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What is happening in this picture?. The Liberty Affair The Liberty was a Ship owned by John Hancock British Customs Officers seize the Liberty in1768,

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Presentation on theme: "What is happening in this picture?. The Liberty Affair The Liberty was a Ship owned by John Hancock British Customs Officers seize the Liberty in1768,"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is happening in this picture?

2 The Liberty Affair The Liberty was a Ship owned by John Hancock British Customs Officers seize the Liberty in1768, claiming it was used to smuggle goods The people of Boston quickly took to the streets complaining that this was going too far! Customs Officers send word back to England that Boston is on the Brink of Revolution England Responds by sending 2 regiments of the Royal Army There is now 1 Red Coat for every 4 Boston Citizens

3 The Boston Massacre Tensions reach a high point on March 5 th, 1770 A large group of colonists assemble to protest the red coats Shouting quickly turns in to throwing stones and snowballs When one Red Coat is knocked over the Soldiers fire on the unarmed citizens of Boston When the smoke clears 5 are dead including African American Crispus Attucks  He is considered the 1 st casualty of the war

4 The Outcome Paul Revere’s “Bloody Massacre” helps spread news of the conflict to the other colonies Samuel Adams also revives the Committee of Correspondence to help spread the word and to organize protests Boston seems closer to chaos than ever before

5 The Tea Act of 1773 The Tea Act of 1773 allowed British merchants to sell tea to colonists at a much lower price than Colonial merchants could compete with Colonial Merchants protest this as a way for Britain to make money off of colonists who are already over taxed Colonial protestors refused to let any British Tea Ships to land in the harbors of Philidelphia and New York

6 The Boston Tea Party The British Army in Boston made sure British Tea Ships could port in Boston Harbor On December 16 th 1773 Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty took action to oppose the Tea Act At midnight they snuck on to the ships dressed as Mohawk Indians They throw over 300 Chests of tea overboard (Worth over a million $$$ Today) Britain passes the Intolerable Acts as punishment  What do these acts do?

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