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Wesley Smith, U. Wisconsin Project Management Group March 25, 2015

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1 Wesley Smith, U. Wisconsin Project Management Group March 25, 2015
Level-1 Trigger Update Wesley Smith, U. Wisconsin Project Management Group March 25, 2015 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

2 Muon Trigger Transition
New system Old system Install fully parallel and higher bandwidth optical path for CSC New CSC Muon Port Cards mezzanine cards installed in cavern during LS1 Prerequisite done by Operations Program Alleviates bottleneck & sends all segments from each CSC (robustness to PU and collimated signals) Build up new Track Finder in 2015 and commission in parallel, ready by 2016 Cavern Counting Room 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

3 EMU Trigger Upgrade Cavern Counting Room VME Endcap Muon Track-Finder
Trigger MotherBoard Data MotherBoard Clock & Control Muon Sorter Clock&Control VME Sector Processors Endcap Muon Track-Finder (U. Florida) Muon Port Card Mezzanine* (Rice) MPC-EMUTF Optical Fibers* (Rice) (MP7) *M&S on FY13 Ops. Prog. MTF7 μTCA: Advanced Mezzanine Cards from Telecommunications Computing Architecture (commercial telecommunications hardware) EMUTF Infrastructure (U. Florida) Muon Sorter (Rice) 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

4 Muon Port Card (Ops) (Rice - M&S on Operations Program)
(60 needed + 15 spares + 5 test setups = 80) Use the existing MPC main board Backplane interface to TMB remains unchanged x spares Test stands = Rice, Florida, 904, likely UCLA and TAMU. Also EMU test stands 3 original optical links are still available New mezzanine card with new FPGA and new links Production done, tested, installed 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

5 EMUTF: Hardware Layout
Optical Patch Panel MPC Mezzanine Upgrade MTF7 μTCA Board 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

6 EMUTF Hardware Counts Require three μTCA chasses to process 12 sectors + sort output MTF7 occupies 2 μTCA slots, 12 units in system, each covers 60o sector Muon Sorter also built on MTF7,1 unit in system use Boston U AMC13 for clocking and DAQ Re-route and split optical signals using 12 passive optical patch panels SP MS Chassis #1 Chassis #2 Chassis #3 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

7 EMU Track-Finder (U. Florida)
Muon Track Finder card: MTF7 13 needed + 4 spares + 3 test setups = 20 Optimized for maximum input from muon detectors (84 input links, 28 output links) Dual card w/large capacity for RAM (~1GB) to be used for pT assignment in track finding Back: Core FPGA card ⇒ ⇐ Front: Optics card V7 has 80 links at 10gbps V6 has 48 links at 6.4gbps Development and testing complete, production started 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

8 MTF7 Hardware Prototypes @ CERN
Details of board hardware in supporting slides Base Board [pT LUT mezzanine not shown] Optical Board Pass-through Backplane Board 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

9 HW Prototypes: Testing @ Pt 5
01/06/09 15:26 HW Prototypes: Pt 5 Installed equipment: Two μTCA chassis, MCH in each One complete MTF7 kit [Base board + Optical board] One AMC13 Control computer PCIe connection to both chassis One EMU sector optical patch panel Status: AMC13 clocking: OK PCIe access: OK MPC link tests: PRBS using IBERT Both Endcaps – no errors Signals going via 2-way and 4-way splitters Confident in our ability operate the old trigger path with the new MPC mezzanine Upgraded MPCs have participated in global runs since the last week of October, and in the extended cosmic run Fulfilled “Do No Harm” Principle 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update CMS OO Transition. David Stickland

10 Hardware Production Status
MPC Mezzanine Upgrade: 85 upgraded MPC mezzanines have been built and tested at Rice in the summer of 2014 73 Upgraded MPCs are at CERN - 60 MPCs installed at P5, 13 spares MTF7 Base Board: 12 base PCBs received, 24 more coming soon Initial 4 MTF7 base boards submitted for assembly, coming back next week Full quantity assembly after tests: 20 boards will contain FPGAs, the other 16 without FPGAs at this time MTF7 Optical Board: 36 boards received from production 4 pcs initial assembly sent out [Mar 11th], coming back next week Full quantity assembly after tests pT LUT module Production prototype under tests Read latency reduced as expected  (2 BX instead of 6 BX in first prototype) Firmware under development now 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

11 Commissioning Status Readout of trigger primitives from MPCs:
Using simplified logic for now One spy buffer Records 7 BXs on each L1A Once spy buffer full, stop recording, read out Start recording again Trigger primitives decoded on the fly in test software Valid primitives dumped into text file Example of trigger primitive dump of cosmic muons: l1a: 0049 e: 023 m: 1 f: 5 hs: 076 wg: 004 q: 14 p: 09 lr: 1 l1a: 0053 e: 093 m: 4 f: 7 hs: 083 wg: 029 q: 13 p: 07 lr: 1 l1a: 0063 e: 072 m: 3 f: 3 hs: 048 wg: 061 q: 15 p: 10 lr: 0 l1a: 0070 e: 030 m: 3 f: 2 hs: 138 wg: 051 q: 15 p: 10 lr: 0 e: 030 m: 3 f: 2 hs: 084 wg: 049 q: 14 p: 08 lr: 0 l1a: 007a e: 100 m: 3 f: 3 hs: 011 wg: 060 q: 12 p: 04 lr: 0 l1a: 007b e: 107 m: 4 f: 2 hs: 015 wg: 021 q: 11 p: 02 lr: 0 l1a: 0086 e: 051 m: 4 f: 7 hs: 126 wg: 051 q: 11 p: 03 lr: 1 l1a: 0090 e: 121 m: 3 f: 5 hs: 098 wg: 060 q: 14 p: 08 lr: 0 l1a: 0096 e: 030 m: 3 f: 6 hs: 141 wg: 055 q: 14 p: 08 lr: 0 l1a: 009b e: 065 m: 2 f: 7 hs: 084 wg: 031 q: 12 p: 04 lr: 0 l1a: 00a0 e: 093 m: 4 f: 0 hs: 032 wg: 007 q: 14 p: 08 lr: 0 l1a: 00a6 e: 002 m: 4 f: 7 hs: 060 wg: 017 q: 11 p: 02 lr: 0 l1a: 00ad e: 051 m: 4 f: 4 hs: 026 wg: 038 q: 12 p: 04 lr: 0 e: 051 m: 4 f: 4 hs: 026 wg: 035 q: 12 p: 04 lr: 0 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

12 Algorithms Preliminary results, double-checking
Will be used to generate “low luminosity” version of LUT 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

13 Offline Software [Emulators]
Bitwise emulator(s): Signal emulation generated from Verilog source Human-written code following algorithm specification Compare HW vs Signal Emulation: HW is executing FW correctly Compare HW/Signal Emulation vs Human-written: FW is doing what we think it is doing Human-written emulator implemented in CMSSW [development branch] Emulator updated to have option for 30 bit pT LUT Implementation currently in GitHub assumes full precision values using at most 6 input parameters for each mode Including configuration parameter to select corridors These new features are undergoing debugging Expect to have code to generate corresponding binary files soon 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

14 Firmware Status MTF7 hardware is different from CSCTF
New firmware needed for MTF7 [similar components] Loading 1 GB of memory content via PCI express New track finding algorithms better suited for occupancies of up to 18 hits per station, more robust against collimated muons Reading LUT memory content 4x per LHC clock cycle Post-LUT corrections (“tail clipping”) only has SW implementation Possibility of MVA evaluation – studying resource optimization Design, definition, monitoring of spy buffers Importing and inclusion of RPC hits in track finding / pT assignment Readiness: taking cosmic runs with one sector with final pT LUT firmware [6 BX → 2 BX latency] will have full data processing chain, will be ready to produce L1 muon objects 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

15 Online Software Data format + Packer / Unpacker:
1st version exists, awaiting integration Run Control Framework: 0th version exists: no-op hooks based on legacy endcap trigger run control framework Online SW development is currently under-manned Have support from USCMS to hire SW expert for this task Hiring online SW expert was delayed [various issues] Rebooting search with high priority 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

16 Calo. Trigger Upgrade in Parallel: Split inputs from ECAL and HCAL
2015: ECAL, Legacy RCT & associated Cal. Trigger Cards* HCAL Energy (HTR) ECAL Energy (TCC) Regional Calo Trigger Global EM candidates Region energies HF Energy (μHTR) Layer 1 Layer 2 Current L1 Trigger System Upgrade L1 Trigger System oSLB oRM HCAL Optical Splitters 2016: HCAL uHTR & assoc. Cal. Trigger Cards US US (Cluster Finding) UK UK (Object Finding) ECAL: optical Serial Link Board (OSLB) and optical Receiver Mezzanines (oRM) connect to Present and Upgrade Calorimeter Trigger (*Details of evolution in breakout). All installed and operating in CMS Global Runs HCAL: optical splitters drive both HTRs and μHTRs 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

17 Upgrade Calorimeter Trigger Layer 1 and 2 Hardware
US: (Cluster Finding) UK: Vienna: (Object Finding) 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

18 Stage-1 Upgrade in 2015 (ops)
Layer-1 Existing RCT 18 crates RCT 0 RCT 1 RCT 2 RCT 17 18 oRSCs (new) oRSC 0 oRSC 1 oRSC 2 oRSC 17 USCMS Layer-2 MP7 (new) Algorithm Card(s) (1-3) Imperial HW + Core FW/SW USCMS Algorithm FW/SW CTP7 (new) Single Readout Card In Situ RCT Test / Monitor USCMS HW/FW/SW Global Trigger (existing) GT Inputs remain unchanged DAQ – AMC 13 (new) 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

19 oRSC Installation and Commissioning
Optical Regional Summary Cards are attached to each RCT Jet Summary Card in the RCT racks and converts JSC output to optical fibers 18 cards (1 per/RCT crate). Each card outputs: 3 copies of 2 fibers at 10 Gbps  1-3 MP7s 1 copy of 2 fibers at 10 Gbps  1 CTP7 1 copy at 2Gbps  legacy GCT Preliminary connection/BERT tests in May 2014 Final production completed summer 2014 Installation at CERN September 2014 Exercised regularly and reliably for the last six months All 18 oRSCs mounted on RCT crates oRSC production board – U. Wisconsin 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

20 Stage 1 Algorithm Firmware architecture “GCT in a chip” – J
Stage 1 Algorithm Firmware architecture “GCT in a chip” – J. Berryhill, FNAL team 18 10-Gbps optical fibers of RCT regions, egammas, feature bits Products for GT and DAQ Pipelined processing at 80 MHz with latency 10.5 bx 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

21 Stage 1 Algorithm Firmware architecture “GCT in a chip” - FNAL
All algorithm features implemented All features bit-level emulated All features board-tested 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

22 Stage 1 trigger commissioning – FNAL, MIT, Rice
Remaining Hardware work: Synchronization with ECAL and DAQ link commissioning in progress (w/Wisc.) Commissioning and validation: MC patterns sent to RCT are sent through oRSCMP7 and compared with emulator All objects have been bit-level validated with several types of MC samples Now proceeding to more elaborate and automated pattern tests Bit-level emulator performance validated against older emulator version for trigger menu development  the FW will deliver the expected physics performance 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

23 Stage-1 Online software development
Online software has all components (RCT, oRSC, MP7) communicating with trigger supervisor for pattern testing, configuration and debugging, with appropriate GUI functionality. To do: DAQ functions Automated config of MP7 via IPBUS through a Global Tag in a DB Further online monitoring features 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

24 MP7 Algorithm Card(s) (10+2)
Stage-2 Upgrade in 2016+ Layer-1 18 CTP7s +h CTP+0 CTP+1 CTP+2 CTP+17 CTP–0 CTP–1 CTP–2 CTP–17 18 CTP7s –h USCMS DAQ – AMC 13 Layer-2 Full flexibility for traditional or time-multiplexed architecture Highest precision location of objects with dynamic clustering MP7 Algorithm Card(s) (10+2) Imperial HW + FW/SW USCMS Algorithm FW/SW mTCA Global Trigger DAQ – AMC13 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

25 CTP7 Card Reminder – U. Wisconsin
CTP7 Goals for Cal Trig Layer 1 Provide needed interconnect flexibility for all proposed architectures and link speeds Maximize the power available to the Virtex-7 690T FPGA for trigger data processing Exploit latest-available technologies First two units delivered in Dec, 2013 Excellent results in checkout Full Production Complete Mar ‘15, 2015 Excellent checkout results continued 24 total CTP7s shipped to CERN True Triple-Link-Rate, Multi-Clock-Domain Card 6.4 and 4.8 Sync Rx, 10G Async Tx in same MGT quad 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

26 Production CTP7s CTP7 CTP7s Without ← in Stage 2 Rack CXPs + heatsinks
← Front Back→ CTP7s ← in Stage 2 Rack 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

27 CTP7 Builds 1 Q4/2013 Falcon (A) 2 Q2-Q3/ 2014 Raven (B) 6 3 Q1/2015
Build Number Time Frame Series (PCB Rev) Scheduled Qty Reject/ Fail Yield Qty 1 Q4/2013 Falcon (A) 2 Q2-Q3/ 2014 Raven (B) 6 3 Q1/2015 Eagle (C) 8 4 Q1-Q2/ 2015 40 0† †Incremental result on build currently in-process 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

28 CTP7 Production Steps (6)
Solder Reflow (outside task at contract manufacturer) Incoming Inspection/Ohmmeter Test Check resistances on power rails and critical nets Assign barcode at completion Initial Mechanical Assembly Install CXP Sockets, LED light pipes, JTAG mezzanine, front panel Power On Test Suite Program JTAG CPLD, MMC Microcontroller Boot card in µTCA crate—verify IPMI functionality, DC supply rails, ZYNQ booting, Ethernet connectivity, V7 load capability Final Mechanical Assembly Install heat sink, optical modules, PRIZM assembly, heat sink cover Functional Test Suite Test MGT Links, AXI bridge, QDR memory, clock logic, ancillary I/O 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

29 CTP7 Build 4 Status (As of 17-MAR-2015)
40 40 40 40 40 30 28 Units Completed Through Process Step 20 Solder Reflow Functional Suite Ohmmeter Test Final Assembly Initial Assembly Power-On Suite 1 2 3 4 5 6 Process Step 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

30 CTP7 Cards at CERN Cards at CERN from Builds 1-3: 12
Completed Shipments from Build 4: Shipment #1: 6 Units Shipment #2: 6 Units Scheduled Shipments: Shipment #3: 7 Units Shipment #4: 7 Units Estimate all shipments at CERN on/before 2nd Week of April, 2015 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

31 Layer 1 Installation (S2E10)
ECAL/HCAL/HF Fibers enter back side of rack as individual LC connections 3U Optical Feed-thru panels pass MPO12 fibers internally through rack to front side Rx connections made to CTP7 cards as in-line MPO12-MPO12 connections on front side 3 CTP7 uTCA Crates, each covering 120° of φ and all of η 1U Power Panel delivers 48V from existing RCT internal power supplies to crate Power Modules 48V Power Panel oRSC 10G Patch Panels CTP Crate #1 Fiber Feed-Thru ECAL/HCAL/HF 96 LC to 8 MPO12 Patch Panel 48V Power Panel CTP Crate #2 Fiber Feed-Thru ECAL/HCAL/HF 96 LC to 8 MPO12 Patch Panel 48V Power Panel CTP Crate #3 2 × Power Chassis S2E10 Back Side S2E10 Front Side 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

32 CTP7 Crate Installation at CERN
All 4 Final CTP7 Crates installed and operating 1 for Stage 1 (rack 9) 3 for Stage 2 (rack 10) Stg. 2 Stg. 1 oRSC Stg. 2 Legacy RCT x9 Stage 2 oRSC Stg. 2 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

33 CTP7 2016 Trigger Firmware – I Release V1.0 on March 9 - Milestone
Functionality Brings together 3 different subsystems: ECAL, HCAL, and HF Applies tower-level calibration in lookup tables Builds combined trigger tower words and streams them to Layer-2 for processing Captures inputs for DAQ readout Captures inputs and outputs at reduced rate for readout via Ethernet (for validation) NB: All development in Vivado from the beginning Input Features Extensive input diagnostics Link layer checks (reception of valid data, link speed, …) Protocol layer checks (CRC and Hamming code verification) Non-invasive eye-scans continuously running Flexible FW-based input link alignment logic Allows link alignment on any combination of input links BC0 latency measurement BC0 periodicity error counters Input capture/playback Data for 256 BXs (both 8-bit trigger tower energies and feature/fine-grain bits) 256 BXs of data can be played out once per orbit, starting with BX=0. Or repeatedly every 256 BXs 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

34 CTP7 2016 Trigger Firmware – II Release V1.0 on March 9 - Milestone
Layer-1 Processing Applies tower-level calibration in lookup tables η-corrected scale Run-time programmable over AXI bus 16-bit combined trigger tower word to Layer-2 9-bit: E+H trigger tower sums, 3-bit: Energy ratio: log(E/H), log(H/E) 2-bits:ECAL and HCAL feature/fine-grain info 1-bit: E-over-H info, 1-bit: Denominator Zero Flag Layer-1 DAQ Layer-1 implemented in 3 crates, each crate with one AMC13 with 5 Gbps output bandwidth to DAQ (15 Gbps using 3 cards) Captures all input data (8-bit trigger tower energies + all feature/fine grain bits) at 100 kHz L1 rate within the maximum output bandwidth of 3 AMC13s: In total, 3x 4.1 Gbps = 12.3 Gbps Unpacked data + a few link diagnostic bits DAQ chain fully integrated into CTP7 FW v1.0 AMC13 low-level driver core also integrated The same core that we used in October 2014 to successfully transfer data from CTP7  AMC13  FEROL (tests in B14) Core will be updated for recent BU improvements/updates/bug fixes 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

35 CTP7 FPGA Architecture Uses a ZYNQ SoC device as the GbE endpoint and utility/support device, and a V7690T as the main processing device Uses AXI as the interconnect interface (not IPbus) AXI with an embedded processor (ARM or Microblaze) is a mainstream design flow in the Xilinx tool set ARM processor (in ZYNQ) at head of hierarchy, AXI bridge extends connection into V7 Embedded Linux runs on the ARM Not intended to replace the control PCs Opens up new possibilities for operation and maintenance 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

36 Integrated Eye Scan (ZYNQ-based Application Example)
Familiar Eye Scan diagrams available in IBERT Scanning engine ported to CTP7 ZYNQ Low-latency access to links via AXI interface Parallel Eye Scans in ~same time as a single scan Runs in parallel in CTP7 FW during data-taking 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

37 CTP7 Software Releases Test Release Commissioning release
Features: Linux, data access Peek/Poke Registers Dump/Fill Memories Status: Done – used in May integration tests Commissioning release Features: Client / Server TCP/IP software for RCT test & readout AXI memory device driver, ctp7Server, ctp7Client Status: Done – Used in July integration tests Initial Operations and Low Luminosity Releases Features : Full support of Stage-1 use with Trigger Supervisor, Stage-2 testing Status: Command Line Interface version Done; Awaiting TS integration; Routine use for both Stage-1 & 2 Mid/High Luminosity Releases Releases for operations in 2016 and beyond Status: In development Core: memsvc, rpcsvc done Application: CLI in develop. TS version to start in May 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

38 Stage-2/Layer-1 DQM Tower level plots already available in DQM
Currently using ECAL and HCAL TPGs read out from TCC/HTR Will retrofit the same code to use CTP7 DAQ when ready Occupancy, for hot-tower identification + possible inefficiencies Will add new bit-errors monitoring (TPG vs CTP7 compare) 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

39 Stage-2 Commissioning System being built up at P5 Current status
- Layer 1: 22/36 CTP7s - Layer 2: 11* MP7s - Demux: 1 MP7 - μGT: 1 MP7 Layer 1 Three crates with 10 CTP7s 12 more CTP7s at CERN 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

40 Trigger Upgrade Summary
Muon Port Cards commissioned, operating Endcap Muon track-Finder System in production Endcap Muon track-Finder pre-production prototypes operating at CERN Endcap Muon Trigger preliminary firmware and software operating at CERN Stage-1 Calorimeter Trigger operating at CERN Stage-1 Calorimeter Trigger firmware and software operating at CERN. Stage-2 Calorimeter Trigger production complete Stage-2 Calorimeter Trigger final installation and commissioning underway Stage-2 Calorimeter Trigger operational firmware and preliminary software operating at CERN 25 Mar. 2015, Wesley Smith PMG: Trigger Update

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