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Social Media Overview Human nature “We are social creatures. We crave social interactions. We love to belong to social groups, listen to stories, share.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Overview Human nature “We are social creatures. We crave social interactions. We love to belong to social groups, listen to stories, share."— Presentation transcript:



3 Social Media Overview Human nature “We are social creatures. We crave social interactions. We love to belong to social groups, listen to stories, share experiences, and contribute something of value to the groups to which we belong.” - Olivier Blanchard, Social Media ROI

4 History/Current State of Social Media

5 Evolution of Customer Service Your Race Here

6 Aligning Social Media to Race Growth Goals Goals and Objectives (SMART) Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound Strategies Do you have one? Focus: Sometimes less is more

7 Brainstorm Activity Goal: End Result Specific Targets or “Mile Markers” Example Goal: Increase number of participants by 15 % for 2013. Mile Marker: Run a Social Media fitness awareness campaign 6 months out from our race that increases number of Facebook likes by 25%.

8 Word of Mouth Passive vs. ACTIVE W.O.M. websitesflyersemailsmailings

9 Social Media Engagement (SME) More SME More Participants More SME More Participants

10 Social Media Engagement What to post? Questions VideoQuotes Pics Emoticons

11 Brand Ambassadors Investigator Fan Participant Follower Promoter Brand Ambassador

12 Social Media GIVEAWAYS Strategize K.I.S.S Team up DO Hesitate to go big! Break Rules Lose Sight DON’T

13 Custom Facebook Tabs Example Page:

14 Thank you! Questions?Comments?

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