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JOINING UP GOVERNMENTS EUROPEAN COMMISSION D2.1.2 Aligning future work on ADMS.SW and OpenApps ISA Action 1.1 - Semantic Methodologies - SEMIC 3 16 October.

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Presentation on theme: "JOINING UP GOVERNMENTS EUROPEAN COMMISSION D2.1.2 Aligning future work on ADMS.SW and OpenApps ISA Action 1.1 - Semantic Methodologies - SEMIC 3 16 October."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOINING UP GOVERNMENTS EUROPEAN COMMISSION D2.1.2 Aligning future work on ADMS.SW and OpenApps ISA Action 1.1 - Semantic Methodologies - SEMIC 3 16 October 2012

2 Agenda and objectives AGENDA 1.Overview of the ADMS.SW initiative: vision, analysis of existing forges, vocabulary, implementations (30') 2.Introduction of the Basque Open Assets initiative: vision, decree, specification, implementations(30') 3.Aligning future plans: discussion (60') 4.Aligning the vocabularies: discussion (60') OBJECTIVES Identify solutions to federate software description metadata of the Basque public sector on Joinup To align both initiatives: what is the story? To share and reuse knowledge 2

3 1 Vision A need for sharing and reusing software deliverable-vision-enhanced-software-description-metadata- schema-and-software-

4 The Digital Agenda for Europe and the EIF The European Interoperability Framework (EIF) recommends public administrations to reuse and share solutions and to cooperate on the development of joint solutions when implementing European public services. In this context, the EIF encourages applying the principle of openness when jointly developing custom- made software systems. better administrative coordination interoperability open standards Open platforms reuse share “Need for a better administrative coordination between public administrations and applications that are interoperable and based on open standards and open platforms”

5 Stakeholder needs The sharing and reuse of software for public administrations across borders and sectors corresponds to an actual and increasing need of important stakeholders F/OSS projects Governments Attract public administrations to reuse their software and want to build a community of contributors. Equal visibility, independent of the hosting location. Encourage the sharing and reuse of software for e-Government. Public administrations ISA Programme Increasing need for cross-border and cross-sector digital interactions with external parties Encourage the sharing and reuse of interoperability solutions for public administrations across border an sectors.

6 Information barriers to the sharing and reuse of software Features are not well documented Lack of confidence in F/OSS solutions Lack of quality assurance Limited view of public administrations usage of existing F/OSS solutions Language barrier Lack of information on standards and specifications implemented by an F/OSS Lack of visibility Source: D5.1.1 - Vision Document: The vision for an enhanced software description metadata schema and federated software catalogue

7 Problems with the federated forges on Joinup Dependent on a technology that is specific to GForge 4 and FusionForge. Software description metadata from other infrastructures cannot be automatically retrieved The current “federation” of software project descriptions on Joinup does not overcome all information barriers to the sharing and reuse of software.federation It only federates 3 elements: name, description and URL !

8 2 EU Repositories Analysis of existing repositories deliverable-report-existing-software-forges

9 Software catalogues in the EU public sector Technology Transfer Centre OSS-Watch Delingsbazaren Ambiente di Sviluppo Cooperativo Adullact Joinup Digitalisér ES IT EU FR UK NO DK AT CENATIC RedIRIS Guadalinex Mancomun La Farga Forja Linex

10 Software catalogues in the EU public sector Technology Transfer Centre OSS-Watch Delingsbazaren Ambiente di Sviluppo Cooperativo (?) Adullact Joinup Digitalisér ES IT EU FR UK NO DK AT CENATIC RedIRIS Guadalinex Mancomun La Farga Forja Linex 15 software catalogues have been constructed in 7 countries to encourage the sharing and reuse of software for public administration system development

11 General-purpose software catalogues Apache GitHub Google Code SourceForge

12 3 Solution ADMS.SW and the enhanced federation of software catalogues

13 An RDF vocabulary to describe software assets Metadata category Metadata property or relationship Available in DOAP Description ExploreFindIndentifySelectObtain descriptive metadata titlename the title of the software in multiple languages ■■■ description description, shortdesc descriptive text in multiple languages ■■ identifier identifier for the software ■■■ URIlocation uniform resource identifier ■■■ version version of the software release ■■■ related software □ is replaced by a newer version of the software □□□ releasefile-release a release of the software □ applicability domain the domain of the software (e.g. using EuroVoc descriptors) ■□□ spatial coverage geographic region in which the software can be used ■□□ multilingual whether or not the software can be configured to have a multilingual user interface □□ language natural language in which the software interface is available □ related regulation related regulations from which the software is derived ■ The solution is twofold. On the hand, there is the enhanced software description metadata schema (ADMS.SW)

14 Building an enhanced, federated catalogue software for e-Government EXPLORE FIND IDENTIFY SELECT OBTAIN FEDERATIO N With common metadata schema Public administrations Businesses Standardisation bodies Academia Software forge Software repository Software catalogue Software forge On the other hand, there is the ADMS-enabled federation of the different national software catalogues, repositories, and forges which enhances the sharing and reuse of software.

15 Advantages A common specification to describe software assets on the Web will give better visibility, better search, help overcome information barriers and provide a better linking Better visibility Better linking Increased and equal visibility, independent of the hosting location. Build and explore semantic networks of people, free and open software, and open standards Better search overcome information barriers Allows searching for software from a single point of access Help overcome the information barriers related to the sharing and reuse of interoperability solutions among public administrations

16 Perceived benefits Interoperability Freedom of choice Reduced TCO Support and accountability Auditability Network effects Reliability Source: D5.1.1 - Vision Document: The vision for an enhanced software description metadata schema and federated software catalogue

17 Part of a bigger solution The maintenance of a software catalogue for public administration system development is not an isolated measure. Policy makers and public administrations need to continue to invest in a combination of measures: The provision of legal advice related to the sharing and reuse of software The construction and maintenance of a catalogue of open-standards and a software catalogue for public administration system development; The creation of procurement policies, regulations, guidelines, and processes to support the procurement of software Guidance with the effective support of a community of developers and users. 2 3 1 4

18 ADMS.SW RDF Model

19 ADMS.SW Conceptual Model

20 ADMS.SW and Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) Software Project Software Release Software Distribution ADMS.SW Work Expression Manifestation FRBR

21 Link with other vocabularies 89% RE-USE vCard Trove Software Map ISO 19770- 2 DOAP Dublin Core Metadata Element Set RDF Data Cube FOAF

22 ADMS.SW Working Group in figures 41 14 people Member States and the US, and Croatia Multi disciplinary working group + EU institutions Standardization bodies External experts/academia PwC and W3C facilitation + W3C methodology Well known organisations already joined the WG Open Source Initiative (OSI) FusionForge Creative Commons Perl Foundation

23 Who was involved?

24 Which repositories were represented in the working group Technology Transfer Centre OSS-Watch Delingsbazaren Ambiente di Sviluppo Cooperativo (?) Adullact Digitalisér EGovLabs: OpenSource Plattform des Digitalen Österreich ES IT FR UK NO DK AT CENATIC RedIRIS Guadalinex Mancomun La Farga Forja Linex Yes No forja de la junta de extremadura

25 ADMS.SW Milestones Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Okt. Nov. Dec. 25 Set up of ADMS.SW WG V0.3 Vision Document Public Review Name change from ADMS.F/OSS to ADMS.SW V0.4 V0.5 V1.00 Piloting and implementation

26 Known implementations Google Refine RDF Template for ADMS.SW ADMS.SW plugin for FusionForge ADMS.SW export for the Debian Package Tracking System ADMS.SW plugin for Tuleap

27 4 Federation of software catalogues Context and how to join

28 Without ADMS.SW

29 With ADMS.SW

30 Expected: June 2013

31 4 steps to join the federation MAPPING EXPORT TRANSMITFEDERATED 1234 Map your repository’s internal data model to ADMS.SW Develop a tool to export your software description metadata to ADMS.SW in XML or RDF Submit your ADMS.SW compliant file to Joinup using the ADMS.SW protocol Submit updates to your ADMS.SW file to Joinup or to any other central catalogue

32 Proposed solutions for exchanging software descriptions

33 Agreed to join the federation...

34 5 Future plans Implementation of ADMS.SW 1.00 in national an regional software forges

35 Future plans Sep. Okt. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Software taxonomies as LOD with SKOS ADMS.SW validator service Implementation ADMS.SW export API plugin for FusionForge and/or Allura Implementation of AMDS.SW by at least 4 public sector software catalogues and forges Implementation of ADMS.SW import, edit, and export features on Joinup v1.5 Mapping and extraction mechanism for ISO 19770-2-compliant software tags

36 Publication of software taxonomies as linked open data

37 Taxonomies Intended Audience Programming Language Operating System Locale Status Topic Languages Danish English Spanish French German Italian Dutch Steps 1.Software taxonomies as tabular data 2.URI for each term 3.Translate labels 4.Export as SKOS 5.Promote

38 FusionForge / Gforge in European software forges Technology Transfer Centre OSS-Watch Delingsbazaren Ambiente di Sviluppo Cooperativo (?) Adullact Joinup Digitalisér ES IT EU FR UK NO DK AT CENATIC RedIRIS Guadalinex Mancomun La Farga Forja Linex FusionForge /GForge EGovLabs: OpenSource Plattform des Digitalen Österreich forja de la junta de extremadura

39 FusionForge / Gforge in European software forges Technology Transfer Centre OSS-Watch Delingsbazaren Ambiente di Sviluppo Cooperativo Adullact Joinup Digitalisér ES IT EU FR UK NO DK AT CENATIC RedIRIS Guadalinex Mancomun La Farga Forja Linex FusionForge /GForge EGovLabs: OpenSource Plattform des Digitalen Österreich forja de la junta de extremadura The majority of the national and regional software forges in European Member States are based on FusionForge / Gforge instances.

40 ADMS.SW exporter plugin for FusionForge / GForge

41 Implementation of ADMS.SW in public sector catalogues

42 Get involved: Join ISA initiatives on Joinup and Visit us on SEMIC @SEMICe u

43 PwC43 Software release Software Distribution Agent Software repository Asset

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