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The American Revolution

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1 The American Revolution
The events leading up to the War

2 Intro

3 Who are you? Click on who you are. Teacher Student

4 Objectives Given this interactive lesson students will be able to:
Identify key facts about the American Revolution such as; acts, rebellions, and other events. Know specific years and time frames of the American Revolution. Pass the quiz at the end with a grade of 4/5.

5 Audience Students: 12th grade social studies class learning about the American Revolution. Teachers: Social studies teachers who have students in the 8th grade and are studying the American Revolution.

6 Learning Environment The learning environment is a standard 8th grade room that has computers for the learners. The lesson is self guided so the students should remain fairly silent except to ask questions.

7 Choose one or go to the next slide
Acts Rebellions Video Events Quiz

8 Proclamation of 1763 October 7th, 1763
Stated that land west of the Mississippi was off limits for expansion. The colonists wanted to move out quickly to start gaining more land but England wanted to move slowly to help protect the Native American lands. Write below why you think this made the colonists mad.

9 Sugar Act April 5th, 1764 Parliament passed a modified version of the Sugar and Molasses Act of 1733 because it was about to expire. It was made to raise revenue for England due to French and Indian War. The colonists were angry but realized that the King and parliament had the ability to raise taxes.

10 Stamp Act March 22th, 1765 A tax on printed material.
Required that anything printed had to have a stamp that showed that the tax had been paid for. The colonists were angry because they saw it as an attack on necessities as well as a direct attack on a certain group of people. Prices of printed goods went up so that they could pay for the tax.

11 Boston Massacre March 5th, 1770
British Regulars marched through the streets of Boston and encountered an angry mob of colonists. The colonists threw snowballs and other objects at the British and the tension grew rapidly. The British Regulars opened fire on the colonists and killed five of them including a freed slave.

12 Quartering Act of 1765 March 24th, 1765
Forced colonists to allow British Regulars to use their homes and property. The Regulars were very rude and treated colonists as second hand English citizens. The colonists saw it as corrupt and tyrannical because there was no need for the Regulars. They were no longer fighting anyone so they saw the Regulars as a way for England to keep an eye on the colonists.

13 The Tea Act May 10th, 1773 The East Indian Company was being flooded and it was failing. The British made it easier for the East Indian Company to sell tea by allowing them to go directly to the Colonial ports and sell it off their ship rather than going through the British as a middle man. The colonists would not have to pay a tax on the tea. The colonists saw it as a trap the British were using to try to trick them into buying the tea.

14 The Boston Tea Party December 16th, 1773
A colonial group known as the Sons of Liberty dressed up like Tomahawk Native Americans and raided the East Indian trading companies ships and threw the tea into the Boston Harbor.

15 Common Sense by Thomas Paine
January 15th, 1776 A book written by Thomas Paine, a British author who moved to the colonies, that argued that the colonies should become their own country. Argued that the little island of England had no power to rule over an entire continent. It was widely read and spoken to the illiterate in the colonies.

16 Quiz Time! Review Take the quiz

17 Which of these was a reason why the colonists were angry?
They lacked transportation that allowed them to travel across the ocean. B) The British didn’t want them to be a part of England C) They had to be slaves to the British D) They were upset about the taxes and tyranny of the British

18 Sorry that is incorrect
Think about what the British were doing to the colonists and try again!

19 Sorry that is incorrect
Think about what the British were doing to the colonists and try again!

20 Sorry that is incorrect
Think about what the British were doing to the colonists and try again!

21 Nice Job! Move on to the next question!

22 Which of the following was one of the acts?
The Sugar Act B) The Townshend Acts C) The Stamp Act D) All of the above

23 Sorry that is incorrect
Think about the other options. There may be a better answer.

24 Sorry that is incorrect
Think about the other options. There may be a better answer.

25 Sorry that is incorrect
Think about the other options. There may be a better answer.

26 Nice Job! Move on to the next question!

27 The Boston Massacre resulted in how many deaths?
7 B) 23 C) 49 D) 5

28 Sorry that is incorrect
Close but too many.

29 Sorry that is incorrect
That is too many. Try again!

30 Sorry that is incorrect
That is too many. Try again!

31 Nice Job! Move on to the next question!

32 What year was the Boston Tea Party?
1773 B) 1789 C) 1770 D) 1768

33 Sorry that is incorrect
Click here to review. Review

34 Sorry that is incorrect
Click here to review. Review

35 Sorry that is incorrect
Click here to review. Review

36 Nice Job! Move on to the next question!

37 The Boston Tea Party December 16th, 1773
A colonial group known as the Sons of Liberty dressed up like Tomahawk Native Americans and raided the East Indian trading companies ships and threw the tea into the Boston Harbor.

38 Why was common sense important?
It was just a really good book. B) It described reasons why the colonists should create their own country. C) It was a written as a play involving George Washington. D) None of the above.

39 Sorry that is incorrect
Think about the other options. There may be a better answer.

40 Sorry that is incorrect
Think about the other options. There may be a better answer.

41 Sorry that is incorrect
Think about the other options. There may be a better answer.

42 Nice Job! Move on to the next question!

43 Congratulations! You Passed

44 Resources

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