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A Collaborative-Interaction Model of Software Project Development An Extension to Agile Based Methodologies Rehan Akbar#1, Mohd Fadzil Hassan#2 Department.

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Presentation on theme: "A Collaborative-Interaction Model of Software Project Development An Extension to Agile Based Methodologies Rehan Akbar#1, Mohd Fadzil Hassan#2 Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Collaborative-Interaction Model of Software Project Development An Extension to Agile Based Methodologies Rehan Akbar#1, Mohd Fadzil Hassan#2 Department of Computer and Information Sciences Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia., 指導教授 : 陳振炎 學生 : 林聖峰


3 Introduction This paper addresses this limitation of agile methodologies for distributed software development environment and offshore teams. In our model client is considered as an important indicator that determines the project growth and success. Both composite client structure and interaction overview model presented in section II and III respectively are an extension to agile methodologies.

4 CLIENT’S COMPOSITE STRUCTURE Client’s composite structure diagram is a model based on client’s roles. At the client side mainly, four entities labeled as CEO, project manager, technical manager and project team exist as described in figure 1. Figure 1. Client Composite Structure

5 CLIENT’S COMPOSITE STRUCTURE(cont.) Roles of project manager and project team are not mandatory at the client side. CEO is the actual client and may have none or one technical manager and/or project manager as its subordinate. CEO might be technical or non-technical itself. The existence of project manager usually depends on the existence of project team. The existence of project team at the client side is purely on a need based and does not exist in all cases. One project usually has one team. Technical manager is not dependent on the existence of project team and interacts with offshore team on technical matters and with local team when there is one.

6 INTERACTION OVERVIEW MODEL Client mainly interacts with four roles in an offshore project team. Figure 2 presents the basic structure of interaction between client and other roles in offshore team. Figure 2. Interaction Overview Model


8 CONCLUSION Successful progress and success of software projects are completely based on 1) organized collaboration and 2) effective interaction among all team resources (workers). Organized collaboration among all resources is mandatory. In the proposed model client is realized as the most important entity of a project and all interaction and communication methodologies must account client as the basic key role. Traditional and agile approaches of software engineering do not take care of this aspect of software development.

9 FUTURE WORK We have provided a foundation structure of client based interaction methodology. Besides main roles that we have identified other roles and sub-activities also exists Identification of roles like QA engineer. Scaling the model to traditional software development approaches is another direction for extending these models. An unidentified and neglected aspect of software development has been focused in this research. It would open new realistic and industry related research directions both for academic researchers and industry practitioners.

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