL.
S CORING R UBRIC A DDENDUM DescriptorDetailed Explanation Adequate Evidence Ample Evidence 38 The course work compilation (or COE) provides a reasonably sufficient demonstration of the student’s knowledge and understanding of the SOL. Most of the student’s work is accurate and correct, but the performance is not consistent and may be incomplete. Overall, the quality of the evidence presented is appropriate and satisfies many of the requirements of the SOL. The course work compilation (or COE) provides a fully sufficient demonstration of the student’s knowledge and understanding of the SOL. Minor lapses in accuracy and completeness may occur, but overall the quality of the evidence presented consistently and appropriately satisfies most of the requirements of the SOL.
Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) Part 6. Identifying Students to Participate
P ARTICIPATION OF E LIGIBLE LEP S TUDENTS LEP Review Committee: Follows the process specified in LEP Students: Guidelines for Participation in VA Assessment Program Participation in VGLA is not determined by ACCESS for ELLs eligibility score alone. Dually Identified Students: VGLA remains available for qualifying students with disabilities in science, history/social science, and writing. Participation decisions are determined within the IEP Process. 40
41 Students who have an ACCESS for ELLs ® composite test score that falls within the range(s) described in the table above may be considered for VGLA in reading only. For students who do not have an ACCESS for ELLs® score, scores on the W-APT or a WIDA MODEL test may be used to identify eligibility. The LEP team or LEP Review Committee should always consider participation in the regular SOL tests, with or without accommodations, even when a student is determined eligible according to their performance on a language proficiency assessment. P ARTICIPATION OF LEP S TUDENTS See LEP Students: Guidelines for Participation in the VA Assessment Program.
P ARTICIPATION OF D UALLY -I DENTIFIED S TUDENTS VGLA R EADING IEP Processes: Students are not allowed to participate in VGLA Reading through the IEP process. That is, students with disabilities may not participate in VGLA reading unless they are dually identified as an ELL. Dually Identified Students: If the IEP Team, including the ESL-endorsed teacher/ESOL educator, recommends participation in VGLA for Reading… –The LEP Review Committee should Follow the processes outlined in LEP Students: Guidelines for Participation in the VA Assessment Program –Reference the procedures outlined in Testing Memo #884 as it relates to the use of LEP accommodations in the Collection of Evidence. 42
S PECIAL C ONSIDERATIONS FOR D UALLY - I DENTIFIED S TUDENTS Read-Aloud Accommodation Testing Memo No. 587 (October 27, 2006) provides guidance regarding the use of the read-aloud accommodation on the reading test. Please recall that students, who are identified exclusively as LEP, may not use the read aloud accommodation on the reading VGLA based on their LEP status. Use of Interpreters for Students with a Hearing Impairment Testing Memo No. 1104 (September 10, 2013) provides guidance regarding the role of the interpreter before, during, and after the evidence gathering process. The Virginia Assessment Program Interpreter’s Affidavit has been added to the 2014-2015 Implementation Manuals (VGLA - Appendix B, VAAP - Appendix D and VSEP – Appendix P). 43
44 Part 7. Frequently Asked Questions? Part 7. Frequently Asked Questions?
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS QUESTION Can materials that are below grade level be used as evidence in the VGLA Collection of Evidence (COE)? ANSWER As a grade-level alternative to the SOL assessment, VGLA requires materials to be appropriate to the grade level of the student’s enrollment. If work samples are submitted that are clearly below grade level, the evidence cannot receive a score point higher than “1.” 45
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS QUESTION Can students use accommodations during the collection of evidence for VGLA? ANSWER Yes. A student may submit evidence using accommodations as specified within the student’s current IEP, 504 Plan, or LEP Student Assessment Participation Plan. 46
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS QUESTION Is a dually identified student eligible for the same special test accommodations as students with disabilities and LEP students? ANSWER Yes. Special test accommodations for students with disabilities are available to a dually identified student based on the student’s disability as documented in the IEP/504 management plan. Special accommodations for LEP students are available to the dually identified student based on the accommodations documented in the student’s LEP Student Assessment Participation Plan. 47
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS QUESTION Can a dually identified student use the read-aloud or audio accommodation during the collection of evidence for VGLA? ANSWER Yes. Dually identified students who are eligible to participate in VGLA Reading based on their LEP status may be eligible to use the read- aloud or audio accommodation during the collection of evidence. To determine eligibility for a student, see Superintendent’s Memo, No. 235, dated October 27, 2006. rintendents_memos/2006/inf235.html 48
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS QUESTION Collecting samples of work for students submitting a VGLA takes a great deal of effort. Why do teachers have to prepare Collections of Evidence (COE) of a student’s work for this assessment? ANSWER Collecting work samples and student products is a routine part of the ongoing instructional process. Although additional work is required to complete evidence under testing conditions and to prepare the COE for submission, the VGLA provides students with disabilities and/or LEP students a method of demonstrating their knowledge of SOL content through non-traditional means. Given the broad range of methods available to students participating in VGLA, a COE is the most flexible and efficient method for examining student performance. 49
50 How do course/content teachers and specialists collaborate to support individual student growth in grade-level standards? What organizational practices are working at your school in support of individualized, alternative assessments?
P RIMARY VGLA C ONTACTS P RIMARY VGLA C ONTACTS 51 Language Arts & Professional Development ESOL Office Office of Special Education Testing Office Bridgett Brookbank, Administrative Coordinator, Elementary Language Arts, Donna Hankins, ESOL Dual Language Assessment & EL Intervention Specialist, Jessica Tra, Administrative Coordinator, Paul Parker, Supervisor, Courtney Gavin, Language Arts/Professional Development, Secondary Language Arts Eileen Lockhart, ESOL Specialist – ELs in Special Programs,
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