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COMP3001 Technology Management & Professional Issues: Project Management Agile and Iterative Planning Lecture 7 Graham Collins, UCL

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1 COMP3001 Technology Management & Professional Issues: Project Management Agile and Iterative Planning Lecture 7 Graham Collins, UCL

2 Predictable projects  Possible to complete specifications then build  Near start can estimate effort and cost  Possible to define schedule and order activities  Adaptation to unpredictable change not ‘normal’

3 Innovative projects  Cannot create upfront unchanging and detailed specification  Only as empirical data emerges is it possible to plan and estimate  Adaptive steps driven by build-feedback cycles are required  Creative adaptation the norm.

4 Plan Driven Approaches  Plan driven methods are considered the traditional way to develop software  Methods encourage a waterfall style approach  Requirements/design/build/test paradigm  Well defined processes that organisations continuously improve

5 Characteristics  Well defined work products  Verification and validation  Although iterative and incremental processes (evolutionary) processes have gained momentum, still a high documentation and traceability mandates across requirements, design and code

6 Plan-driven Concepts  Process improvement  Process capability  Organizational Maturity  Process group  Risk management  Verification and validation  Software systems architecture

7 Document generation rather than software development ‘Planning can cause problems. If too strictly applied, plans and processes can impede innovation or lead to mechanical check list mentality, where the object of the endeavor becomes so focused on the process that the product (often along with the customer) is afforded secondary status. Barry Boehm & Richard Turner (2004), Balancing Agility and Discipline: A guide for the perplexed, Addison-Wesley ISBN 0-321-18612-5

8 eXtreme programming (XP)  Planning game  Small frequent releases  System metaphors  Simple design  Testing  Frequent refactoring  Pair programming  Team code ownership  Continuous integration  Sustainable pace  Whole team together  Coding standards

9 Pair Programming StudyEffortScheduleDefect rate SatisfactionLength (hrs) Williams+15%-43%-60%High>10 Ciolkowski+9%-46%High14

10 Scrum  Self directed and self-organizing teams  No external addition of workload to an iteration  Daily stand-up meetings  30 day iterations  Client driven iterations with demo at end of each to client

11 Unified Process  Development in short timeboxed iterations  Develop high-risk high value first  Use case driven  Architecture centric  Accommodate changes early  Work together as a team Inception: Agreement on scope Elaboration: Vision, requirements and architecture stabilized, build and test risky core several iterations Construction: Build and test the rest, largest set of iterations Transition: System deployed, beta testing, release evaluation, training

12 Method Comparison methodConcept Dev. Require ments DesignDevelop ment Mainten ance Scrum ASD Lean Dev Crystal XP RUP OPEN

13 Adaptive Planning R1 R2 Milestone 1 1st May R1…R10 complete R5 R7 Milestone 2 1st July R11…R20 complete Iterations

14 Planning  Team members estimate their time budget each iteration  Volunteering  Visible project plans  Iteration Goals: risks, coverage, criticality, (examples demo of product, skills development)

15 Ranking lists RequestType Process Sale- pay by credit scenario Log-in window not closing defect Handle returnsUse case

16 Tracking Iteration Progress  Frequent  Wall list for small projects  XP task cards held by the volunteer  Asking team members to self-record their remaining task effort. Better XP practice of a ‘daily tracker’.  Test driven development

17 Risk Management RiskProbabilityImpact Insufficient number of skilled OO developers H H Demo not ready for OOP conference Munich M H Then develop a management plan on wall, ie risk, actions, owner, status

18 Further reading Kent Beck (2000), Extreme Programming explained:embrace change, Addison- Wesley ISBN 0-201-61641-6 Jim Highsmith (2002) Agile Software development Ecosystems, Addison-Wesley ISBN 0-201-76043-6 Paul Allen (2002), Realizing e-Business with Components, Addison-Wesley ISBN0-201-67520-X Walker Royce (1998), Software Project Management: A Unified Framework, Addison-Wesley ISBN 0-201-30958-0 Ian Graham et al (1997),The OPEN Process Specification, Addison-Wesley ISBN0-201-33133-0 Murray Cantor (2002) Software Leadership: A Guide to Successful Software Development,Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-70044-1 Philippe Kruchten (2000) The Rational Unified Process an Introduction, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley new edition being published Ian Graham (1998), Requirements Engineering and Rapid Development: An object-Oriented Approach, Addison-Wesley ISBN 0-201-36047-0

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