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A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 A pluralistic perspective on money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen.

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Presentation on theme: "A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 A pluralistic perspective on money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 A pluralistic perspective on money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009

2 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 Unfair distribution

3 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 Financial instability

4 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 Climate change

5 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 The answer: growth

6 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009

7 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 solution

8 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 currency solutions

9 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 motive offers demands market rules & sanctions currency

10 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 t growth differentiated growth sustain gr w shrink

11 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009  Ration quantity: Fossil fuels  “Petro Trust”  Shrink in quantity / slow down: CO 2  ”Carbon Currency”  Save / Provide for future needs: Care  “Fureai Kippu”  Renewable / constant use: Energy  “Renewable Energy Currencies”  Restore regional value chains / sustainable development: Regional economy  “Regiogeld”  Expand in quantity: Virtual worlds  “Lindon Dollars”  Accelerate / grow in quantity/quality: Knowledge / education  “Saber”  Accelerate / grow in efficiency: Resource Productivity  “environmental wrecking bonus”

12 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 shrink

13 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 shrink

14 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 gr w

15 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 gr w SABER = Wissen Education Currency for Pupils in Brasil * Vouchers, backed by 1% of mobil phone bills (1 Mrd. US$) * Pupils teach pupils * Redeemable only by universities * „accelerated“ -20% p.a.  Highest „educational R.o.I.“

16 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 sustain

17 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 The transition of growth:

18 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 The transition of growth: from exponential to logistic growth

19 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 D CH A prepared (38+) issued (31)

20 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 D CH A prepared (38+) issued (31) Chiemgauer

21 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009

22 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009

23 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009

24 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 D CH A prepared (38+) issued (31) Chiemgauer Sterntaler

25 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009

26 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 Regiogeld € -5% €

27 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 Regiogeld € -5% €

28 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009

29 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 Regiogeld € € something useful regional production

30 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 The case of renewable energy: “Sonnenscheine” (Steyerberg, Germany, 2007)

31 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 devresersthgirllA.V.etkejorpOIGER5002© :DNEGEL OIGER hWk ORUE c i t i z e n s power authorities Energy supply company, grid operator OIGERygrene ® REGIOdigits In circulation regional economy Entrepreneurs, Trade, Services, Industry shares of citizens and companies in REGIOenergy citizens´ fund citizen stakeholder plant for renewable energies energy plant and operation renewable energy

32 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 (2)Certificates (primary notes) are held by a bank as reserve. (1)Renewable Energy Producers are certified to produce a certain amount of kWh (primary notes). (3)The Bank issues a trade currency (secondary notes) that is 100% backed by the primary notes. The case of renewable energy: “Renewable Energy Dollars” (Australia, 1977)

33 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 The case of renewable energy: “Renewable Energy Dollars” (Australia, 1977) „energy reserve bank“producerconsumer 100 %

34 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 The case of regional sustainable economy: “RegioSTAR e.G.” (Ainring, Germany, 2009) „regional basket reserve bank“ producer (member) consumer (member) food cert. food housing cert. housing mobility cert. mobility service cert. services 100 %

35 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 € ? Regiogeld € -5% €

36 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 Regiogeld € something useful € € How to lose all your money (but have something to show for it): (Dimitri Orlov)

37 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 motive Economic Resilience

38 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 Sustainable Vitality in Natural Systems A Balance of Resilience and Systemic Efficiency A Balance of Resilience and Systemic Efficiency = data from actual ecosystems Sustainability Systemic Efficiency Greater Resilience Greater Efficiency The Window of Vitality Optimal Balance Brittleness Stagnation Prawns Alligators Large Fish 11.9 4.13 Highest Efficiency = Very Brittle Too Big to Fail = Too Big to Succeed S.J.Goerner

39 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009 Durably Vibrant Economic Development High Quality Social Capital High Quality Human Capital Appropriately Fractal Structure : 1.high-volume hierarchical conduits properly connected to more numerous well-knit, local economies and community webs. 2.Different levels (scales) of organization play different roles in the overall processing and 3.healthy systems have a precise number of components and density of connection at each scale. S.J.Goerner

40 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009

41 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009

42 A Pluralistic Perspective on Money Climate Bottom Meeting, Copenhagen 08-12-2009

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