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Warm Up Grab a Historical Fiction Summary Sheet from front table and complete. Also take out Historical Fiction Project Sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Grab a Historical Fiction Summary Sheet from front table and complete. Also take out Historical Fiction Project Sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Grab a Historical Fiction Summary Sheet from front table and complete. Also take out Historical Fiction Project Sheet.


3 The Presentation 3 Parts for Presentation Talk about the Plot Connect to History Talk about the real history The Poster Half a piece of poster board (no larger) Extra Credit? Get you in your collage

4 Take out Your Taxation Worksheet

5 Taxation without Representation The Events Leading to the Revolution!

6 Prior to F+I War The Navigation Acts All Trade must go to England Smuggling became popular pastime

7 Effects of F + I War Fur Trade Huge Debt Colonies must pay Proclamation of 1763

8 Debts & Taxing How were taxes collected?

9 The Sugar Act 1764 Taxed foreign molasses Made foreign sugar and molasses more expensive than British Seize goods without court

10 The Stamp Act 1765 Tax on all printed material Angered colonists Tax without consent Interfere with colonial affairs Protests break out

11 Protests in the Street

12 Stamp Act Congress 9 colonies urge boycott Colonial leaders meet New York Ended with Repeal in 1766 Declaratory Act 1766

13 Townshend Acts 1767 Import Taxes Lead, paint, paper, glass and tea imported by colonists NY Legislature suspended until agrees to quartering of troops

14 Guided Reading Work Due Fri Oct 1 st

15 Warm Up Grab the “Addendum” sheet Take out Taxation Worksheet Using Same directions as taxation sheet complete the Stamp Act Congress and Boston Massacre entries

16 Unrest Builds! Boston Unjust Laws 2 Regiments of troops

17 Primary Source Read The Incident in Boston March 5, 1770

18 The Boston Incident

19 Ch 5 GR Work

20 Warm Up Take Out Colonial Grievance Worksheet

21 The Boston Massacre

22 Historical Fiction Warm Up Grab a Historical Fiction Summary Sheet and Complete


24 John Adams

25 Warm Up Take Out Taxation Sheet and complete any remaining entries & Hand in Sons o’ Liberty / Committee of Correspondence activity on front table

26 Review Why did England pass their F&I war debt to the colonies? Which town became the hotbed for anti- taxation protest? What happened between a mob and a group of British soldiers in that town? What is propaganda?

27 News Spreads! Propaganda – twisted truth, or misinformation designed to gain an advantage Committees of Correspondence – Letter writing groups organized to keep other colonies informed of British actions in the colonies

28 Tea Problems Townshend Acts repealed Except for Tea Period of calm ensues in colonies

29 The Tea Act of 1773 British Tea Company losing money in colonies Dutch Merchants selling cheaper Tea Tax makes non – British East India Company very expensive Colonists extremely angry!

30 Boston Tea Party December 16, 1773

31 The “Intolerable” Acts Coercive Acts Boston Harbor Closed Government Shut Down Pay for Tea House soldiers in homes

32 Timeline Activity

33 Warm Up Take out your timelines and complete With each timeline entry add a small illustration

34 The Response to the “Intolerable” Acts

35 The Continental Congress September 1774

36 Continental Congress 55 Delegates from 12 colonies Met in Philly Who came?

37 John and Samuel Adams

38 John Jay

39 Richard Henry Lee and Patrick Henry

40 George Washington

41 The Minutes List of Grievances Boycott of all English Goods Suffolk Resolves Arm militia around Boston

42 Colonial Militia

43 Trouble Brewing… Sir Thomas Gage 700 troops to Concord

44 “The Redcoats are Coming!”


46 The Shot Heard Round the World Lexington – 70 militia March to Concord Long March Home

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