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Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Using.

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Presentation on theme: "Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Using."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Using Indiana’s Local Resolution NHD What is Local Resolution NHD David Nail, U.S. Geological Survey Using NHD Data in the New Indiana Map Lacey Duncan, IN Dept. of Natural Resources Using NHD Feature Classes in ArcMap Kelly Myers, IN Dept. of Transportation Using an NHD Geodatabase in ArcMap Mike Martin, IN Dept. of Natural Resources Using HEM Tools, Events, and Routes with the NHD Dave Knipe, IN Dept. of Natural Resources Correcting the Data Mike Martin, IN Dept. of Natural Resources Q & A

2 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Indiana’s National Hydrography Data Update Program What is the National Hydrography Dataset? Surface Water Layer – lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, ditches, dams, streamgages, feature names and more.

3 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Indiana’s National Hydrography Data Update Program ReachCode Address for stream 14 digit number (8 Digit Hydrologic Unit Code) 05051205120105120104 05 Ohio River Basin 0512 Wabash River Basin 051201 excluding Patoka,White 05120104 Eel Subbasin

4 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Indiana’s National Hydrography Data Update Program intermittent perennial ephemeral Flow Directions Stream Classifications

5 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Indiana’s National Hydrography Data Update Program Feature Names Geographic Names Information System

6 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Indiana’s National Hydrography Data Update Program Reasons for Updating Indiana’s NHD Improve geometry Improve feature names

7 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Indiana’s National Hydrography Data Update Program Reasons for Updating Indiana’s NHD Increase Resolution Increase Number of Drains Reasons for Updating Indiana’s NHD Increase Resolution Increase Drainage 24K Local-Res Iroquois - 07120002

8 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Indiana’s National Hydrography Data Update Program Subbasins in work by AECOM Eel Iroquois Middle Wabash-Deer Wildcat Upper East Fork White Flatrock-Haw Driftwood Muscatatuck

9 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Indiana’s National Hydrography Data Update Program How can you help create a better Local-Resolution NHD? By providing information about drainage features: Does it have a name? Is it perennial? Intermittent? Ephemeral? Is it a stream or a ditch? Which direction does it flow? Is the geometry correct? Does it flow underground? Do you have stormwater data?

10 Using the Indiana Map to view and download the National Hydrography Dataset

11 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships The New Indiana MAP

12 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Layers National Hydrography Dataset  Water Bodies  Hydrography Points  Lake Shore Features  Lakes  Streams  Rivers

13 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Water Bodies Hydrography Points Gaging Station Reservoir SinkRise SpringSeep Well Hydrography Points, 2008 - Shows gaging stations, canals, reservoirs, springs, seeps, waterfalls, and wells (NHD)

14 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Lake Shore Features Lake Shore Features, 2002 - Shows bays, bars, beaches, capes, harbors, and islands associated with lakes in Indiana (GNIS, USGS)

15 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Lakes Lakes, Ponds, Reservoirs, Swamps, and Marshes, 2008 - Shows lakes, ponds, reservoirs, swamps and marshes in watersheds (NHD)

16 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Rivers/Streams Streams, 2008 - Shows streams, rivers, canals, ditches, artificial paths, coastlines, connectors and pipelines in Indiana (NHD) Stream Features, 2002 - Shows the locations and attribute values of stream features extracted from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)

17 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Rivers

18 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Legend

19 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Layer Gallery

20 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Viewing Options Preview Map Metadata Download Zip File Map Service

21 Downloading and Using an NHD Geodatabase from USGS Mike Martin

22 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Go to, click Go to the NHD Viewer

23 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships In the NHD Viewer, zoom in to area of interest

24 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Click Download Data, set reference area as NHD Subbasins

25 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Click on the Subbasin to select, then click Download

26 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Check Hydrography, choose format, click Next

27 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Choose Dynamic Extract and click Next

28 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Click Checkout

29 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Add email address and click Place Order

30 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships First email notification, patience......

31 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Second email notification, click on Download Link, Save file

32 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Open zipped file and extract all

33 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Open zipped file and extract all

34 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships In ArcMap, open Catalog and open the extracted geodatabase

35 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Drag the entire Hydrography Dataset to the Table of Contents

36 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships



39 Drainage Area Comparison Hoggatt (1965)* NHD (2012)* Blue River at Mouth (Whitley County)80.6 80.1 Pony Creek at Mouth (Wabash County)32.733.7 Paw Paw Creek at Mouth (Miami County)54.956.0 Twelvemile Creek at Mouth (Cass County)53.154.4 Eel River at Mouth815820.2 *Drainage areas in Square Miles

40 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships


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