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Grade 8 Welcome to. Course Description This course addresses critical literacies needed by our students now and in the future. Knowing how to learn How.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 8 Welcome to. Course Description This course addresses critical literacies needed by our students now and in the future. Knowing how to learn How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 8 Welcome to

2 Course Description This course addresses critical literacies needed by our students now and in the future. Knowing how to learn How to find and use information and information technologies How to present knowledge and understanding have become as important as the learning of content. This course assists students in becoming self-aware as a learner, assessing one’s own learning style, working well in groups, applying digital learning and communication tools, communicating new learning effectively, and using information effectively and ethically.

3 Course Breakdown  Understanding Learning Styles  Organization for Class  Writing Essays  Outlining/Note taking  Managing Timelines  Memory Strategies  Oh So Much More!

4 Daily Routine  Check Agendas  Check Team Calendar for updates on quizzes and assignments  Complete Core Course Assignments  Study together/individually for upcoming assessments  Complete tests and quizzes from other classes. If extended time is needed.  Work on long term and short term goals


6  A range of 60-100 points is required to pass Study Support.  Activity Log Completed daily (+1)  Agenda filled with all subjects before entering class (+1)  Flash Cards as study materials (+2)  Study Guide (Subject Teacher) (+2)  Attending Extra Help (+1)  TeenBiz (+2)  Earned 100 on quiz/test (+1)  Parent Signature in agenda (+1 )  Reading your IRB or textbook(+1)  Organize Notebook (+1)  Updating Class Calendar (+1)  Prioritize Agenda (+1)  Attending to Task (+1)  Signed Success Slip (+2)  Independent Skill Practice from folder (+2)

7 School Wires

8 Extra help will be from 2:40pm to 3:05pm or until designated time needed Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in room 220. Please make arrangements must be made at least one day in advance, and at least three days in advance for tests and projects to ensure availability.

9 Please contact me with any questions or concerns through one of the following modalities. Email: * Email is best and quickest form of contact Phone: 201-599-7250 ext.2220

10 Thank You!

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