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Chapter 1 Information Management In A Global Economy.

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1 Chapter 1 Information Management In A Global Economy

2 Slide 2 What is Information? Information is data that has been organized and interpreted, and possibly formatted, filtered, analyzed, and summarized

3 Slide 3 Role of Information In Organizations  Information As a Resource Information is an input into the production of goods and services.  Information As an Asset The property of a person or an organization that contributes to a company's output

4 Slide 4 Role of Information In Organizations  Information As a Product Companies can also sell information, the output of its production, as a product or service or as an embedded component of a product.

5 Slide 5 Role of Information Technology  Role of Information Technology Information technology has allowed individuals, groups, and organizations to manage information effectively and efficiently.

6 Slide 6 Role of Information Technology  Information Technology (IT) Includes computer hardware, software, database management systems, and data communication systems

7 Slide 7 Managing Information and Information Systems  Information System Combines information technology with data, procedures for processing data, and people who collect and use the data

8 Slide 8 Managing Information and Information Systems Figure 1-3

9 Slide 9 Types of Information Systems  Automation Systems Use information technology to perform tasks or to make them easier or less labor intensive Example  The electronic key systems used by Marriott International

10 Slide 10 Types of Information Systems  Transaction Processing Systems Process and record an organization's transactions Example  A unit of business activity, such as purchasing a product, making a banking deposit, or reserving an airline seat

11 Slide 11 Types of Information Systems  Management Support Systems Supply information that managers need to make decisions and coordinate their activities Example  A human resources manager might use a management support system to evaluate the performance of an employee before deciding whether or not to give him a raise

12 Slide 12 Examples of Management Support Systems  Management Reporting Systems Provide information that low-level managers need to make routine decisions  Decision Support Systems Assist managers in making non-routine decisions

13 Slide 13 Examples of Management Support Systems  Groupware Supports the group activities of managers and other workers  Executive Information Systems Provide the information that top executives need to quickly identify problems, scan data for trends, communicate with employees, and set strategic objectives

14 Slide 14 The Scope of Information Systems  Individual Information Systems Target a single person in the organization  Functional Information Systems Address the needs of a function or department in an organization

15 Slide 15 The Scope of Information Systems  Enterprise Information Systems Fully integrate the functions of an organization and provide a single, comprehensive repository for its information

16 Slide 16 The Scope of Information Systems  Inter-organizational Information Systems Provide a common point of interaction and common repository of information for a company, its suppliers, distributors, customers, and/or shippers.

17 Slide 17 Why Managers Today Need to Use and Understand IT  To succeed in a global environment  To profit from the electronic economy  To focus on performance  To support a mobile workforce  To build individual capabilities and productivity

18 Slide 18 The Manager’s Job Figure 1-5

19 Slide 19 The Roles of the Manager  Gathering information and monitoring the environment  Sharing information  Leading, motivating, and coaching employees  Making decisions and plans

20 Slide 20 The Roles of the Manager  Distributing and Negotiating about resources  Resolving problems and developing strategic responses  Providing control

21 Slide 21 The Challenges For Effective Information Management  Managers Need To: Collect, process, and disseminate information quickly and accurately to help their organizations compete effectively in today’s global marketplace

22 Slide 22 The Challenges For Effective Information Management  Using technology appropriately to meet information needs  Dealing with too little, too much, or conflicting information  Responding in a timely fashion  Ensuring cost effectiveness  Ensuring security

23 Slide 23 Ethical Principles of Information Management  Ethics -- the study of how to apply your moral standards to particular situations  Ethical principles Harm minimization Consistency Respect

24 Slide 24 The Four-Step Management Approach Figure 1-8

25 End of Chapter 1 End of Chapter 1 Information Management In A Global Economy

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