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Information Technologies for Education & Training in E-Government Author: Ranjit Bose Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Technologies for Education & Training in E-Government Author: Ranjit Bose Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Technologies for Education & Training in E-Government Author: Ranjit Bose Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC 2004), Vol.2, pp.203-207, 2004. Adviser: Min-Shiang Hwang Speaker: Chun-Ta Li ( 李俊達 )

2 2 Outline IntroductionIntroduction E-government backgroundE-government background Infrastructure for education & trainingInfrastructure for education & training Information technologies for education & trainingInformation technologies for education & training Future researchFuture research ConclusionConclusion

3 3 Introduction Global communication technologyGlobal communication technology Resource – environment and infrastructureResource – environment and infrastructure E-learning – education and trainingE-learning – education and training Software and hardwareSoftware and hardware Cost and benefitCost and benefit

4 4 Introduction (cont.) This researchThis research –Identify InfrastructureInfrastructure ToolsTools TechnologiesTechnologies –Summary review –Further advance

5 5 E-government background Web-based Internet applicationsWeb-based Internet applications –Citizens, business, employees, other agencies Benefit of e-governmentBenefit of e-government –More accountable to citizens –More efficient and cost-effective –Provide greater access to information –More convenient services Chief barriersChief barriers –Security –Privacy of user information

6 6 E-government background (cont.) Categories of e-governmentCategories of e-government –Individuals/Citizens:(G2C) Loans, social service, filing taxesLoans, social service, filing taxes –Business:(G2B) Regulation, economic development, grants/loansRegulation, economic development, grants/loans –Intergovernmental:(G2G) Reporting requirement, sharing and integratingReporting requirement, sharing and integrating –Intra-governmental: Improve effectiveness and efficiency, eliminating delays, employee satisfaction and retentionImprove effectiveness and efficiency, eliminating delays, employee satisfaction and retention

7 7 E-government background (cont.) Current applications of IT to e-governmentCurrent applications of IT to e-government –Three broad categories: Access to informationAccess to information –Library of Congress, Internal Revenue Service, National Park Service and Social Security Administration Transaction serviceTransaction service –Filing taxes, business apply for patents and permits, apply for various licenses Citizen participationCitizen participation –Government decision-making, e-voting, legislation development [Shulman et al., 2001]

8 8 Infrastructure for education & training Corporate training will grow from $2.2 billion to $18.5 billion by 2005Corporate training will grow from $2.2 billion to $18.5 billion by 2005 Shrinking budgets and 911 – replaced by e-learningShrinking budgets and 911 – replaced by e-learning –Cisco systems – sales force –McDonald’s trainers – logon to Hamburger University An online education & training learning center [Langenbach and bodendorf, 1999]An online education & training learning center [Langenbach and bodendorf, 1999] All corporate/government training and learning activities [Boxer and Johnson, 2002]All corporate/government training and learning activities [Boxer and Johnson, 2002]

9 9 Infrastructure for education & training (cont.) Learning center – electronic education mallsLearning center – electronic education malls –Training courses: Computer security awareness, sexual harassment prevention, supervisory development, project management and desktop computer skillsComputer security awareness, sexual harassment prevention, supervisory development, project management and desktop computer skills –Registration –Tracking –Report training information –Feedback

10 10 Infrastructure for education & training (cont.) CD-ROM coursesCD-ROM courses Self-paced learning toolsSelf-paced learning tools Streaming videoStreaming video Internet learning conferenceInternet learning conference E-book and e-articleE-book and e-article Corporate and industry newsCorporate and industry news

11 11 Information technologies for education & training Traditional tools:Traditional tools: –Videotape, cable/public television, satellite video conference, teleconference, whiteboard Computer-assisted and network tools:Computer-assisted and network tools: –CD-ROM, Web browser, real player, Windows media player, broadband video conference Audio technologyAudio technology –Simplest of the technologies –Cost of this equipment can range from $ 500 to $ 50,000 [Chute et al., 1999]

12 12 Information technologies for education & training (cont.) Video technologyVideo technology –Most traditional –Synchronous or asynchronous Computer technology [Anido et al., 2001]Computer technology [Anido et al., 2001] –Newest technology and wide range of technologies Wireless technologyWireless technology –Flexibility Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS)Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) –Expert system and artificial intelligence Expert knowledge, learner modeling, tutoring planning and communicationExpert knowledge, learner modeling, tutoring planning and communication Virtual reality technology [Young, 2000]Virtual reality technology [Young, 2000]

13 13 Information technologies for education & training (cont.) Neural network and statistical analysisNeural network and statistical analysis –Develop intelligent tutoring or individualized Information retrievalInformation retrieval –Precise searching Network technologiesNetwork technologies –Real-time interaction and improve the quality of presentation services Mobile and wireless communication systemMobile and wireless communication system –E-learning on PDA or on cellular phones

14 14 Future research Education and training in the long-termEducation and training in the long-term –Information management, software technology, network infrastructure, human-computer interaction, security, social issues et al. Well-designed research projectsWell-designed research projects –Real-time protocol, broadband, wireless communication, multimedia, behavior analysis, copyright protection and authentication

15 15 Future research (cont.) Three types of interaction necessary for successful e-learning [Mehrotra et al., 2001]Three types of interaction necessary for successful e-learning [Mehrotra et al., 2001] –Learner-content interaction –Learner-instructor interaction –Learner-learner interaction Three perspectives:Three perspectives: –Sociological –Policy –Technical

16 16 Conclusion E-learning – education & trainingE-learning – education & training Distributed workforceDistributed workforce FlexibilityFlexibility Investment of time and moneyInvestment of time and money Efficiency and cost savingEfficiency and cost saving

17 Thanks for your attention

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