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Genetics and Prenatal Development 2. Genetic Basics Building Blocks of Life  Chromosomes  DNA  Genes  Genomes L.O. 2.1.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics and Prenatal Development 2. Genetic Basics Building Blocks of Life  Chromosomes  DNA  Genes  Genomes L.O. 2.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics and Prenatal Development 2

2 Genetic Basics Building Blocks of Life  Chromosomes  DNA  Genes  Genomes L.O. 2.1

3 Genetic Basics Expression of Traits  Genotype-The totality of an individual’s genes  Phenotype-Actual Characteristics  This is what is seen or observed and can include a wide range of things L.O. 2.1

4 Genetic Basics Expression of Traits  Dominant Genes-Expressed characteristics  Recessive Genes-Not expressed, although it is a part of the genotype (genetic background)  Allele-Alternate form of a gene  Dominant-Recessive Inheritance L.O. 2.1

5 Genetic Basics Expression of Traits  Incomplete Dominance  Phenotype influenced primarily but not exclusively by the dominant gene  Polygenic Inheritance  Interaction of multiple genes L.O. 2.1

6 Genetic Basics The Sex Chromosomes  The 23 rd chromosomes pair determine male or female  Males more vulnerable to X- linked recessive disorders L.O. 2.2

7 Genetic Basics Genes and Environment  Behavior Genetics  Estimating influence of genes and environment on development  Utilize twins to understand importance of genetics and tease out environment effects L.O. 2.3

8 Genetic Basics Genes and Environment  Heritability  An estimate of the extent to which genes are responsible for differences among persons within a specific population  Concordance Rates  Percentage that indicates degree of similarity in phenotype among pairs of family members L.O. 2.3

9 The Human Experience Conception and Prenatal Development

10 The Beginning of Life Conception  For conception to occur there must be a released ovum and a sperm.  Ovulation releases the ovum, and if sperm available, fertilization can occur. L.O. 2.7

11 The Germinal Period First 2 Weeks of Life  During the travel from the fallopian tube to the uterus cell division is taking place  Blastocyst  Trophoblast  Embryonic disk L.O. 2.8

12 The Embryonic Period Week 3-Week 8  Key Developments  Embryonic Layers  Ectoderm  Mesoderm  Endoderm L.O. 2.9

13 The Embryonic Period Week 3-Week 8  Key organs and structures are forming including  Heartbeat  Eyes, nose and mouth  Bone development  Arm and leg buds  Digestive system L.O. 2.9

14 The Fetal Period Week 9-Birth  The longest period of prenatal development  Heartbeat can be heard  Movement can be felt  Responds to sounds  Main impediment to viability is lung development L.O. 2.10

15 Prenatal Care Traditional Cultures and Beliefs  Prenatal beliefs are impacted by generational wisdom of the time  These beliefs can include  Avoiding wine  Specific types of meat  Certain types of hot, cold food  Witches  Strong foods L.O. 2.11

16 Prenatal Care Science Driven Prenatal Care  Some current science-driven prenatal methods are derived from traditional cultures which includes massages  Current care can vary by ethnicity and SES  Developing world less likely to receive prenatal care  Current focus on diet, exercise, and teratogens L.O. 2.11

17 Prenatal Care Diet  Two key vitamins are iodine and iron  Iodine deficiency tends to be a bigger issue in developing countries  Iron is necessary for a healthy pregnancy L.O. 2.12

18 Prenatal Care Exercise  Continued physical activity is encouraged during pregnancy  Aerobic exercise encourages good cardiovascular health and positively benefits the fetus  A Non-aerobic exercise called Kegel exercises are also encouraged L.O. 2.12

19 Prenatal Care Teratogens  Teratogens are environmental and bodily conditions that could be harmful  They can include tobacco, alcohol, prescription medications and other drugs  The physical environment could also be a teratogen due to malnutrition or exposure to hazardous chemicals L.O. 2.14

20 Safety sign. Source:

21 Pregnancy Problems

22 Chromosomal Disorders  Chromosomal disorders can occur because of an issue during meiosis  This may cause too many or too few chromosomes in the cells of the zygote  Two types of chromosomal disorders are:  Sex chromosome disorders  Disorder on the 21 st chromosome (Down Syndrome) L.O. 2.13

23 Sex Chromosome Disorders  Sex chromosomal disorder can result from extra X, an extra Y, or only an X and no second chromosome  Common consequences of sex chromosome disorders include:  Cognitive Deficit  Abnormality in reproductive system at puberty L.O. 2.13

24 Down Syndrome Trisomy 21  Identifiable by physical characteristics  Cognitive Deficits  Speech problems  Mental retardation  Social development varies  Lower life expectancy L.O. 2.13

25 Parental Age and Chromosomal Disorder  Chromosomal disorders tend to NOT be passed from parent to child  Relationship between maternal age and chromosomal disorders  There may be a relationship between a father’s age and chromosomal disorders but it isn’t as clear L.O. 2.13

26 Teratogens Timing of Teratogens  Teratogens can impact the developing fetus and embryo at any time  There does appear to be a critical period of prenatal development centered in the embryonic period L.O. 2.14

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