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6th Expert Meeting Business Process Management (BPM) Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) Complex Event Processing (CEP) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

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Presentation on theme: "6th Expert Meeting Business Process Management (BPM) Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) Complex Event Processing (CEP) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Expert Meeting Business Process Management (BPM) Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) Complex Event Processing (CEP) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Event Driven Architecture (EDA)

2 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL BPEL – what is it? | Kuno Grün 1 Generate BPEL code in objectiF | Ulrike Stumvoll 3 Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler | Alexej Jukkert5 Generate BPEL code in jPASS! | Michael Reisp6 Résumé | Simon Isenberg7 Generate BPEL code in ARIS | Alexej Jukkert4 Elements of BPEL | Erwin Buda 2

3 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL BPEL – what is it? | Kuno Grün 1 Generate BPEL code in objectiF | Ulrike Stumvoll 3 Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler | Alexej Jukkert5 Generate BPEL code in jPASS! | Michael Reisp6 Résumé | Simon Isenberg7 Generate BPEL code in ARIS | Alexej Jukkert4 Elements of BPEL | Erwin Buda 2

4 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL BPEL: Definition BPEL is an XML-based language for standardizing business processes in a distributed or grid computing environment that enables separate businesses to interconnect their applications and share data.

5 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL BPEL: Versions and History Descends from IBMs WSFL and Microsofts XLANG, combination called BPEL4WS BPEL4WS appeared in 1.0 and 1.0 – without being standardized yet WS-BPEL 2.0 Spec by OASIS in September 2004 BPEL 2.0 standardized in April 2007 In June 2007 BPEL4People published by Active Endpoints, Adobe, BEA, IBM, Oracle and SAP

6 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Distinction BPEL & XPDL XPDL = XML Process Definition Language WfMC = Workflow Management Coalition XPDL 1.0 ratified by WfMC in 2002 XPDL defines a XML schema for specifying the declarative part of workflow It‘s focus is less in Process execution but in Process interchange between differnet products (Modelling tools, Workflow engines etc.)

7 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL BPEL Standardization Model Core-BPEL Extensions Human Interactions … Sub Processes according to Prof. Frank Leymann

8 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL xmlns XML namespaces define uniquely named elements and attributes in an XML instance XML namespace does not require that its vocabulary be defined, though it is fairly common practice to place either a Document Type Definition (DTD) or an XML Schema IBM Modeler: xmlns:bpws= MicroTool objectiF xmlns="" jCOM1 jPASS! xmlns:bpws=""

9 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL BPEL – what is it? | Kuno Grün 1 Generate BPEL code in objectiF | Ulrike Stumvoll 3 Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler | Alexej Jukkert5 Generate BPEL code in jPASS! | Michael Reisp6 Résumé | Simon Isenberg7 Generate BPEL code in ARIS | Alexej Jukkert4 Elements of BPEL | Erwin Buda 2

10 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Elements of BPEL Basic Activities Structured Activities Partner Links Scopes Variables

11 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Elements of BPEL Basic and Stuctured Activities BPEL activities perform the process logic activities are divided into 2 classes: basic and structured basic activities describe elemental steps of the process behavior structured activities encode control-flow logic

12 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Elements of BPEL Basic Activities – calls Web Services <invoke name="checkSolvency" partnerLink="bank" portType="check" operation="checkSolvency" inputVariable="customer" outputVariable="sol"/> - waits for message - replies to a message

13 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Elements of BPEL Basic Activities - updates the values of variables - generates a fault from inside the business process - waits for a given time of period

14 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Elements of BPEL Stuctured Activities - sequential execution - concurrent execution sequence flow

15 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Elements of BPEL Structured Activities - waits for the occurrence of exactly one event - conditional behavior - repeated execution of a contained activity

16 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Elements of BPEL PartnerLinks - describes comunication partners the process is one of the partners, and another service is the other partner partnerLink defines the role that the process plays and the role that the partner service plays in the particular exchange

17 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Elements of BPEL Scopes - provides the context which influences the execution behavior of its enclosed activities this behavioral context includes activities like: variables or partner links contexts provided by activities can be nested hierarchically

18 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Elements of BPEL Variables - means for holding messages that constitute a part of the state of a business process visible only in the scope in which it is defined

19 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL BPEL – what is it? | Kuno Grün 1 Generate BPEL code in objectiF | Ulrike Stumvoll 3 Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler | Alexej Jukkert5 Generate BPEL code in jPASS! | Michael Reisp6 Résumé | Simon Isenberg7 Generate BPEL code in ARIS | Alexej Jukkert4 Elements of BPEL | Erwin Buda 2

20 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL GP* ≥ 50.000 € oder FL* ≥ 10.000 € Betrachtung der Gesamtprojektkosten nein ja Freigabe des Anteils der Auftragsklärung Status 5 „Projekt-Budget genehmigt“ Vorschlag prüfen Vorschlag priorisieren The original business process

21 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL

22 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Step 1Step 2 Step 3

23 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Step 4 Result

24 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL

25 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL

26 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL

27 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL BPEL – what is it? | Kuno Grün 1 Generate BPEL code in objectiF | Ulrike Stumvoll 3 Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler | Alexej Jukkert5 Generate BPEL code in jPASS! | Michael Reisp6 Résumé | Simon Isenberg7 Generate BPEL code in ARIS | Alexej Jukkert4 Elements of BPEL | Erwin Buda 2

28 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL GP >= 50.000 o. FL >=10.000 Gesamtkosten betrachten GP <= 50.000 o. FL <=10.000 Status auf 5 setzen Status auf 3 setzen Projekt finanziell genehmige n Status 5Status 3 Entscheidu ng vorbereiten IT Forum Generate BPEL code in ARIS ARIS uses ePC notation impossible to generate BPEL Code directly in ARIS vendor specific solutions avaible e.g. Oracle BPA Suite, ARIS BPEL IDS Scheer statement* “ePC is for functional process modelling only BPMN if process are to be implemented or automated“ *Email: IDS Scheer December 2007

29 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL BPEL – what is it? | Kuno Grün 1 Generate BPEL code in objectiF | Ulrike Stumvoll 3 Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler | Alexej Jukkert5 Generate BPEL code in jPASS! | Michael Reisp6 Résumé | Simon Isenberg7 Generate BPEL code in ARIS | Alexej Jukkert4 Elements of BPEL | Erwin Buda 2

30 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler

31 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler select project to be exported “WebSphere Process Server“ as type

32 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler Modeler creates one file with BPEL code additionally several files as proprietary extension for better import into WID

33 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler

34 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler one incoming message two tasks one decision two outgoing paths

35 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler

36 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler

37 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Importing IBM Modeller Process in WID

38 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL BPEL – what is it? | Kuno Grün 1 Generate BPEL code in objectiF | Ulrike Stumvoll 3 Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler | Alexej Jukkert5 Generate BPEL code in jPASS! | Michael Reisp6 Résumé | Simon Isenberg7 Generate BPEL code in ARIS | Alexej Jukkert4 Elements of BPEL | Erwin Buda 2

39 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL

40 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL

41 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL

42 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL

43 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL

44 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL BPEL – what is it? | Kuno Grün 1 Generate BPEL code in objectiF | Ulrike Stumvoll 3 Generate BPEL code in IBM Modeler | Alexej Jukkert5 Generate BPEL code in jPASS! | Michael Reisp6 Résumé | Simon Isenberg7 Generate BPEL code in ARIS | Alexej Jukkert4 Elements of BPEL | Erwin Buda 2

45 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL According to: Résumé a BPM hourglass

46 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Résumé status quo no 100% match between BPEL 2.X and BPMN 2.0 and vice versa (e.g. because of deficits of human interactions) according to Prof. Frank Leymann Core-BPEL Extensions Human Interactions … Sub Processes

47 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Résumé Today‘s situation no 100% match between BPEL 2.X and BPMN 2.0 and vice versa (e.g. because of deficits of human interactions)  a generic BPEL-export is hardly possible  a lot of reworking in the BPEL-platform in order to get the process ‚running‘...

48 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Résumé On the horizon OMG responsible for standardization of BPEL as well as of BPMN BPEL 3.0 expected to be released Q3/2008  better match between BPMN 2.0 and BPEL 3.0  easier BPEL export/imports with less reworking

49 14.01.2008 6th Expert Meeting Billurcu, Buda, Grün, Isenberg, Jukkert, Reisp, Stumvoll The concrete experiences at Audi with importing BPA models in BPEL Thank you for your attention. Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.

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