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FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Markus Heller, SAP Research Karlsruhe, Germany Thomas Michael Bohnert, SAP Research Zurich, Switzerland Project Lead FI_WARE: Telefonica. Jose Jimenez, Juanjo Hierro, Telefonica, Espain , EUROVIEW 2011, Würzburg, Germany
Agenda Context and Vision FI-WARE Architecture
Structure of Activities and Work Plan FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Context: Future Internet Research
Source: European Commission FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
… In collaboration to Usage Areas
FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Our objective An open architecture A working software implementation
for service creation and delivery related to different service areas FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Our Vision: Turn the Internet into a global Business Platform for Service Economies
Suppliers Wholesalers Manufacturer Retailers Governments Consumers Holistic Approach Open Architecture - Einstances with extensions for various usage areas Future Internet Core Platform Provisioning – Hosting – Brokering – Consumption App/Services ecosystem and delivery framework Cloud Hosting Interface to Networks Internet of Things FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
FI-WARE: Some figures and data
Main Data Holistic Approach and Industry and Academia together: 26 partners (Lead: Telefonica) 5 Universities 4248 Person Months (excl. open calls) Total Funding 41 M€ Open calls 12,3 M€ Total budget 66,4 M€ Three years duration Create a solid basis for the Internet of the Future FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Core Platform Instances, Generic Enablers and Use Case Trials
Future Internet Applications run on top of “FI Core Platform Instances” built upon selection and assembly of “Platform Products”. These products implement “Generic Enablers” of the “FI Core Platform” Our benefit: GE-Components are harmonized across different usage areas Use Case trials will consist of application scenarios running on top of FI Core Platform Instances, involving real users Use Case Trial FI Core Platform GE GE FI Core Platform Instance GE GE GE GE GE assemble… Platform Products FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
What is a FI-WARE Generic Enabler (GE)?
A FI-WARE Generic Enabler (GE) is a functional building block of FI- WARE Any implementation of a Generic Enabler (GE) is made up of a set of components which together supports a concrete set of Functions and provides a concrete set of APIs and interoperable interfaces that are in compliance with open specifications published for that GE There might be multiple compliant implementations of a given GE Each Architecture Chapter (linked to WP3 until WP9) in FI-WARE will lead to definition of a set of GEs FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
FI Core Platform Architecture: main chapters
Operations Trust and Security Functionality Developer tools Service delivery Cloud Hosting Internet of Things Support Services Interface to the Network and devices FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Multi channel multi service access Registry and repository
Service delivery Objective: Provision, Composition and delivery of services Application and service ecosystem and delivery framework Multi channel multi service access Composition and mash-up Business Framework The Application and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework in FI-WARE comprises a set of generic enablers (i.e. reusable and commonly shared functional building blocks serving a multiplicity of usage areas across various sectors) for creation, composition, delivery, monetisation, and usage of applications and services on the Future Internet. It supports the necessary lifecycle management of services and applications from a technical and business perspective, the latter including business aspects such as the management of the terms and conditions associated to the offering, accounting, billing and SLAs, a key objective for the business framework that FI-WARE will deliver. composition and mash-up tools that will empower users, from developers to domain experts to citizens without programming skills, to create and share in a crowd-sourcing environment new added value applications and services adapted to their real needs, based on those available from the provided registry/repository. A set of multi-channel/multi-device adaptation enablers are also contributed to allow publication and delivery of the applications through different and configurable channels, including those social web networks which may be more popular at the moment, and their access from any sort of (mobile) device. Registry and repository FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
PaaS SaaS IaaS Cloud Hosting
Objective: Handle the provison of computation, networks and software resources Cloud hosting PaaS Enablement Edge/cloud proxy mgt. Network PaaS Advanced management SaaS Basic management Cloud hosting Generic Enablers in FI-WARE will handle the efficient and effective provision of the computation, storage and network resources, They Enable application providers to host their applications on a cloud computing infrastructure so that: ICT resources are elastically assigned as demand evolves, meeting SLAs and business requirements They only pay for actual use or ICT resources Advanced virtualization technologies that extend the capabilities of current hypervisors and provide a holistic view of virtualized resources tools for managing a large centralised virtualised infrastructure, i.e., provisioning, monitoring, efficient resource allocation, etc. tools for managing a highly distributed network of edge devices, such as remote control and monitoring. Advanced management tools for elastic allocation of resources on demand, based on concepts such as end-to-end SLA management, QoE, capacity planning and management, etc. Tools to address the specific hosting needs of PaaS users, such as composition tools and execution containers IaaS Virtualization FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
IoT process automation
Internet of Things Objective: Interaction with “things”, searchable and accessible IoT process automation IoT resource management IoT Data handling This set of enablers will allow to make value of real-world interaction by making “things” available, searchable, accessible and, ultimately, usable by FI applications. So that set of enablers consist of Tools, middleware and standards that will support communication to any type of device, including gateways, which can play a concentration point and/or wrap access to “things”. This includes Relevant communication technologies which could be integrated in sensors, actuators, personal mobile devices or gateways. Components implementing a common management layer which provides global and uniform management and identification of IoT resources. Components enabling distributed analysis, filtering, processing and distribution of large amounts of data produced by resources in highly distributed IoT networks, coping with the fact that resources linked to “things” will not be always connected. - Tools that enable process automation and application integration in the highly-distributed environment of the IoT IoT Communications FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Data and context management
Objective: Transform the data into information Data and context management Context management High level intelligent Services Event management Analysis infrastructure This set of enablers will help the creation of innovative and competitive services that build upon personalisation, context, meta/data management and massive data storage. The aim of such services is to exploit and increase the value of the huge amount of information exposed through the Internet turning the Data into information Consists of A component for massive data/context gathering and data storage. Specific plug-ins will be supported in order to adapt the data/context collection to the different needs of other FI-WARE modules, for example IoT, and the applications and services built on top of it. Components for semantic analysis of data, context and events capable of processing the incoming streams in near real-time, adding annotations and links to the content, indexing or transforming the formats to improve the delivery process. -Specific components providing high level Intelligent Services based on advanced models for analysis, prediction, reasoning and event management. The information extracted or inferred through these components will be exposed to application and, possibly, filtered even further through a recommender system. It also includes A framework of components to exploit the unstructured information collected from a users' activity, as well as, information coming from social networks and personal interactions - A core data and context broker to be used both internally within FI-WARE and by the external development community. It will provide access to the gathering and filtering capabilities and expose its functionalities through an API Data Storage and core services FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Interface to the network and devices
Objective: Open and standardized interfaces to network and devices I2ND Context management Interface to connected devices Interface to Network services Interface to open networking entities This element provides of a set of open and standardised Interfaces to the Network and to the Devices, each virtualising a particular network infrastructure or device features, and addressing a distinct intelligent connectivity need So we should include Connected devices dealing with: - Interfaces to device features (e.g. network status, location systems, phone features, profile information, status information and remote management of devices) - Interfaces to device services (including OS/middleware, and advanced services such as context frameworks) Cloud proxies (i.e. Home Hubs/gateways) concerning: Interfaces to local cloud features (e.g. local storage data, remote management of devices, objects belonging to Internet of Things, local content data, QoS and security management) Interfaces to manage intelligent connectivity among cloud proxies (e.g. APIs for service access, QoS and security building blocks) Open networking - Interfaces to interact with network nodes (e.g. flow processing, routing, addressing, and resource management) - nterfaces to support network virtualisation Network services - Interfaces to manage intelligent interconnection among different Network Service Providers by corresponding inter-domain interfaces (e.g. end-to-end QoS through domain borders) - Legal interfaces (e.g. interfaces to manage legal interception information) - Interfaces to network features and services (e.g. auditing data-sets used for billing and charging, context information, content information and statistics). Interfaces wrapping access to network enablers that would be published to application programmers (materializing and further developing efforts in initiatives such as JIL, BONDI, GSMA oneAPI) Interfaces required for development of Platform components: Interfaces to control QoS and Network Resources allocation Gateway communication middleware and hosting interfaces Data Storage and core services Interface to Cloud proxies FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Security privacy and Trust
Objective: Develop a security ecosystem, comprising core and generic enablers Security privacy and trust Context based and compliance Generic Security Enablers Optional security services Aims at developing and providing a security ecosystem which comprises a set of core as well as optional generic enablers for creation, delivery, and usage of security solutions and services for the Future Internet. One goal is to demonstrate that the vision of a trustworthy Internet that is secure by design is attainable, based on a number of core (basic) security functionalities requested by Use Case projects (this from both a technological but also a standardization perspective). An advanced security monitoring system that covers the whole spectrum from acquisition of events up to display, going through analysis but also going beyond thanks to a digital forensic tool and assisted decision support in case of cyber attacks. Core Generic Enabler components that will provide baseline identity and access management as well as privacy and trust will be built in all FI-WARE instances. Optional Generic Security Services supporting description and provisioning of such services and their instantiation to address current and future requests from Usage Areas. Related to the fact that there are two types of enablers , there is also a module that allows the Dynamic invocation and composition of security services to answer related security needs while dealing with constraints which may apply (e.g. regulatory). So it should Provide the framework for selection and deployment of reconfigurable solutions and finally,Specification of monitoring aspects of the solution (this would include the engine, the brokering service, repository/inventory, amongst others); Data Storage and core services Security monitoring FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Development tools, testing and exploitation
Objective: Support the community of developers DevComE Testing and deployment API IDE support concerns all the activities related to the implementation of the FI-WARE Development Environment (DevComE) To implement an environment which will support both the Community of the developers that work on GEs and the Community of developers that build Future Internet Applications on top of specific FI-WARE instances. To complement this environment with a set of tools that to manage the development lifecycle for their applications. Such set of tools will include suites for testing applications (IDE: Integrated develpement Environments) To complement this environment with a specific methodology (methods, tools, user manuals, guidelines, etc.) required by the different communities to develop and co-operate using DevComE. ----- Forge implantation FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Testing and exploitation
Objective: Integrated testing and validation Objective: Exploitation and standardization Testing Exploitation Support to Usage cases Standards Integration Exploitation Strategy Internal testbed Market analysis FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Our time schedule First year Second year Third year
June/September 2011: High level Architecture Desc. January 2012: First open call issued May 2012: Reference implementation Second year June 2012: Open call closes September 2012: First FI-WARE testbed January 2013: Second open call issued May 2013: First Reference implementation Third year June 2013: Open call closes September 2013: second FI-WARE testbed January 2014: Reference implementation May 2014: Fi-Ware final release Project-internal „FI-WARE testbed“ (2nd version in 3rd year) Deployment of FI-WARE instances on different capacities (testbeds, ...) Support Action „INFINITY“: Ealuation of technical infrastructures FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Main milestones in FI-WARE
Project-internal „FI-WARE testbed“ (2nd version in 3rd year) Deployment of FI-WARE instances on different capacities (testbeds, ...) Support Action „INFINITY“: Ealuation of technical infrastructures FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Management of Open Calls
Reserved 12M Euro of project budget for distribution among new partners New partners will be selected through Open Calls to allow for responding to emerging user requires not identified at the start of the project (e.g., due to new usage areas, new technologies, new economic conditions) Specific budget parts will be reserved for SMEs and Research Centers Selection of new partners will be done according to the procedure issued by the European Commission January 2012: First Open Call European Commission 23 October 2009v1a Guidance note for project coordinators planning a competitive call for additional beneficiaries in an ICT Integrated Project or Network of excellence FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
FI-WARE Summary Working together to make it possible:
New services for everybody Smart applications Innovative business models Providing the Technology Foundation Standard interfaces. Open to other actors (SMEs) Scalable and demand oriented (cloud) Create a solid basis for the Internet of the Future FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
APPENDIX FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
Elements & Functions of FI Core Platform
The FI Core Platform comprises a set of technological “Generic Enablers” which are considered general purpose and common to several current and future “usage areas” Generic Enablers (therefore, the FI Core Platform) will provide open (and royalty free) interfaces for development of Applications 8 USAGE AREAS Usage area projects under the PPP Cloud Hosting App/Service Delivery Support Services Interface to IoT Interface to Network Security, Trust Dev Tools FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
How this collaboration is going to proceed?
Agile SW development Component Backlog Define, Merge, Extrapolate, Prioritize, … Using a common backlog for WPL and Usage area projects FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
WP9 Security , WP10 CP Instantiation and Operational Support
WP Structure WP1 Management WP2 Global Technical Activities WP3 Apps/Services Ecosystem and Delivery WP4 Cloud Hosting WP5 IoT WP6 Support Services WP7 Interface to the Network WP8 Dev Comm and Tools WP9 Security , WP10 CP Instantiation and Operational Support WP11 Experimentation and Validation WP12 Dissemination and Exploitation FI-WARE Technology Foundation: The FI-PPP Core Platform
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