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Hayward’s Primary School

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1 Hayward’s Primary School
Welcome to today’s assembly Happy New Year! What’s this? Hayward’s Primary School.

2 Hayward’s Primary School.
7 continents Hayward’s Primary School.

3 Hayward’s Primary School.
Olympic Values respect – fair play; knowing one’s own limits; and taking care of one’s health and the environment. excellence – how to give the best of oneself, on the field of play or in life; taking part; and progressing according to one’s own objectives. friendship – how, through sport, to understand each other despite any differences . Hayward’s Primary School.

4 We are dressed in red, with courage in our head!
Hayward’s Primary School.

5 Headteacher Challenges! Olympic Quest!
Challenges, challenges: no matter how hard, we still defeat them - that's who we are! Hayward’s Primary School.

6 Respect, loyalty - never give up!
fair play; knowing one’s own limits; and taking care of one’s health and the environment. New classroom rules – poster to take back to your class and discuss. Reward – a boy and girl from each class will receive a golden ticket at the end of this term. Hayward’s Primary School.

7 Hayward’s High Standards
We want classrooms to be a place to learn and have fun The consequences for bad behaviour are fair.  If your behaviour is disrupting the class… If you are disrupting the class you will be given a ‘Warning’ (your name will go on the board). If you carry on misbehaving after the ‘Warning’ you will be sent outside the room for a ‘Time Out’. If you still cannot behave after this you will be sent to work to another class. Hayward’s Primary School.

8 Playground High Standards
 We want playtimes to be fun The consequences for bad behaviour are fair.  You are expected to behave according to the school rules.  If your behaviour is causing problems on the playground… You will be given a verbal ‘Warning’.  If you carry on misbehaving after the ‘Warning’ you will be sent for a ‘Time Out’, outside the staffroom (playtimes); or to the Lunchtime room (lunch). If you refuse to do this, the teachers or Meal Time Assistants will speak to another adult and you may have to work in a different class, or miss your playtimes. Hayward’s Primary School.

9 Excellence – moving around the school
How to give the best of oneself, on the field of play or in life; We walk very quietly and respectfully, acknowledging others politely. Reward – members of staff have golden tickets to give out. Hayward’s Primary School.

10 Hayward’s Primary School.
Excellence – lining up How to give the best of oneself, on the field of play or in life; We line up in silence; bodies still and eyes looking at my teacher. Reward – the best class will get extra playtime. Hayward’s Primary School.

11 Excellence – assemblies
How to give the best of oneself, on the field of play or in life; We show our respect by being silent at all times, except if asked to contribute by putting our hand up. We celebrate others enthusiastically. Reward – end of half-term treat. Hayward’s Primary School.

12 Friendship – dinner hall
We do not shout or call out, or make loud noises that mean we can’t hear the person opposite us talk in a normal voice. Reward – dinner ladies will have golden tickets. Hayward’s Primary School.

13 Hayward’s isn’t glum, because we’re having fun!
Hayward’s Primary School.

14 Hayward’s Primary School
Hayward’s Primary School

15 Hayward’s Primary School.
Running Total Super Saturn Joyous Jupiter Mighty Mercury 4 3 6 Victorious Venus Nifty Neptune Marvellous Mars 5 1 2 Hayward’s Primary School.

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