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Presentation on theme: "TRITON CENTRAL SCHOOLS E-LEARNING DAYS FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHY? During the winter of 2013, Indiana experienced unusually harsh weather that forced Indiana Schools to close for several days. This loss of precious instructional time caused many challenges for our school community. As we began to research alternative options to prevent these challenges from recurring, we took notice of a new opportunity provided by the Indiana Department of Education known as the “Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Option.” This option allows schools to provide learning activities at home, during days that school buildings are closed due to weather. This option is only available to school districts who provide a mobile technology device for every student and who are approved by the Indiana Department of Education. We are happy to announce that our district has been approved and we are in the midst of planning for these days.

3 GOALS? Triton Central is dedicated to researching and finding ways to leverage our robust use of technology to ensure maximum student achievement. This will be accomplished with the establishment of the following goals; 1.Reduce the number of school days added to the end of the school year due to snow and inclement weather cancellations. 2.Provide maximum opportunities for students prior to the start of standardized testing, i.e. iSTEP, iREAD, ECA, and AP Testing 3.Offer students quality experiences with digital learning that is a part of the College & Career Readiness standards. 4.Increase teacher capacity to design and deliver quality digital instruction. 5.Continue to expand seamless learning delivered on days when school is unexpectedly cancelled.

4 STRUCTURE FOR THE DAY (HOW IT WORKS) 1.The Triton Central teaching staff has created assignments for their assigned students in the event we have a school cancellation. When you receive the call from the central office, it will be identified as “e-Learning Day” #1, 2, 3, etc. This will identify which lesson bundle students are to complete. 2.Student Expectations Complete all assignments assigned during the eLearning days. Digitally submit all assignments that can be digitally sent during the eLearning day. If connectivity is an issue, work on the bundles that have been digitally placed on your device (chromebook or iPad). Submit your assignments upon returning to school. TCHS and TCMS can contact teachers online. TCES will offer virtual office hours at 10:00a.m.-12:00 a.m. or 6:00p.m.- 7:00p.m. If you need help on any digital assignment when applicable. Or contact the technology help desk for assistance.

5 STRUCTURE FOR THE DAY (HOW IT WORKS CONTINUED) 3.Teacher Expectations Make contact with each student during the eLearning day. Provide virtual office hours. Staff utilizing the “My Big Campus” and “GMail” with their students should be flexible with their office hours. Provide students with feedback. Individually track virtual attendance on the “eLearning Day” attendance tracker that has been shared with you on the district Google Drive. For students with connectivity issues and/or incomplete assignments, arrange for them to utilize delayed start Wednesdays to complete all work without penalty.

6 E-LEARNING HOMEWORK BUNDLES All students have access to “eLearning Bundles” numbered 1 thru 5. With the closure of school, students will be required to access these bundles and complete the assigned lessons. NO student will be penalized for connectivity issues and will have the opportunity to work on paper pencil packets if necessary.

7 DO’S AND DON’TS ON IPADS Do’s: Please Turn off the iPad when not using them for e-Learning to preserve battery power in the event you are out of school for multiple days. Make sure that the cover is shut and that your iPad is in a safe place when not in use. If a box pops up asking for a corporate iTunes password please hit CANCEL. Connect the iPad to your home wifi so that you are able to access the e-Learning curriculum in your teachers packets. Directions are on the following slides. Don’ts: Please do not add personal iTunes accounts to the iPad. Students have a school issued account associated with the devices that is required to receive corporation apps. Do not access the app store during home use. All apps used for e-Learning days should already be installed on the iPad. Do not adjust any settings in the control panel.

8 STAY CALM AND TWEET IT Are your students working hard during the e-Learning days? Prove it! Post pictures of your favorite Triton Central Students learning virtually at home in twitter and use this tag….. #TCElearning





13 TECHNOLOGY HOTLINE *317-480-1298* This hotline is only accessible during e-Learning Days Mr. Landis on an eLearning Day

14 TRITON CENTRAL SCHOOLS E-LEARNING DAYS FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER Using technology to make the impossible……..Possible! Please feel free to contact your building administration to provide us with your feedback and ideas for improvement. We are will work hard to refine our protocols, ensuring maximum achievement!


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