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ASSESSMENT & ACCOUNTABILITY Updates to Student Testing and School Accountability for the 2015-16 school year.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSESSMENT & ACCOUNTABILITY Updates to Student Testing and School Accountability for the 2015-16 school year."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSESSMENT & ACCOUNTABILITY Updates to Student Testing and School Accountability for the 2015-16 school year


3 M-STEP 2016: What’s The Same Students will be assessed in Grades 3-8 and 11 in these subject areas: GradeMathELAScienceSocial Studies Grade 3XX Grade 4XXX Grade 5XXX Grade 6XX Grade 7XXX Grade 8XXX Grade 11XX The Math Assessment will continue to include a Performance Task (are Class Activity) for all students in Grades 3-8 The ELA Assessment will include a Performance Task (are Class Activity) ONLY for students in Grades 5 and 8

4 M-STEP 2016: What’s New The MME in 11th grade will consist of 1) the SAT with Essay, 2) ACT WorkKeys, and 3) the online M-STEP Science and Social Studies. There will no longer be an M-STEP English language arts and mathematics component. This reduces state-required testing time in 11th grade by up to 8 hours! For the M-STEP in grades 3–8, Performance Task portion of the English language arts assessment will only be administered once in elementary school (grade 5) and once in middle school (grade 8). This reduces testing time by 2.5 hours in each of the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th grades! Spring 2016 Testing Schedule for Summative Assessments

5 2015-16 State Assessment Schedule Online Testing  The first 3-week window (April 11– April 29) has students in grades 5 and 8 taking the M-STEP. and 11th graders taking the MME.  The second 3-week window (April 25– May 13) has students in grades 3 and 6 taking the M-STEP.  The third 3-week window (May 9–May 27) has students in grades 4 and 7 taking the M-STEP. Paper/Pencil Testing  Designated Paper/Pencil test dates will fall within the same designated test window as the online test window for each grade level. Exact dates for Paper/Pencil administration will be provided soon, and posted on the M-STEP web page ( This is a change from last year

6 2015-16 State Assessment Schedule Download the Spring 2016 Testing Schedule

7 MI-Access continues to be Michigan's alternate assessment system Designed for students with cognitive impairments whose IEP (Individualized Educational Program) Team has determined that General Assessments, even with accommodations, are not appropriate School staff are encouraged to check out the draft Essential Elements, which are proposed to serve as Michigan’s alternate content standards in ELA and Mathematics (replacing the Extended Grade Level Content Expectations and Extended High School Content Expectations in ELA and Mathematics). Access the draft Essential Elements here

8 What were your “lessons learned” from last year’s M-STEP testing?


10 Accountability Scorecard

11 Accountability Scorecard: Public Reporting  Draft Scorecards for 2014-15 will reside within the Secure Site (anticipate November).  Users will have to be authorized and login to the site using their MEIS account.  Permissions to view the report cards will be handled in the district.  Public Scorecards will not exist for 2014-15  2015-16 Public Scorecards will reside on  Annual Education Reports (AERs) delayed requirement for posting until later this fall when M-STEP data is available.

12 Accountability Scorecard: What’s New for 2014-15 o Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) used in place of PLC for growth proficiency o Safe Harbor suspended until 2016-17 o Multi-year proficiency averages suspended until 2015-16 o Proficiency end goal of 85% by 2023-24 o ELA replaces reading and writing o Unified FAY definition o Performance Levels flipped (now 4 is high and 1 is low)

13 Accountability Scorecard: What Stayed the Same  Participation requirement = 95% for school/district overall and all valid subgroups  Multi-year averaging remains in place (up to three years)  Graduation requirement = 80% for school/district overall and all valid subgroups  Four, five, and six-year rates  Graduation “safe harbor”  Use of provisional and growth scores for accountable proficiency rates RED pts<50% ORANGE 50%<pts<60% YELLOW 60%<pts<70% LIME 70%<pts<85% GREEN 85%<pts

14 Scorecard Components  Proficiency  Participation  Graduation or Attendance  Educator Evaluations  Effectiveness Labels Completion rate  TSDL Student Inclusion rate  Compliance Factors  School Improvement Plan (SIP)  School Performance Indicator (SPR)

15 Proficiency Targets  Targets are based on 2014-15 proficiency rates: o 2014-15 target is the greater of your school’s 2014-15 proficiency rate or 15% o (85 – [2014-15 target]) / 9 = annual increment o Increments do not reset o Proficiency targets are set using top two performance levels (not Provisional or Growth Proficient) o Provisional and/or Growth Proficient will help meet targets

16 Participation Targets  Participation targets will remain the same:  For groups of 30-39 students, the target is no more than 2 non-participants (thus a single student cannot result in not meeting the target).  For groups of 40 or more students, the target is 95% participation

17 Clarity on Parent Opt-Out of State Testing:  Parents have rights to make educational choices for their children  Opt-out of participating in certain health education  There are no state or federal laws which allow for the opting-out of state assessment  Michigan schools that receive state and/or federal funding are required to test each student annually in the required content and grade levels  Opt-out is not an exemption from participation in state assessments Download the MDE Opt-Out Memo here

18 What can schools do to discourage Opt-Out?

19 Top-to-Bottom Ranking: Public Reporting  Draft Top-to-Bottom (TTB) for 2014-15 will reside within the Secure Site (anticipate November).  Users will have to be authorized and login to the site using their MEIS account.  Permissions to view Top-to-Bottom through Secure Site are handled by districts.  Limited to student-level z-scores, and rough (wide) ranges of ranks  Public TTB will not exist for 2014-15  2015-16 Public Scorecards will reside on

20 Top-to-Bottom Ranking: What is New for 2014-15?  Priority & Focus will not be named again until 2016-17  Reward will not be named again until 2015-16  Achievement Gap removed from TTB and formally made a separate ranking  Component weighting will change to 50% Achievement and 50% improvement  Content areas weighting will change to be weighted by number of FAY students assessed  Improvement will use Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) in place of Performance Level Change (PLC) and slopes  ELA replaces reading and writing  Full Academic Year (FAY) definition unified across all grades

21 Top-to-Bottom Overview  Statewide percentile ranking of most schools  Includes all state assessed content areas (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies) and weights them by the number of FAY students assessed  Uses only Full Academic Year (FAY) students  Uses two-year averaging for increased stability  Used to determine Priority and Reward labels  New Priority labels will not be given until 2016-17  New annual Reward labels given in 2015-16  Bottom 5% overall are Priority schools  Top 5% overall and top 5% improvement are Reward schools

22 Reasons for A Separate Gap Ranking  Already producing a separate gap ranking used to identify Focus Schools.  This will formalize the process and convert the composite index to a percentile rank.  Schools where nearly all students had low achievement and low improvement were sometimes not identified as Priority schools because, since nearly all students had low achievement and low improvement, their gap was small and their TTB rank was artificially inflated.  The Achievement Gap is a measure of the average gap between the school’s Bottom 30% and Top 30% of students

23 Questions and Comments:

24 For a digital copy of the presentation, use this QR Code to download the file

25 Academic Performance & Data Manager Director of Academic Achievement

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