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Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo Computacenter Direct Line / Green Flag Knowledge by Experience.

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1 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo Computacenter Direct Line / Green Flag Knowledge by Experience

2 Copyright by Calleo Research (1) “Cost savings from asset management can be up to 26% of the total IT budget, with 10-13% being very realistic” Giga Information Group “Through 2004, enterprises that focus asset management efforts on collectively implementing people, process and technology improvements will experience annual per seat savings of 20 percent to 40 percent.” “Through 2004, enterprises that focus asset management efforts on collectively implementing people, process and technology improvements will experience annual per seat savings of 20 percent to 40 percent.” GartnerGroup “Through 2003, enterprises that fail to integrate software contract & inventory data to manage their software assets will over-buy on 60% of their portfolio…” “Through 2003, enterprises that fail to integrate software contract & inventory data to manage their software assets will over-buy on 60% of their portfolio…” GartnerGroup

3 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo Research (2) “Every organisation can realise cost savings of between 5 and 35% through the implementation of focused software asset management practices” “Every organisation can realise cost savings of between 5 and 35% through the implementation of focused software asset management practices” GartnerGroup “Simplified licence administration can mean as much as 66% savings on inventory and reclamation costs.” “Simplified licence administration can mean as much as 66% savings on inventory and reclamation costs.” GartnerGroup “Even though most enterprises will have implemented the basics of tracking and co-ordinating changes by 2004, less than 35% will successfully implement the type of proactive change management required to lower TCO” “Even though most enterprises will have implemented the basics of tracking and co-ordinating changes by 2004, less than 35% will successfully implement the type of proactive change management required to lower TCO” GartnerGroup

4 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo IT Asset Management Terminology vConfiguration Management vCMDB / CIs vChange Management vHardware & Software Audit ; Baselining vInventory Management / Asset Tracking vLicence Compliance / Reconciliation vVLA’s / true up vLifecycle Management

5 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo IT Asset Management ‘That which is not known cannot be managed’ Anon Objective ; To capture, manage and use the following information from the IT estate* and use the knowledge proactively to reduce cost and risk….  What?  Where?  How much?  Who?  How effective? *volume assets focused for greatest ROI

6 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo ITIL Focus vConfiguration Management / CMDB vChange Management vRelease Management vFinancial / Cost Management vSLA Management vService Desk vProblem Management vIncident Management vApplication Management vSecurity vCRM vCapacity vAvailability vContinuity

7 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo Strategic Objectives v Cost Reduction FProcurement (negotiation, contracts) FDeployment (software) FManagement (information, service, infrastructure) FOperational effectiveness (projects, buying) v Risk Reduction FCost risks (unexpected overruns, EA true up, fines etc) FProject budget and timescale risks FLegal risks (personal, reputational) v Management Information & Control FIntegrated MI ; finance, IT ops and procurement FFinancial optimisation / cash flow FCost allocation / SLA monitoring FEfficiency and trend assessment FReporting

8 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo Areas of Benefit - Examples vUnder and over licensing vLease / maintenance contract overruns vAsset re-use vMaintenance of standard builds vOperational / process efficiency vSupport overheads & effectiveness vProject planning and execution vUnexpected EA true up costs vNegotiations ; VLA, lease, maintenance vSupplier management ; outsourcing, quality etc vIntegrated MI – finance, IT ops, purchasing

9 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo Tactical Track vIT Asset Management Workshop ‘Develop management vision of ITAM business benefit potential’ vIT Asset Management Maturity Evaluation ‘Assess current ITAM capabilities and highlight organisation specific opportunities’ v IT Asset Auditing ‘Provide a snapshot of the current IT software and hardware estate’ v IT Asset Tracking Automation ‘Select, provide and implement software to dynamically track IT assets’ v Licence Reconciliation ‘Compare software owned to software in use to reduce licence costs & risks’

10 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo Strategic Track v Lifecycle Infrastructure Management ‘Lifecycle management of IT assets using a central repository and customised workflow across finance, procurement and IT operations functions’ v Process Analysis & Re-engineering ‘Optimising processes in IT finance, procurement and operations to reduce cost’ Cost & SLA Management ‘Establishing the means to credibly charge discrete areas of the business for IT services and set end-user expectations of deliverables’ v IT Asset Procurement & Standards ‘Reducing purchase transaction costs, optimising contracts and increasing volume purchase efficiencies through automation, product standards, integration of supply chain and leveraged management information’

11 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo Technology Seduction…. Organisations will always naturally focus on technology as a solution....and 72% of Tivoli is ‘shelf-ware’ according to the vendors own research! However, “6 out of 10 enterprise systems management projects fail to meet customers minimum expectations” - GartnerGroup

12 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo ITAM Technology Examples vInventory Management / Asset Tracking FPeregrine IDD FCentennial Discovery FTally TSCensus vRepository & Workflow FPeregrine AssetCenter FMainControl MC/Empower (SMTS) FPSSoft Qualiparc

13 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo Inventory Management vTBA……

14 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo Volume IT Asset Lifecycle Requisition > Procurement > Deployment > Management & Maintenance > Retirement > Problem Management / Helpdesk Asset Repository / Inventory Management SLA Management Moves, adds and change tracking e-Procurement Systems Management (e.g SMS) E Software Distribution Return on Investment tracking Licence Management 5%10% 15% 50% 20%

15 Knowledge by Experience Copyright by Calleo Lifecycle Management

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