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Presentation on theme: " st/22407002898/only- my-teen-years."— Presentation transcript:

1 http://whispsofinvisi st/22407002898/only- my-teen-years

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8 TEACHERS It’s on the School TEACHERS drive SHANKLS In the SHANKLS folder AGENDAS In the AGENDAS folder Today’s is called Agenda3 082212


10 CLASS  Period 24  Period 34  Period 45  Period 6-5  Period 70 POINTS EARNED

11  How To Get Agendas  Procedures: Twirly Chairs  Hall Passes  Room Tour   Drills: Fire , Lock Down , Shelter in Place   Logins: System   Email  Supplies: pencil, planner, positive, USB Stick   Sites to Know: mine and Mann’s   Baseline typing speed 


13 Your Network Drive+Online Cloud Storage OR Your Network Drive + Your Memory Stick OR Your Network Drive +Your Digital Device (phone, iPod, etc.) OR Your Network Drive+Email it to Yourself

14 Cloud storage means different things depending on how it’s used. The most common use is a ‘public cloud’, which is basically storage capacity that is typically accessed via the internet, and purchased on an as-needed basis. Users can buy more storage almost without limit, by contacting the cloud provider. The cloud provider is called a HOSTING company. Hosting companies operate large data centers, and people who want their data to be hosted buy or rent storage space from them. The hosting company’s data centers are physical buildings with multiple servers (large computers) inside. The centers are usually spread across several geographic center CLOUD STORAGE IS CLOSELY RELATED TO CLOUD COMPUTING BUT THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING.

15 Cloud Storage Cloud Computing Rot.____Names_________________________________________________________ Agenda2 8th Cloud Venn You need at least 3 items per section, which is minimum 9 total. PLEASE GET ALL NAMES ON AND PRINT IN BLACK AND WHITE.

16 d June 2012: “In this video we'll have a look at the options you have to get your files into the cloud for free. This video give an overview of the cloud storage providers of 2012 and will help you choose the right one for your needs.” Want More Info?

17 m/wp- content/uploads/2012/05/clou dstorage-comparison-chart.jpg For Your Info


19 D11 Email address instructsec\Network Username e.g. instructsec\AUGUSJB0368 Network Password (example = kK2#kT3# )


21 http://boi ngboing.n et/2012/0 8/15/foldi ng- electric- car-inches- to.html

22 MIT’s Tiny Foldable Electric Car Will Retail For $16,000 The Hiriko Fold is a compact vehicle expected to go on sale in 2013. via PSFK: costs-16000-dollars.html#ixzz245mPyiR8 costs-16000-dollars.html#ixzz245mPyiR8

23 gum-commercial-parodies-apple/

24 rchives/2012/03/20 12-evolo-skys.php

25 Just for Fun: http://www.zoo orns/2012/08/ba by-armadillo-the- size-of-a-tennis- ball.html

26 Did you turn in your first real typing test yet? Practice at least once, then test once at http://www.typingtest. com/ http://www.typingtest. com/ 8th Grade: Take 3 Minute Tests 7th Grade: Take 2 Minute Tests 6th Grade: 1 Minute Tests Practice at least once and take at least one real test for which you record your score at in the Google form you After you have completed the typing test, if there is still time left, you may stay on my website: Notice especially the links on the “My Classroom” page. You may try some of keyboarding links.

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