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Struggling Toward Saratoga Section 4*3 pp. 113-117.

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Presentation on theme: "Struggling Toward Saratoga Section 4*3 pp. 113-117."— Presentation transcript:

1 Struggling Toward Saratoga Section 4*3 pp. 113-117

2 Preview Questions What were the important early battles? What were the important early battles? How did the colonial economy and civilian life change during the war? How did the colonial economy and civilian life change during the war?

3 I. The War in the Middle States The British Take New York- August 1776 The British Take New York- August 1776 –British attempt to isolate New England –British outnumber and outflank Continentals –Continentals retreat across Delaware River

4 I. The War in the Middle States The Battle of Trenton- December 1776 The Battle of Trenton- December 1776Trenton –Washington crosses Delaware –Continentals surprise Hessians –Victory boosts Continentals’ morale

5 I. The War in the Middle States The Fight for Philadelphia – Spring 1777 The Fight for Philadelphia – Spring 1777 –Gen. Howe seizes American capital –Continentals fail to recapture it

6 I. The War in the Middle States Turning Point: Saratoga October 1777 Turning Point: Saratoga October 1777Saratoga –British lead troops from Canada to New York –Victory for Continentals  British change strategy  Americans prove they can match British  French offer recognition, troops, and supplies

7 I. The War in the Middle States Winter at Valley Forge 1777-1778 Winter at Valley Forge 1777-1778 –Continentals’ winter camp –Low on supplies and warm shelter –2,500 die during winter

8 II. Colonial Life During the Revolution Financing the War: Financing the War: –Inflation: Rising prices, lower value of money –Profiteering: Selling scare goods for profit Civilians at War: Civilians at War: –Women have chance to take on new roles on new roles –American slaves escape to North

9 Let’s Review… What were the important early battles? What were the important early battles? How did the colonial economy and civilian life change during the war? How did the colonial economy and civilian life change during the war?

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