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The role of librarians in supporting the activities of a research university: UML’s experience Nor Edzan Che Nasir Library University of Malaya.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of librarians in supporting the activities of a research university: UML’s experience Nor Edzan Che Nasir Library University of Malaya."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of librarians in supporting the activities of a research university: UML’s experience Nor Edzan Che Nasir Library University of Malaya

2 INTRODUCTION The main goals of research universities as defined by MOHE (2004) to be a leader in innovation, to set up and enhance centres of excellence in prioritised areas of the nation, to produce world class research outputs, to generate high impact research publications, to attract graduate students of high standards and to provide a conducive environment for research.

3 INTRODUCTION Research university (RU) - public universities recognised by the Cabinet on 11 October 2006 to be the hub of excellence for education and research penyelidikan. RMK 9 – October 2006 – 4 RUs– UM, UKM, UPM, USM additional 100million RM for each university for research, development and commercialisation activities Audit 2007-2009 - 4 aspects Human capital Publications Patent and intellectual property rights Income generation 2010 – UTM 2020 – 6 RUs


5 CIRI-CIRI & MATLAMAT PENUBUHAN Ciri-ciri RU Bidang pengajian berfokuskan penyelidikan Kemasukan kompetitif Pensyarah berkualiti Nisbah siswazah dan pascasiswazah 50:50 Matlamat penubuhan Meningkatkan aktiviti Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan dan Pengkomersilan (R&D&C) Meningkatkan pengambilan pelajar Pasca Siswazah dan Pasca Doktoral Meningkatkan bilangan pensyarah yang mempunyai Ph.D Mewujud dan memperkukuhkan lagi Pusat Kecemerlangan Mempertingkatkan pengambilan pelajar asing dan meningkatkan kedudukan atau ranking IPT di peringkat antarabangsa

6 ROLE OF UML Need to change accordingly in line with the characteristics of RU Focus on research UG to PG ration of 50:50 Need to change accordingly in line KPI % of fulfilled titles from reading list % of increase in access to Interaktif Portal Change in Organisation structure Collection Services Staff

7 ESTABLISH NEW DIVISIONS & STRENGTHEN EXISTING ONES – enhance research, quality academics Academic Services Division Keep track of UM’s publications in ISI-WOS & Scopus Verification of CVs of new academic staff & staff for promotion Conducts courses about ISI-WOS & Scopus Conducts courses on journal publishing Liase & arrange for courses on ISI-WOS & SCOPUS and those related to article publishing

8 Information Skills Division Manages & runs the compulsory GXEX1401 : Information Skills Course to all 1 st year undergraduates Conducts lectures on research methodology (RM) at all faculties since RM is a compulsory course for all postgraduate Conducts Information Skills sessions to postgraduates Organises roadshows to all faculties Participates in undergraduate & postgraduate orientation programmes via exhibitions/booths

9 Other Divisions Centralise functions except for branch libraries Close down special libraries Deployment of staff Merit-based promotion Removal of problematic non-specialised staff to central pool New contractual posts – Finance Officer, Project Officers

10 COLLECTION – enhance research & increase access Provision of 24 x 7 access to the collection from inside & outside campus acquisition of electronic resources EZProxy Provision of sources not available in collection Networking with other Malaysian libraries through MOLEC Improve DDS & ILL services UG & PG suggest topics Research-based sources SRMO Research methodology Sources in niche areas

11 SERVICES – enhance research & increase access Develop web-based information sources Website ISI WOS PendetaWebPAC Interaktif Portal E-books E-journals Databases Trial db Subscribed db Open access db Personalisation MyLibrary UM in the News Digital@UM Microfiches@UM Eprints Repository UM Memory Facebook

12 Collaborate with developers/academics Dspace@UM MyManuskrip MyAIS UDL DDS & ILL Students involved in acquisition Workshops/Talks/Demonstrations

13 PROFESSIONAL STAFF Information literate Possess the necessary soft skills Able to write in Malay & English Able to stand & deliver Minimal entry qualification – MLIS Preferably with a subject-based first degree Preferably with a first degree in CS/IT Encouraged to pursue PhD

14 HOW DO WE SUPPORT UM’S RU STATUS Responsible for tracking publications in ISI-WOS & Scopus (impact factor, cumulative impact factor, citations & cumulative citations) & reports directly to the VC – provides data for all audit reports (for ranking purposes) and recruitment & promotional exercises for academics (quality academics) Builds a collection which fulfills the teaching, learning & research needs of UM – requirement for SETARA, RU, MQA (self-accreditation) & other related ranking exercises Source funds for acquisition of print & electronic resources (MOHE, RU Fund, HIR Fund) – UG & PG & academics have access to a large reservoir of sources & resources to fulfill their research needs Conducts classes on information skills – UG & PG & academics become information literate & can locate information independently for their research as well as increase access to collection

15 Provides a myriad of information sources - UG & PG & academics have access to a large reservoir of sources & resources to fulfill their research needs Efficient professional staff who must be on par if not above the users we serve – able to assist/advise UG & PG & academics in their documentary research in all subject areas Develop web-based applications or partner with developers – to showcase UM’s research globally Write in journals & present at conferences - to showcase ourselves & UM globally which is vital for ranking

16 Keep in touch with our users via social media – users are randomly selected for accreditation audits & they need to be in-the-know of our activities Educates and expose UG, PG, academics & researchers to relevant information which will help them to publish in the right journals and increase the impact of their publications

17 References Malaysia. Ministry of Higher Education. (2004). Establishment of research university in Malaysia. Concept paper prepared by Ad Hoc Committee on Establishment of Research University in Malaysia, pp. 27. (Unpublished) University of Malaya. Library. The University of Malaya.


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