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TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION. 1 2 3 4 To list the subjects contributing to Technology Education To provide guidelines for Time Tabling, Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION. 1 2 3 4 To list the subjects contributing to Technology Education To provide guidelines for Time Tabling, Teacher."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 2 3 4 To list the subjects contributing to Technology Education To provide guidelines for Time Tabling, Teacher Allocation To address the topics of Continuous Assessment and Mark Collection ANIMATED SCENE 3

3 TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Industrial Arts Agriculture Science Technical Drawing Home Economics Information Technology Food & Nutrition Clothing & Textiles Beauty Culture Mechanical Technology Electrical Technology Construction & Building Technology TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION Subjects Home Management EDPM

4  As stated in the Secondary School Curriculum, Forms 1-3 (September, 2008), Technology Education is allotted four (4) periods in a one week cycle.  Two double periods or 1 triple and a single period TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

5 This requires careful planning by the Head/s of Department so as to ensure that all students from Forms One to Three have been adequately exposed to the skill areas under the umbrella of Technology Education over the three year period. This is dependent on the school’s environment, resources, class sizes, teacher skills and specialized rooms. TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

6  Decisions are therefore dependent on the school’s  resources,  class sizes,  available skills teachers  specialized rooms. TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

7 Tech Ed teachers are reminded that they are delivering the curriculum within their given subject content but using the Technology Education methodology: The IDEATE Model. The Curriculum can be delivered so that it is the building block for the Form Four and Five Curriculum in the given subject content. TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

8  Large classes may be split between two teachers of different subject content, e.g. Food and Nutrition and IT. At mid-term the teachers switch groups and repeat the activity with the new group OR teachers may alternate terms.  All subject content under the umbrella of Technology Education are to be allocated periods for delivery of the curriculum. TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION


10 1 Assessment Continuous Assessment Keeping Records Final NCSE Exam Repercussions Samples from a school 2 3 4 5 6 ANIMATED SCENE 3

11 Continuous Assessment ( Forms One -Three ) ( Course Marks & End of Term Assessments) 60% NCSE Level One Final Assessment 40% ANIMATED SCENE 5

12  This makes up sixty percent (60%) of the final NCSE mark.  It consists of all Course Work (C) and End of Term assessments (E) from Forms One to Three TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

13  Each student should have a C mark and an E mark at the end of each term in Forms 1 and F2 for a total of twelve (12) marks  Each student should have a C mark and an E mark at the end of the first two terms in Form 3 a total of sixteen (16) marks over the three years.  All marks must be recorded and all data kept securely. TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

14  Marks can be awarded throughout the course of an activity.  The teacher can develop a rubric (rating scale) for each criteria being assessed and inform the students how they would be assessed.  Students can be invited to suggest what they should be marked on

15 Suggestions for topics for assessment:  Teamwork  Safety  Collection of data  Use of technology  Cleanup  Research  Manipulation of tools  Creativity  Efficient use of time TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

16 FORM ONEFORM TWOFORM THREE TERM One Two Three__ TOTAL332 TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION ALL Course Work mark must be out of 100% for each term Where there is more than one teacher facilitating the curriculum in a given Form during a specific term, the marks may be collated and an average mark given for Technology Education.

17 This mark could be the Product and Presentation Assessment. It can also include Design Portfolios. Teachers are reminded to provide students with the assessment criteria before the activity. TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

18 FORM ONEFORM TWOFORM THREE TERM One Two Three__ TOTAL332 TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION Where there is more than one teacher of different subject content, facilitating the curriculum in a given Form during a specific term, the marks are collated and an average mark given for Technology Education. ALL End of Term marks must be out of 100% for each term

19 Teache r A Teacher A Teacher B Final C Final E Student NameJan- Feb Feb-Mar Avg. CECECE 100% J. Bengal858957687179 M. Bitsy677874807179 M. Macolo758672787482 O. Kenobie597686907383 An example of record keeping for a specific term where two teachers are sharing a split class. The final grades should then be entered into a “master” sheet as well as in report books. TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

20 YEAR 2007-2008 FORM ONE YEAR 2008-2009 FORM TWO YEAR 2009-2010 FORM THREE Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 1 Term 2 C E C E C E C E C E TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION Total Number of Marks to be submitted = 16 C- Course Mark E- End of Term Mark

21 Students will be marked in the following areas using a rubric/ rating scale by the examination body. It contributes 40% to the student’s grade. TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION AREATOTAL POSSIBLE MARKS Team Work 12 Safety 08 Process 16 Product 24 Presentation 12 Portfolio (assessed at NSCE Marking Centre) 28 TOTAL MARK100

22 Teachers should encourage students in earning excellent course work marks for both products (e.g. Solution sketches) and process (e.g. Teamwork). At the end of the day student performance is a priority. TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

23 It is very important that teachers ensure that all the continuous assessment marks required by the NCSE examining body be submitted. Students who do not meet these requirements are automatically awarded “ X”. TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

24 SubjectCode Number of students entered ABCDRX Number of students passed Language Arts L400125 0 0% 13 10% 35 28% 33 27% 21 17% 23 18% 81 65% MathematicsM510125 0 0% 1 1% 9 7% 22 18% 63 50% 30 24% 32 26% Physical Education P796125 0 0% 1 1% 11 9% 53 42% 17 14% 43 34% 65 52% Social StudiesS300125 0 0% 1 1% 6 5% 23 18% 81 65% 14 11% 30 24% SpanishS468125 0 0% 6 5% 15 12% 72 57% 32 26% 21 17% ScienceS500125 0 0% 9 7% 21 17% 82 66% 13 10% 30 24% Technology Education T607125 1 1% 7 5% 36 29% 31 25% 20 16% 30 24% 75 60% Visual and Performing Arts V700125 0 0% 8 6% 15 12% 40 32% 33 27% 29 23% 63 50% The Government of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Education National Certificate of Education Level 1 2009 School Summary Report TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION

25 Technology Education T607125 1 1% 7 5% 36 29% 31 25% 20 16% 30 24% 75 60% The Government of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Education National Certificate of Education Level 1 2009 School Summary Report SubjectCode Number of students entered ABCDRX Number of students passed TECNOLOGYEDUCATIONTECNOLOGYEDUCATION


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