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Chapter #5 Review. Benjamin Franklin wrote the Declaration of Independence. True/False.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter #5 Review. Benjamin Franklin wrote the Declaration of Independence. True/False."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter #5 Review

2 Benjamin Franklin wrote the Declaration of Independence. True/False

3 Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense. True/False




7 Tea Act – It allowed the East India Company the right to import tea without paying the normal taxes, which made it cheaper than the colonial merchant’s tea.

8 Which act did the Daughters of Liberty protest? A.Tea Act B.Townshend Acts C.Declaratory Act D.Stamp Act







15 How many colonists were killed in the Boston Massacre? A.Five B.Twenty C.One-Hundred and thirteen D.Thirty-three





20 George Grenville took action against what group of people? A.shipbuilders B.Rebels C.merchants D.smugglers

21 After the Boston Massacre, colonists used propaganda against Britain. True/False True!!!

22 King George III opposed any compromise with the colonists. True/False True

23 Which group of colonists did not consider unfair taxes a good reason for war? A.Patriots B.Loyalists C.Minutemen D.Green Mountain Boys Loyalists

24 The British learned that it would be difficult to beat the Americans after the battles of Lexington and Concord. True/False False – It was the Battle of Bunker Hill

25 The _______ ______ allowed the colonists to pay a lower tax on molasses. Sugar Act


27 How were the British soldiers allowed to search a colonists home? A.Search warrant B.Writ of Assistance C.Orders of the King D.Declaratory Act

28 When Britain learned that the colonists were beginning to rebel, they sent in British soldiers to the colonies.

29 The colonies organized the _________________ ______ to fight against the British Continental Army!!!!

30 What were the colonists who wanted to fight for independence called? Patriots

31 Which act banned town meetings? A.Townshend Act B.Coercive Act C.Declaratory Act D.Stamp Act Coercive Act - The colonial name was the Intolerable Act!!!

32 Which of the following was a dramatic act of defiance by the colonists? A.Townshend Act B.Intolerable Act C.Boston Massacre D.Boston Tea Party Boston Tea Party

33 How did Great Britain view the colonies? A.As an economic resource B.As independent governments C.As a hindrance to their success D.As an ally of the Native Americans

34 Martha Washington’s letters to her husband suggested increased women’s rights. True/False False – It was Abigail Adams

35 What marked the beginning of the American Revolution? The signing of the Declaration of Independence!!!!!

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