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Dr. Jijun Luo Director of WEU Solutions Management, Huawei

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1 Dr. Jijun Luo Director of WEU Solutions Management, Huawei
Building an Industry 4.0 Ecosystem Dr. Jijun Luo Director of WEU Solutions Management, Huawei Option 2:Collaborating and Innovating with Partners to enable new industrial transformation

2 (Internet of Things & Service)
Connection is extended from things to Production Processes 100 billion things connected in 2025 8 billion mobile connections in 2014 Internet of Things ICT infrastructure +20%  GDP up 1%。 47 million new sensor connected per day In 2015, 622 billion Dollars investment in CPS The trading volume of e-commerce in 2015 Will be billion Dollars Industry 4.0 (Internet of Things & Service) 每增加20%的ICT投入将撬动GDP增长1% 每天会有4700万个sensory增加到物联网系统。物理世界数字化速度相当快 在2015年,全世界,会在CPS上投入6220亿美元。 未来十年内,传感器价格会是现在的一半 硬件已经不是阻碍智能网络进程的主要因素。 The increasing availability of always-on connectivity and real-time services made possible through affordable ubiquitous broadband is transforming the way we live. Passive input from post processing of data is shifting to proactive and predictive data analytics designed to complement, or even digitally drive our physical lives. What impacts the way we experience each and every day is moving outside of traditional spheres of influence and into new and exciting realms of inspiration. The future will deliver expected as well as unexpected innovation that will tightly integrate digital information and services with our lives, impacting not only individuals, but also businesses, governments, societies, and countries. 物理世界的数字化,实现了手上现有商品功能定制化的扩展,随着网络的进一步发展,客户的需求将慢慢演变为,工厂直接实现客户愿望。 世界更进一步,数字化,智能化,从普通的商业,到基础建设应用(车联,交通,火车联网),到细节的物联网应用,逐渐贯穿到生产。 Source: Data from <<Huawei Global Connectivity Index 2015 Whitepaper>>

3 Horizontal Industry 4.0 throughout products lifecycle
IoT World Smart Factory Car To X Smart Production (self optimizing, Self maintenance…) Digital Production Smart Life VM Virtual Manufacturing Smart City Engineering Autonomous components Design Modeling Commissioning Self-configuration Smart Traffic Market Satisfied Customers Commerce Platform Smart Service Market Dynamic Requirements (customized) Smart Maintenance Market Dynamic Requirements (customized) Integration of product design an production engineering based on a common digital Platform, for a shorter time to market. Modular, flexible production units with complete and consistent virtual image Full Lifecycle Services 工业4.0指的是一个全联接的系统,从研发,生产,销售,服务 全流程打通。 首先,从客户和市场过来的定制化数据,直接进入数字工厂。数字工厂是通过强大的PLM软件系统,按照客户定制的要求,进行新产品模型的设计,产品各组件的设计,加工顺序设计,组装流程设计,并进行模拟验证。 然后将这些模拟数据传输到真实的智能生产车间,直接进行生产加工。整个过程非常短,真正实现了快速的市场反应。 譬如,客户向要定制一辆红色敞篷,18寸大轮毂的小跑车,采用某种方形车灯,多大功率的发动机,那么虚拟工厂会自动在要求的汽车平台 然而这一切都还没有结束,产品进入市场后,通过自身开放的联接系统,将与各种IoT系统紧密结合。 物联网,车联网,各种市场(如音乐),维修系统,智能交通,智能医疗,车车互联。 如,出厂的车,一出厂就纳入车联网,和智能交通系统。客户不仅可以通过汽车的智能模块,和通讯平台,与外界亲密交流。车本身也把自己的运行状态,健康程度实时反馈到制造商手里,便于厂家对市场进行动态分析,汽车质量提高。 一切数据都将在云端直接进行处理智能分析,分析的结构,将会再次反馈到生产的设计环节。 形成一个闭环。 Horizontal connection with vertical Business Fusion of virtual and real world in Production Process

4 Vertical Industry 4.0 in Smart Factory
Workflow Machine Robot Sensor Automation & Controller Industrial Network Enterprise Network SCADA IT infrastructure CRM Supplier Customer Smart Grid Other IoT Eco partner ERP PLM MES Application Layer Financial system Logistics control system Production management system Energy consumption analysis system …… Cloud robot Cloud controller IoT sensor, executing terminal Sensing and Execution Layer Text in here Equipment & Sensor Supplier Software Supplier Industrial cloud platform IoT gateway Network switch device Cloud Platform, Transmission Layer IoT World Ecosystem Lite OS Agile Network IoT Gateway Multi- protocol Support …… Virtual Factory Mobile Control Active O&M Huawei Industry Customers Partners Cloud Storage ERP PLM MES Controller Sensors eSDK Network Wireless Smart Management (virtual manufacturing) Smart Production 左边 讲智能工厂的垂直架构。 灰色部分:生产车间,都有。。。。 蓝色部分,下面的是,工厂车间work flow的通讯环境,主要由现场总线,工业以太网组成。 而上面浅蓝部分,指的是企业网络。主要有TCp IP协议下的局域网,连接各种数据中心,和服务器。 橘红色部分为控制部分。这里包括了自动化控制,数据采集,生产管理MES,产品设计PLM,资源调配管理ERP等,当然还包括非常多其它关系到生产和企业经营的应用,如CRM,Customer Relationship Management 最上面的紫色,则代表IoT世界中各种智能系统。 如Energy,智能电网。电网的动态价格信息,实时与工厂的生产计划匹配,高电费主要进行低耗电工序,低电费时则多安排高能耗机器投入生产。节省大量电费能源。 还有智能维护。工厂里的机器手,由生产商远程控制,工厂生产无需对机器手的维修,和损坏担心。机器手在远程监控下,供应商已经对机器手大量传感数据进行分析,制定维护计划,并发送至工厂mes的生产计划中。 在不影响生产的情况下,完成维护,尽可能保证不会因为机器手故障而停机。 当然,整个工厂的硬件架构也在改变。如各种IT层的软件,逐渐转移到云端工作。分布式数据中心贱贱替代企业内部存储。 为了安全,企业网分的更细,如私人网,工作网,财务网等。而敏捷控制器,可以使各个网络之间快速的连接。 智能网关的使用,企业办公网络与work flow层的通讯业也将更加紧密。 Workflow 层,大量智能传感器的使用,加上各种开源的操作系统和无线连接,很多设备,甚至传感器,可以直接和云端数据库相连。 中间 华为主要就是为各个环节的连接建立管道。 Huawei IoT Gateway: Huawei IoT gateway provides various northbound interfaces for integration, enabling new Business Models. Multi-protocol Support: Huawei supports variousprotocols, including RF, RS485, ETH, ZigBee, PLC, and Wi-Fi , which facilitates the sensor access Huawei LiteOS: Zero-license-risk and standard APIs are oriented to IoT smart terminals, and provide convenient terminal development methods and reliable development environment. Flexible Networking: Huawei offers fixed and mobile networking solutions, expanding the scope of application scenarios. Virtualized, flexible, dynamic, efficient, scalable, automated, open. 右边,讲从软件端,到work flow端,华为可以和谁合作。 Nur zur Info: CAX: CAX是CAD、CAM、CAE、CAPP、CIM、CIMS、CAS、CAT、CAI等各项技术之综合叫法,因为所有缩写都是以CA开头,X表示所有。 CAX实际上是把多元化的计算机辅助技术集成起来复合和协调地进行工作,除了在产品设计时,设计部门工作外,其他各部门也可以提前介入无需等待上一道作业完成后,才开始下一道作业,缩短了开发时间;同时,在产品设计早期,能很好地考虑到产品生命周期的各种因素,提前发现设计上的错误和误差,及时进行修正以及可以在设计过程中,按照市场的需求,不断提出可比较的多种设计方案,从而获最得优化的设计成果和效益 CAD 计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Design CAE 计算机辅助工程 Computer Aided Engineering CAM 计算机辅助制造 Computer Aided Manufacture CAPP 计算机辅助工艺计划 Computer Aided Process Planning PDM 产品数据管理 Product Data Management PDM 制造过程数据文档管理系统 ,能够有效组织企业生产工艺过程卡片、零件蓝图、三维数模、刀具清单、质量文件和数控程序等生产作业文档,实现车间无纸化生产。 CRM 客户关系管理 Customer Relationship Management 利用相应的信息技术以及互联网技术来协调企业与顾客间在销售、营销和服务上的交互,[1] 从而提升其管理方式,向客户提供创新式的个性化的客户交互和服务的过程。其最终目标是吸引新客户、保留老客户以及将已有客户转为忠实客户,增加市场份额。 MES Manufacturing Execution System 执行与制造系统 PLM Product Lifecycle Management 产品周期管理系统

5 The Obstacles and Challenges of Industry 4.0
1. Open Mindset 2. Standardization 3. Intellectual Property Rights 4. Security 5. Level of Automation But Industry 4.0 will not happen overnight. Throughout transformation process focus will be on: 1. "Production + Service"  work together with IoT parties to create a full range of new digital services 2. “IoT Productivity"  New use cases enable a better connected world and improve the production efficiency Challenges: 工业4.0也有许多障碍,如 1. Open mind set: 保守的思维对开放联接的接受程度不一。 2. 标准障碍: 多设备的接口,网络,数据格式等标准不统一,互联互通困难,成本高: 3. 数据产权: 多系统协同实现数据共享,存在数据产权的问题,设施法律范畴 4. 安全挑战 信息保护,内部网络接入互联网等 5. Level of Automation: 自动化设备的智能升级和相关领域技术的发展,真正实现“机机对话,自组织,自治系统”,传统设备和领域的技术突破(如3D打印机,超智能机器人,新材料技术等),这是最难的地方,没有物理设备的敏捷,无法实现敏捷生产。 所以我们认为,工业4.0的完全实现,是一个漫长的过程。 但是目前IoT产业正在迅速发展,所以目前工业4.0主要聚焦 产品的数字化服务,使用IoT技术优化工厂生产并提高工作效率。 Rapidly growing IoT Market

6 Mission of Huawei in Industry 4.0 is to enable Partners
eLTE / LTE-M / 5G IoT Router Cloud Data Center Operation 1 Platform 2 Accesses 1 Interface LiteOS IoT Platform Device Management SD-DC2: Service Driven Distributed Cloud Data Center Big Data Analysis Agile Controller Huawei“1+2+1” IoT Solution Communication Module (M2M Module) Chip Set Smart Device 讲华为的1+2+1战略

7 FusionCloud Omni Solution - Open ROADS to Cloud
OpenStack Cascading Free cloud interconnection Private Cloud Security Policy Secure User Controlled VPN Consistent security policy across clouds Public Cloud Agile Private Cloud Public Agile Network E2E SLA, Free Application Migration Contract Management Big Data Market Analytics Scheduling CloudEngine Data Center + Storage Management ROADS : Real time + On demand + All online + DIY + Social CNPC : China National Petroleum Corporation 中石油 前三个图我还没找到最好的方式来讲。主要是安全,还在找材料,明天填上去。 最后一个图,可以按下面的话讲,主要强调,亚洲最大的私有云,连接37000多个服务器。证明我们云的稳定,高效,敏捷。 Agile Network accelerates new service deployments and significantly improves operational efficiency. By using the HUAWEI CloudEngine data center switches, CNPC built the largest non-blocking data center network in the industry (in Asia). The CloudEngine datacenter connects Servers.

8 Three-axis acceleration
Smart IoT Gateway Load cell Fuel temperature Oil Velocity Temperature Pressure Three-axis acceleration Three-axis magnetic Gyroscope Angle Vibration Gas Micro strain Corrosion GPS Analytics Big Data IoT Gateway 120 30 before Mean Malfunction Time in Minutes/Month now LTE Smart IoT Gateway RS485 ProfiBus CAN ModBus RF ZigBee Android OS Data Process App + Enabling Predictive Maintenance Multi-Protocol Unified Access Smart DATA Processing Platform 左边 本身:智能网关可以进行灵活的编程,基于安卓系统 下行,兼容各种协议的通讯标准,适用于家庭,工厂,等多个场景 移动功能强大,具备一定分析和存储功能,可扮演小型数据平台功能 中间 华为SAP合作,使能移动设备的预防性维护。 右边, 中联重科案例,你很熟了,重点不要忘了 数据分实时,非实时,我们的智能网关有可以进行分析,及时通过运营商4G网络上传实时信息,海量的非实时数据存储在网关内部,到有wifi覆盖的环境再上传。并可对数据进行初步分析,上传结果。

9 eLTE Based Wireless Smart Plant
DBS3900 Remote equipment fault diagnosis AP logistics Monitoring of Environment and energy Yard and Warehouse monitoring Equipment spot-check and inventory location monitoring Staff positioning Mobile office Office Network Campus network Headquarters Production area eCNS600 Broad Coverage High Bandwidth One network architecture and support for various services Low Latency (network selected depending on site requirements) Sensor & application eLTE + AR+DC Remote Inspection Improve HSE Level and Efficiency Frequrent exposure in Hazard Area Automatic Data Collection only 74% Automatic data collection 95% Exposure Time % Intelligent Refinery Solution: Partner with PCITC PCITC 石化盈科 Petro-CyberWorks Information Technology Co. ,Ltd 石化盈科信息技术有限责任公司是中国领先的管理咨询、信息技术及外包服务商。凭借中国石化和电讯盈科两大母公司的资源,丰富的行业经验、国际化与本土化的广泛能力,已经构建起完整的IT服务价值链,服务涉及咨询规划、信息工程监理、IT基础设施系统集成、解决方案设计与实施、应用软件开发设计和IT系统运维外包等领域,为客户提供全面整合的信息技术服务。 Broad coverage: LTE provides macro coverage and Wi-Fi covers heavy-traffic areas. This solution achieves seamless coverage within 20 square km, facilitating mobile production and working. High bandwidth: When the bandwidth is 20 MHz, the peak rate is 50 Mbit/s in the uplink and 100 Mbit/s in the downlink. The bandwidths in the uplink and downlink can be adjusted. In high-speed scenarios, the throughput is greater than 60 Mbit/s. One network architecture and support for various services: The solution adopts an all-IP network architecture and can be used for production and working. Low delay: The data transmission delay is less than 10 ms and the signaling transmission delay is less than 100 ms.

10 LTE-M ISM Spectrum Smart Metering 10 90% Labor cost reduction
Power Consumption Indoor coverage Connections LTE-M TxRx<150mw, Idle<35uW,Battery Life10+Y) 100m~1Km 10k+ Short-Range TxRx 100mw, Idle 10uW) 10m~100m 254/Subnet Private Tech TxRx 150mw, Idle 50uW) 10k/cell Smart Metering 90% Labor cost reduction Low Power (10+ years battery) Low cost & complexity Large Coverage Massive Connections Reliable meterring Left side 传感器实现了物理世界的数字化,而LTE M在真正意义上,使能传感器的通讯,因为 - 超低功耗,超长待机 - 低价位,便于铺设 - 超大面积的覆盖 超大数量的连接 Middle side 应用场景,智能抄表 Right side 网络为LTE M模块,中间是敏捷网络和网关 左边是分部在工厂,家庭,企业中的智能抄表业务 右边是大数据分析。 10

11 Collaborative Innovation Embrace Open Source and Mobilize Developers for Millions of Applications
Fundamental Innovation IoT: LTE-M All-optical Networks Full field communication Software: TelcoOS, NetworkOS, CloudOS Chip: ultra wide band /5G chip, multi-core … Next Generation DC: NVM, Flat Network Allied Innovation Regulator, Industry Organization, Standard Organization Vendors, Telco Operators SI, ISV, Customers ECOSYSTEM-based Innovation open platform open source organizations industry ecosystem 照念好了。

12 A core requirement for Industrie 4
A core requirement for Industrie 4.0 is to provide guaranteed latency, reliability, quality of service and universally available bandwidth. - Recommendations for implementing the strategic initiative INDUSTRIE 4.0

13 Jinjiu Smart Factory Benefit
Alcohol superior grade low Power and coal consumer high (179/T power and 0.84/T coal) Traditional Technique IoT New Technique Alcohol superior grade % Power consumer ↓ 17.4% Coal consumer ↓ 44% AR531 + MicroDC + USG Huge of sensors data reporting Optimize brewing procedure Sensor + Robot Sensors Network Cloud Platform Applications Temperature Valve control Enterprise Network IP WMS ERP PLM MES Tracking Energy Mgmt CRM Cloud DC Energy Data GPS Data Big Data Platform Production Data Tank Vehicle Scanner Devices AR RF/WiFi Energy Monitoring Meter Switch Motion Zigbee/RS485 Humidity Alcohol Zigbee Logistics Tracking Production Plant Management Control Center eLTE Ethernet 1 3 2 Material, alcohol Temperature, alcohol, humidity Switch, meter Valve on/off Register &Authorization Policy&QoS Application Adapter Portal API Terminal Management Data Management IoT Connection management platform Backup Slide ? Jinjiu Smart Factory Benefit

14 The Trends of Industrial ICT Development
Massive IoT Support Cloud Wireless Big Data The Trends of Industrial ICT Development Source: HMS Industrial Networks ICT in Workflow Field bus Industrial Ethernet 15% 9% 71% 29% Growth rates Market share 2014 Internet ~ Industrial Ethernet HSE、Modbus TCP/IP、ProfINet、Ethernet/IP Enterprise IT is evolving from supporting system to production system (Quelle: HMS Industrial Networks) 一、应用广泛 以太网是应用最广泛的计算机网络技术,几乎所有的编程语言如Visual C++、Java、VisualBasic等都支持以太网的应用开发。 二、通信速率高 10、100 Mb/s的快速以太网已开始广泛应用,1Gb/s以太网技术也逐渐成熟,而传统的现场总线最高速率只有12Mb/s(如西门子Profibus-DP)。显然,以太网的速率要比传统现场总线要快的多,完全可以满足工业控制网络不断增长的带宽要求。 三、资源共享能力强 随着Internet/ Intranet的发展,以太网已渗透到各个角落,网络上的用户已解除了资源地理位置上的束缚,在联入互联网的任何一台计算机上就能浏览工业控制现场的数据,实现“控管一体化”,这是其他任何一种现场总线都无法比拟的。 四、可持续发展潜力大 以太网的引入将为控制系统的后续发展提供可能性,用户在技术升级方面无需独自的研究投入,对于这一点,任何现有的现场总线技术都是无法比拟的。同时,机器人技术、智能技术的发展都要求通信网络具有更高的带宽和性能,通信协议有更高的灵活性,这些要求以太网都能很好地满足。 Big Data: Analyze experience Data to optimized Product’s quality and efficiency. Cloud: Operation the Software on Cloud instead of conventional Server. Wireless: Using Wireless Connection in Plant, to retaliate mobile and flexible Production. IoT:

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