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7th Grade Assessment Review Chapters 1-4 PeopleTerms More Terms Geography The Colonies Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400.

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2 7th Grade Assessment Review Chapters 1-4 PeopleTerms More Terms Geography The Colonies Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from People He founded Maryland for Catholics who wanted to worship freely.

4 $100 Answer from People Who was Lord Baltimore?

5 $200 Question from People He founded a colony in the Americas so Quakers could worship freely.

6 $200 Answer from People Who was William Penn?

7 $300 Question from People He founded the colony of Georgia as a haven for debtors

8 $300 Answer from People Who was James Oglethorpe?

9 $400 Question from People He left Massachusetts Bay colony and founded Rhode Island. He believed in separation of church and state and religious toleration.

10 $400 Answer from People Who was Roger Williams?

11 $500 Question from People A person who agreed to work without wages for a period of time in exchange for passage to the colonies.

12 $500 Answer from People What is an indentured servant?

13 $100 Question from Terms first hand information about people or events. Ex. Journal entries, diaries, photographs, etc.

14 $100 Answer from Terms What is a primary source?

15 $200 Question from Terms A trade good brought into a country

16 $200 Answer from Terms What is an import?

17 $300 Question from Terms Entire way of life of a people

18 $300 Answer from Terms What is culture?

19 $400 Question from Terms The five themes of Geography

20 $400 Answer from Terms What are location, place, interaction, movement, and region ?

21 $500 Question from Terms Series of English laws that regulated trade between England and its colonies. They strengthened England and made them richer.

22 $500 Answer from Terms What are the Navigation Acts?

23 $100 Question from More Terms The First Native Americans crossed this to reach North America

24 $100 Answer from More Terms What is a land bridge between present day Russia and Alaska?

25 $200 Question from More Terms The highest class in New Spain, the held the highest positions in government and church in the Spanish colonies.

26 $200 Answer from More Terms What Were Peninsulares?

27 $300 Question from More Terms Spanish word for conqueror

28 $300 Answer from More Terms What is conquistador?

29 $400 Question from More Terms Surplus food sold for money on the world market

30 $400 Answer from More Terms What is a cash crop?

31 $500 Question from More Terms A written framework for governing the Plymouth Colony

32 $500 Answer from More Terms What is the Mayflower Compact?

33 $100 Question from Geography This is the longest and most important river system in the U.S.

34 $100 Answer from Geography What is the Mississippi and Missouri?

35 $200 Question from Geography Encounter between people of eastern and western hemispheres sparked a global exchange of goods

36 $200 Answer from Geography What was the Columbian Exchange?

37 $300 Question from Geography

38 $300 Answer from Geography What are natural harbors?

39 $400 Question from Geography

40 $400 Answer from Geography What were the New England colonies?

41 $500 Question from Geography Its chief products were molasses, rum, and slaves.

42 $500 Answer from Geography What was the Triangular Trade?

43 $100 Question from the colonies Why did most colonial farmers settle near oceans or coastal waterways? (1) Fewer Native American Indians lived there. (2) Local governments paid farmers to do so. (3) There were fewer problems with removal of trees and rocks. (4) Transportation of products was easier.

44 $100 Answer from the Colonies transportation of products was easier

45 $200 Question from the Colonies The belief that colonies exist to benefit the economy of the mother country is known as (1) triangular trade (2) mercantilism (3) free trade (4) nativism

46 $200 Answer from the Colonies What is Mercantilism?

47 $300 Question from the Colonies

48 $300 Answer from the Colonies What is the Albany Plan of Union?

49 $400 Question from the Colonies What was the major reason the original settlers of Plymouth Colony, Maryland, and Pennsylvania came to America? (1) to secure freedom from religious persecution (2) to search for gold and silver (3) to convert Native American Indians to Christianity (4) to bring spices to the New World

50 $400 Answer from the Colonies To secure freedom from religious persecution

51 $500 Question from the Colonies The creation of the Virginia House of Burgesses was an important step in the development of democracy in colonial America because it (1) adopted a bill of rights for women (2) allowed citizens to vote directly on proposed laws (3) provided the first written constitution (4) established a representative form of government

52 $500 Answer from the Colonies established a representative form of government

53 Final Jeopardy What is society’s first economic task?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer To fill society’s basic needs providing food, clothing, and shelter.

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