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 Explain the elements of project management and the responsibilities of a project manager  Describe how the UP disciplines of business modeling and.

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2  Explain the elements of project management and the responsibilities of a project manager  Describe how the UP disciplines of business modeling and environment relate to the inception phase  Describe the project management activities that are done during the inception phase  Develop a project schedule using a work breakdown structure (WBS) and PERT and Gantt charts Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 2

3  Use Microsoft Project to build the project schedule  Perform a risk analysis of potential project risks  Develop a cost/benefit analysis using net present value calculations  List the key deliverables and activities of the end of the inception phase  Discuss three techniques for monitoring and controlling a system development project Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 3

4  Unified Process (UP) development methodology  Consists of phases, iterations, and disciplines  Provides framework for project definition and execution  Project management: critical support discipline  Project Management prominent in inception phase  Tasks include monitoring and controlling projects Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 4

5  Development project artifacts (products)  Development of a new software system  Enhancement or upgrade of an existing system  Integration of software into existing environment  Projects constrained by schedule and resources  Project novelty presents great challenges  Different products are produced  Different activities required for varying schedules  Different resources are used Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 5

6  Development projects produce software systems  Projects are wide ranging  Simple Web sites  Implementation of real-time business applications  Issues complicating project management  Sophisticated business needs  Changing technology  Integrating OS, support programs, and new systems  Project success rate very low.  Resource Resource 2 ResourceResource 2 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 6

7  Project manager coordinates project development  Specifications in a detailed plan at project inception  Activities that must take place  The deliverables that must be produced  Resources needed  Project manager accountable for success or failure  Project manager has internal/external responsibilities  Many career paths lead to project management Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 7

8 8 Figure 3-1 Various Roles of Project Managers

9  The Project Management Institute (PMI)  Professional organization promotes project management  PMI provides extensive support material and training  Defines specialist’s body of knowledge (BOK)  PMBOK organized into nine knowledge areas  PMBOK principles to be applied to iteration activities Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 9

10  Project management is a support business discipline  Project management tasks prominent at inception  Other important disciplines of inception phase  Business modeling  Environment  Requirements  Design Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 10

11 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 11 Figure 3-2 UP Phases and Iterations with Disciplines

12  Inception phase of the UP has (5) objectives  Identify the business need for the project  Establish the vision for the solution  Identify scope of the new system and the project  Develop preliminary schedules and cost estimates  Develop the business case for the project  Inception phase may be completed in one iteration Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 12

13  Primary purpose: understand business needs  Chief activities  Understand the business environment  Create the system vision  Create business models  Business modeling interwoven with requirements Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 13

14  Objective: understand project operational context  Initial document: statement of business problem  Two follow-up activities  Considering needed interfaces to other systems  Evaluating existing architecture  Criticality of performing stakeholder analysis  Stakeholders: people with an interest in the system  Users, sponsors and support staff Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 14

15  Identify all of the stakeholders  Most important executive stakeholders  RMO project sponsor: VP William McDougal  Executive stakeholders: John and Liz Blankens  Other stakeholders  Operational users such as sales reps and mail  Warehouse workers  Technical staff Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 15

16 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 16 Figure 3-5 Sample Stakeholder Analysis Form for RMO

17  Purpose: justify strategic importance of new system  Clear vision statement includes (3) essential pieces  Precisely specified objective(s)  Concrete (dollar value) benefits tailored to sponsors  System capabilities meeting objective(s)  Project charter: defines need, objective, benefits, scope  System vision  Statement of business need  Stakeholder analysis form Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 17

18 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 18 Figure 3-6a Objectives, Business Benefits, and System Capabilities

19 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 19 Figure 3-6b Objectives, Business Benefits, and System Capabilities

20  Three major areas normally require business models  Business events  Business processes  Information repositories and flows  Business models tied to system requirements  Model format and rigor vary with each project Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 20

21  Discipline concerned with development environment  Several activities are included  Select and configure the development tools IDEs and CASE  Tailor the UP development process  Defining the rigor of a project  Provide technical support services Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 21

22 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 22 Figure 3-7 Sample Criteria for Defining Rigor of Project Controls

23  System scope: defines capabilities of new system  Project scope: describes how project is to be built  Provides disposition toward staff training  Provides data conversion information  Sets parameters for quality control  System scope is part of the larger project scope  Essential use case model helps delineate scope  Essential use case list attached to the project Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 23

24 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 24 Figure 3-8 System Scope and Project Scope

25 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 25 Figure 3-9 Sample Essential Use Case List for RMO

26  Development team sets schedule for project and iterations  Tasks involved in scheduling:  Develop the work breakdown structure (WBS)  Develop the schedule  Develop resource requirements and staffing plan Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 26

27  Two general approaches for building a WBS  By deliverable timeline  By a sequential timeline  Four techniques for identifying WBS tasks  Top-down: Identify major activities first  Bottom-Up: List all tasks first and organize later  Template: Use standard template of tasks  Analogy: Copy tasks of similar completed project Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 27

28  Project schedule orders all activities and tasks  Building the schedule  Identify dependencies between the tasks on WBS  Estimate the effort that each task will require  Dependencies: identify related tasks  Finish-start relationships  Start-start relationships  Finish-finish relationships  Scheduling tool: Microsoft Project Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 28

29  Two types of charts used to show project schedule  PERT/CPM chart  Gantt chart  Charts show same information in different formats  Key metrics  Critical path  Slack time, or float  Milestones Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 29

30 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 30 Figure 3-11 Entering the WBS Into MS Project

31 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 31 Figure 3-13 Gantt Chart of RMO’s Inception Iteration

32  Core team members very active in inception iteration  Most early tasks are project management activities  MS Project allows several ways to input resource information  Formula for effort: Effort = Duration x Persons Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 32

33 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 33 Figure 3-16 Entering Resources for the Scheduled Tasks

34  Feasibility analysis: verifies project viability  Activities used to evaluate a project’s feasibility  Assess the risk to the project (risk management)  Determine the organizational/cultural feasibility  Evaluate the technological feasibility  Determine the schedule feasibility  Assess the resource feasibility  Perform cost/benefit (economic) analysis Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 34

35  Feasibility analysis also includes risk management  Risk management: identify potential trouble spots  Organize potential problems in risk matrix  Project manager bases two strategies on matrix  Preventing the negative event  Developing a contingency plan Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 35

36 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 36 Figure 3-17 Simplified Risk Analysis

37  Identify organizational and cultural risks  Some potential human risks impacting new system  Low level of computer competency among employees  Perceived shifting of organizational power  Fear of employment loss due to increased automation  Reversal of long-standing work procedures  One way to counter risks: training sessions Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 37

38  Staffing should have technological proficiency  Solutions to problem are straightforward  Provide additional training  Hire consultants  Hire more experienced employees  Possibly alter scope and approach of the project  Realistic assessments speedup corrective response Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 38

39  Development of project schedule involves high risk  Assumptions and estimates made without adequate information  Adaptive projects very susceptible to schedule risks  Project managers use milestones to evaluate pace and compensate for slippage  Contingency plans help reduce the risk of slippage Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 39

40  Human and other resources to assess  Primary resource consists of team members Systems analysts, system technicians, users  Support staff  Computer resources and physical facilities  Factors adversely impacting human resource  Lack of required people skill sets  Relocations or departures Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 40

41  Economic feasibility consists of two questions  Does anticipated value of benefits exceed project costs?  Is there adequate cash flow to fund the project?  Cost/benefit analysis determines economic feasibility  Developing cost/benefit analysis is a three-step process  Estimate anticipated development and operational costs  Estimate the anticipated financial benefits  Subtract costs from benefits  MS Project supports cost/benefit analysis Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 41

42 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 42 Figure 3-18 MS Project Showing Project Labor Costs

43 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 43 Figure 3-22 Net Present Value, Payback Period, and Return on Investment for RMO

44  Inception activities are project foundation  Summary of key deliverables of inception  Project charter package  Essential use case list  Project schedule  Cost/benefit analysis  Project feasibility and risk analysis  General scope and approach should be clearly defined  Scope and essential use case lead to elaboration phase Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 44

45  Maintaining pace requires periodic adjustments  Methods for overseeing UP phases  Manage and control plan (schedule and deliverables)  Manage and control internal/external communications  Manage and control the risks and outstanding issues  Schedules should balance flexibility with firm targets  Project manager is communication gateway or nexus  Project manager should maintain log of open issues Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 45

46 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 46  Project management processes: initiating, planning, monitoring, controlling, closing  Project manager is liaison and project focal point  Project Management Institute divides knowledge into nine major areas (PMBOK)  Develop skills managing integration, scope, cost, quality, communication, human resources, risk, and procurement

47 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 47  Unified Process (UP): methodology for software development  UP basic premise: software developed in iterations  Iteration: mini-project  Four phases: inception, elaboration, construction, and transition  Phases include development activities, called disciplines

48 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 48  Nine disciplines in UP  Chief inception phase disciplines: (1) business modeling (2) environment (3) project management  After inception, project manager tracks and controls project

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