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Remember: Believing either the Early or Late Date does not change the outcome – Victory in Christ Christ prevailing over Satan is the singular message.

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2 Remember: Believing either the Early or Late Date does not change the outcome – Victory in Christ Christ prevailing over Satan is the singular message Early Date During or shortly after the persecution by Nero and before the destruction of Jerusalem (70 AD). Late Date During or shortly after the persecution of Domitian (95-96 AD)

3 Nero Ruled from 54-68 AD His persecution of Christians was contained to Rome Domitian Ruled from 81-96 AD Lord and God became his regular title in speech and writing His persecution of Christians was the 1 st widespread to many Roman provinces NERODOMITIAN

4 Internal – Difference in Style of Greek (Revelation vs other books by John) 7 churches of Asia – earthquake had destroyed a some of the churches; but Laodicea had been rebuilt – totaling 7 churches Benefit to Christians in Asia – if written in 66/67 AD before Vespasian came through with his armies Message to the church at Philadelphia (Rev 3:7ff) warned by Christ that an "hour of temptation" was imminent and "about to come upon all the world [the Roman empire]" and that they should hold fast and remain faithful as he [Christ] was coming soon External – John the Apostle - martyred prior to destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 (Papius) Earliest writing dating the Apocalypse in the time of Nero is a heading found in the Syriac Version 508 AD (not part of earlier versions) Expositors theories related to Rev 17:8-11 – the one who is Nero, Vespasian, Rome

5 Internal- Tense use in Rev 1:9 – I, John, …was on the island that is called Patmos… Rev 1:4 – Churches of Asia were being prepared for the persecution beyond Jerusalem and Rome. Rev 3:17 – Laodiceas recovery to a wealthy group from the 61 AD earthquake without Roman aid would have been remarkable. Sardis has also experienced this devastation in 17 AD; took Romes bailout; and still took 9 years to recover. Prophecy Consistent with last 6 chapters of Daniel ; External – Early historians (near first century) point to Johns exile taking place during the reign of Domitian no definitive evidence of Neros involvement with Johns exile

6 One – singular; no other Two – doubling of one; strength; redoubling courage and energy; Two witnesses confirm the truth of God Three – the symbol of the divine (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) Four – reference made to the world wherein man lives; corners of the earth: north, south, east, and west Seven – perfect divine number; that which is whole; adding three (divine) to four (world) Six – represents falling short of perfection (seven); came to mean doom; Three and ½ - seven divide in half; symbolizes incompleteness or broken; terms with similar meaning – time, times, and a half (1+2+1/2) 11:9-11; 12:14, forty-two months 11:2 and 13:5 ;

7 Ten – another term for completeness (Rev 2:10) One Thousand – symbolizes fully complete measure of time (10 x 10 x 10; completeness 3 ) 20:6 Twelve – represented Gods people (twelve patriarch; tribes; apostles) 12:1, also 21:12, 14, 21 144,000 – completeness times the number representing Gods people (10 x 10 x 10 =1000 and 12 x 12=144; or 1000 x 144 = 144,000). See 7:4 and 14:1, 3

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