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1 April 2015 TailoredPost CrossFit Social Media Marketing Program.

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Presentation on theme: "1 April 2015 TailoredPost CrossFit Social Media Marketing Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 April 2015 TailoredPost CrossFit Social Media Marketing Program

2 2 1.Review April Content Plan 2.Training 3.Q&A

3 3 1.POD – Post of the day 2.Smart phone management tool 3.Tailored Post training site 4.Monthly coaching calls 5.One-on-One coaching

4 4 Monthly Reoccurring Athlete

5 5 Post Breakdown(72 total) 30 Facebook Posts 30 Tweets 12 LinkedIn Updates Funnel Breakdown 61% Awareness 25% Evaluation 14% Decision

6 6 Leveraging Pointburst: Make the platform work for you!

7 7 1.Content Plan 2.Training: Good, Better, Best: how to leverage your Tailored Post subscription

8 “Produce remarkable, professional content that connects with your buyers wherever they are in the decision making process.” 1.Team of content marketers and designers that create a unique strategy for each month. 2.At least 5 people are involved in the creation of each month’s content. 8

9 9

10 10 Benefits: You’ll have a presence where your target audience is. Search engines use a social signal as a ranking factor. We do the work, not you! Focus on your core business, training and creating beasts!

11 11 Over time however, this isn’t optimal… Notice no likes, no shares, no engagement. This is better than having no social presence…. however there is a better approach…..

12 12 Benefits: You are building community. You are facilitating conversation with your followers, demonstrating your expertise and passion! You are adding value and receiving it back: Ultimately more referrals and clients!

13 13 This is an optimal, sustainable strategy. Will “cost” you 15 minutes per day to engage Follow the best practices from the Tailored Posts website: Facebook 101 Twitter 101

14 14 You’ll see more of this!

15 15 Benefits: You’ll achieve your desired outcomes faster: More clients Higher rankings in the search engine results pages. You are maximizing your investment in your Tailored Posts subscription 20-30 minutes, 5 days a week is all that’s required

16 16 How ? Take control of your Pointburst account

17 17 “Localize” our posts when it makes sense Add the name of your town, schools, or neighborhood into the posts The search engines like this- ties your business to an area Your users like this as well- it’s more relevant

18 18 Example: ”TBT In some ways things haven’t changed too much in the last 50 years.” Insert the name of one of your famously fit older athletes from your box. Ask a follow up question on what he did before Crossfit?

19 Add your own posts Curate news about health and fitness in your area Health food stores Your box Beasts Local competitions Fire breathers, etc. 19

20 20 Herald the success of both your Box and your athletes Celebrate their achievements on social media!

21 Take advantage of Google My Business 21

22 Refer to January’s Coaching Call on Google My Business Lesson on the Tailored Post website as well Request or even incentivize your happy customers to leave reviews on G+ Higher click thru rate w/reviews 22

23 23 1.Questions?? 2.Let us know if you need help 3.Don’t forget to schedule a 30 minute free marketing consultation with us!

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