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Name____________________ Period_____ Date________ UNIT 1 ROAD TO REVOLUTION Henderson Middle School 8th Grade Social Studies Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 1 of 16

2 Unit 1.1 – TAXES AND ACTS Pages 159-162 of textbook
1. Why did the colonists hate the PROCLAMATION LINE OF 1763? 2. How did most colonists react to the Proclamation Line of 1763? 3. How did King George III plan to enforce the Proclamation Line of 1763? 4. Describe the QUARTERING ACT: 5. Why did the King need to increase revenue after the French and Indian War? 6. Describe the SUGAR ACT: 7. Describe the STAMP ACT: 8. How did colonial leaders react to the many acts and taxes passed by the British government? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 4 of 16

3 Unit 1.1 – TAXES AND ACTS Pages 159-162 of textbook
9. Describe the importance of PATRICK HENRY: 10. What is a BOYCOTT? 11. What type of people made up the SONS OF LIBERTY? 12. What was the purpose of the SONS OF LIBERTY? 13. Describe the TOWNSHEND ACTS? 14. What were the WRITS OF ASSISTANCE? 15. How did SAMUEL ADAMS react to the British acts and taxes? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 5 of 16

4 UNIT 1.2 – BOSTON MASSACRE Pages 163-166 of textbook
16. Describe the feelings of Boston beginning in the fall of 1768? 17. Who was a “lobster”? 18. What did the term “Yankees” mean? 19. What event happens on March 5, 1770? 20. Who names the event “The Boston Massacre”? 21. How does the term “massacre” show an anti-British view? 22. Who is CRISPUS ATTUCKS? 23. How did the people of Boston feel about the event? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 6 of 16

5 Unit 1.2 – BOSTON MASSACRE Pages 163-166 of textbook
 24. Which lawyer decides to defend the British soldiers in the trial? 25. What was the outcome of the trial? 26. Why was it so important that the British soldiers get a fair trial in the colonies? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 7 of 16

6 Unit 1.3 – BOSTON TEA PARTY Pages 166-171 of textbook
27. What also happens on the day of the Boston Massacre? 28. Why did Parliament keep the tea tax? 29. What was the purpose of the COMMITTEES OF CORRESPONDENCE? 30. When did the BOSTON TEA PARTY occur? 31. How much tea was destroyed? 32. How did the British officials and the king react to the Boston Tea Party? 33. How did the British punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 8 of 16

7 Unit 1.3 – BOSTON TEA PARTY Pages 166-171 of textbook
34. Describe the various parts of the INTOLERABLE ACTS? 35. How did the colonies other than Massachusetts react to the Intolerable Acts? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 9 of 16

8 Unit 1.4 – SHOT HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD Pages 170-175 of textbook
36. What is a MILITIA? 37. What job did the MINUTEMEN have? 38. How did the British respond to the Boston Tea Party? 39. What was accomplished at the FIRST CONTINENTIAL CONGRESS? 40. How was the First Continental Congress important to the future of the colonies? 41. How did the colonists respond to the Intolerable Acts? 42. What did the British plan to do in Lexington and Concord as they marched April 18, 1775? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 10 of 16

9 Unit 1.4 – SHOT HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD Pages 170-175 of textbook
43. How did the colonists get information on the movement of British troops? 44. Who had the numbers advantage in the battle at Lexington? 45. Who fired the first shot at Lexington? 46. How many colonial militiamen were killed in this first battle?  47. Describe the march back to Boston for the British soldiers: 48. Name the two towns in which the battles of the Revolutionary War started: 49. What famous quote did Ralph Waldo Emerson make about the first battle? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 11 of 16

10 Unit 1.4 – SHOT HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD Pages 170-175 of textbook
50. Describe a PATRIOT: 51. Describe a LOYALIST: Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 12 of 16

11 UNIT 1.5 – BIRTH OF AN ARMY Pages 176-179 of textbook
52. How many colonial militiamen gathered around Boston after the Battles of Lexington and Concord? 53. Which British fort was attacked and captured by ETHAN ALLEN and the GREEN MOUNTIAN BOYS? 54. What is ARTILLERY? 55. Why was the capture of FORT TICONDEROGA so important to the colonists? 56. Describe the two major accomplishments of the SECOND CONTINENTIAL CONGRESS: 57. Who won the FIRST BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 13 of 16

12 UNIT 1.5 – BIRTH OF AN ARMY Pages 176-179 of textbook
58. What did King George III react to the OLIVE BRANCH PETITION OF 1775? 59. Describe the role of BENDICT ARNOLD in the war: 60. What caused the British to withdraw their soldiers from Boston? 61. Who wrote COMMON SENSE? 62. What was the importance of the COMMON SENSE publication? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 14 of 16

13 UNIT 1.6 – DECLARATION OF INDEPENENCE Pages 180-185 of textbook
66. Who was the first to sign the document? 67. The Declaration of Independence was based largely on the ideas of what philosopher? 68. What did Jefferson think should happen if a government disregards the rights of the people? 63. Who was selected to write the Declaration of Independence? 64. Give two reasons why this person was chosen to write this important document? 65. On what day was the Declaration of Independence adopted? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 15 of 16

14 UNIT 1.6 – DECLARATION OF INDEPENENCE Pages 180-185 of textbook
69. What parts of the population were left out of the rights listed in the Declaration of Independence? 70. How did the signers of the Declaration of Independence place their lives in danger? Unit 1 – Road to Revolution – Page 16 of 16


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