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Imp # 10: Colonial Control 1.Which 2 countries seem to control most of Africa? 2.What does it mean if your country is “yellow”? 3.Can you name one of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Imp # 10: Colonial Control 1.Which 2 countries seem to control most of Africa? 2.What does it mean if your country is “yellow”? 3.Can you name one of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imp # 10: Colonial Control 1.Which 2 countries seem to control most of Africa? 2.What does it mean if your country is “yellow”? 3.Can you name one of the 2 “white” countries?

2 Forms of Controlling Colonies 1.Indirect control: local, native officials would work w/Euros to control country Britain used this method

3 2.Direct control: A.Paternalism : colonists are children that must be parented – provide needs, but NO rights! B.Assimilation : absorb colony into Euro culture –Used by France –Would direct or indirect control be better for the colonial ppl?

4 Paternalism OR Assimilation? Write down a P or an A 1.A European country takes over an Asian country using its natural resources to make a lot of money. They provide the Asian workers with basic necessities such as food and shelter. 2.A European country takes over an African nation. It brings its culture, including language and religion, and forces the Africans to follow their European ways.

5 Nigeria British win over some Africans who helped them fight & take over Nigeria Nigeria is incredibly diverse (250 languages), Britain could NOT control all of it directly So, chose indirect method of control

6 Ethiopia Menelik II: Emperor of Ethiopia is one of the few to successfully fight off Euros –Italians tried to trick him into signing an agreement that would have handed over all of Ethiopia –It’s war! Ethiopians will win!

7 Colonial Impact Positive effects: – More sanitation, schools, hospitals –Technology such as the RR Negative effects: –Africans lose independence & land –Thousands will die due to disease & war –Africa was divided into countries that didn’t make sense to Africans - still problems today

8 Was imperialism good for Africa?

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