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Our Road to Zero Young Davidson Getting to ZERO. Presentation agenda Fall From Scissor Deck  Review of incident  Action taken  Explanation of Green.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Road to Zero Young Davidson Getting to ZERO. Presentation agenda Fall From Scissor Deck  Review of incident  Action taken  Explanation of Green."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Road to Zero Young Davidson Getting to ZERO

2 Presentation agenda Fall From Scissor Deck  Review of incident  Action taken  Explanation of Green Cross  Safety as a value  PELT system

3 Incident  Date: October 16 th, 2010  Time: 12:15 am  Reported: 1:30 pm Critical Injury

4 Action Taken  The worker was in the process of installing 54” fiberglass ventilation at 10-100 east intersection drift.  The worker was standing on a McLean mine mate SL-3 scissor lift which was in the down position. (lowest possible position)  Note: The unit is equipped with a creep function.

5 Incident  The vent tubing had been installed and the worker was attempting to re-adjust a section of vent tubing by tightening a vent strap he had just installed.  He overextended his reach and fell a distance of 51 inches ( 4’3”) to the ground below.

6 Incident  The worker landed in a puddle of water and was unable to move.  He could see lights down the drift and equipment operating but was unable to establish contact.  Out of leaky feeder range and no response to light signals.


8 Incident  The worker dragged himself to the operator’s seat and managed to drive the unit a short distance to the ramp intersection.  He met another worker who called for assistance.  The emergency procedure was initiated and ambulance contacted.

9 Outcome  The worker suffered a compound fracture of the femoral head. ( Right leg)  Lost Time Injury- ( 4 1/2 months)  Modified work

10 Outcome  Loss of morale  Loss of enjoyment  Pain and suffering- physio  Adapting to modified work  Pride

11 Causes  Top plank of back railing was removed to facilitate installation of vent tubing.  Creep function not used to reposition scissor deck.  Overextended reach, lost balance and fell to ground.

12 Recommendations  Modified procedure to include requirement for tying off when the back boards or railings are removed, regardless of height.

13 Learnings  Simple job can lead to serious incident  Having a proper modified work program will expedite recovery of injured worker.  Worker’s attitude towards safety has changed.

14 2011 Cross(NG) 2011 Green Cross(NG) 123 456 789 101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 27282930313233 34353637383940 414243 444546 474849 505152 GREEN = NO INJURY YELLOW = FIRST AID ORANGE = MEDICAL AID RED = LOST TIME

15 Understanding Why  Understanding why accident prevention is important will help us remain safety conscious.

16 Safety as a value?  Safety must not only be a priority, it must also be a value.  Values do not get shifted, they do not change !  Policies,procedures and equipment alone don’t make a strong safety culture. People Do. Principles of Safety

17 The PELT System  Procedures- Have you been given the latest procedure for the job?  Engineered Drawings- Have you been given the latest approved layouts/drawings for the job?  Log Book- Has your supervisor given you written instructions for the job?  Training- Have you been trained in the task you are assigned to do?  If you answer NO to any of these questions you should discuss with your supervisor.

18 Work Smart, Work Safe

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