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LINC Policy Council December 1, 2004 Lincoln Trail Libraries System.

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Presentation on theme: "LINC Policy Council December 1, 2004 Lincoln Trail Libraries System."— Presentation transcript:

1 LINC Policy Council December 1, 2004 Lincoln Trail Libraries System

2 Agenda u LINC Financial Update u LINC/CODI Update u LINCPac Enhancements Committee u Itype Reduction Committee u Holds Capability Update

3 LINC Financial Update u Cash Balance as of 11/30/2004 F $427,427.51

4 Horizon Update u Added equipment record workform (nonMarc-like) u Stabilized LINCpac by working with Dynix to rebuild guts of main server u Fixed LINCPac problems - KidsCat not working, added predefined limit boxes, added format-specific indexes, turned off item-specific requests, added subscription summary display to serials, fixed Syndetics book reviews

5 Horizon Update u Spent considerable time working on Champaign/Urbanas network connectivity issues with Dynix, ICN, and others u Released WebReporter product to libraries, offered training via WebEx u Reduced number of daily holds for Champaign u Changed some displays in Horizon u Got WebFeat up and running on LINCPac

6 Horizon Update u Cleaned up city codes u Added borrower address edit tool u Expanded the FAQ site u Brought Onarga Public online u Had another library join LINC, Clifton Public Library u Two meetings of the Itype Reduction Committee u One meeting of the LINCPac Enhancements committee

7 CODI Update Attended several sessions including u HIP 4.0, Horizon 8.0, System Administration, Electronic Resource Management module, open URL, Holds functionality u Met with Jack Blount and sr. level managers about outstanding issues u Talked to B&T about PromptCat Charges u Asked Dynix to talk to Veicom about Champaign server issues u Presented panel session on training/communication issues during our migration

8 LINCPac Enhancements Committee u Reviewed next version of HIP 4.0 u Made recommendations for possible changes, knowing that HIP 4.0 will be out early next year

9 LINCPac Enhancements Committee u Have sent a test LINCPac out to committee, with changes they suggested u Will meet again on December 14

10 Itype Reduction Committee u Met twice, next meeting is scheduled for December 10 u Discussed itype data fields, contacted other systems to find out many itypes they have, created a spreadsheet of our 800+ itypes with all data fields associated u Sent emails to directors who have itypes with 0 items, asking if we could delete u Will meet again on December 10

11 Horizon Holds Capability u Horizon support tells us that holds in Horizon are infinitely configurable, but not to proceed with additional holds rules until the number of itypes is greatly reduced u The recommendation is to get the number of itypes below 200 u Horizon holds use rules that include location groups, itype groups, and btype groupos to satisfy requests

12 Horizon Holds Capability u Algorithm used to fill bib-level holds follows this order: 1. Only select items with status of In 2. Eliminate items that have already appeared on a pull list but not checked in on hold shelf 3. Then follow rules in holds matrix (LTLS has 4 rules - nonrequestable itype group, location groups for item/patron priority, allbut Champaign fill all else, and finally Champaign is last priority for other libraries) 4. Location priority setting is on, so holds are filled next based on item/location match (not going into transit) 5. Finally, if a tie, pick the item with the lowest item number

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