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Our Purpose Science Across the World helps young people join the ever expanding and dynamic global learning community a platform for communication and.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Purpose Science Across the World helps young people join the ever expanding and dynamic global learning community a platform for communication and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Purpose Science Across the World helps young people join the ever expanding and dynamic global learning community a platform for communication and shared learning between different cultures important social scientific and environmental science issues Unique resources: Keeping Healthy, Eating and drinking, Domestic waste Introduction to issues, teachers notes, students pages, support data, Exchange at least 6 languages Students collect data, facts and opinions locally/nationally and exchange globally from our comprehensive schools database

2 Programme Description Partners - ASE and GSK 2500+ schools 6500+ teachers 120000+ students, aged 8 to 12, 12 to 16 years 138 countries......... using our materials at any time, and sending 400 Exchange Forms per month via internet

3 How do I get involved? Register as a SAW member for 6 month trial Students work on topic Students complete the Exchange Form Select schools globally from database Send and receive Exchange Forms, and complimentary materials Discuss your global findings, using egs. from Exchange Form Library Sign up for life for 30!


5 Why teachers like to use SAW contacts student interest and motivation development of study/core skills, incl. ICT usefulness of the topic/issue language learning value source of different pedagogic skills

6 Activities using ICT searching for schools through the SAW database completing and sending Exchange Forms via email creating school web sites related to the Exchange Form creating and using spreadsheets word processing researching using SAW data and hotlinks publishing students work on the net

7 How will your students benefit? By being involved in the wider aspects of science By making links with other countries By using foreign languages and ICT By extending science into cross curricular activities, including citizenship and sustainable development education By improving their understanding of others and their own culture

8 Instructions to sign up to SAW

9 Instructions to sign up to SAW – Join now!

10 School Links Etwinning Global Gateway Educanet Citizenship

11 Publishing students work Making the News Smilebox ISSUU Science Across exchange forms Quikmaps Bubblr Classtools Create a scape (Futurelab) Your school website

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