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“ Vel Optima Cuique Praebere ”. Year 6 Parents’ Evening Mrs Kate Smith Headteacher.

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Presentation on theme: "“ Vel Optima Cuique Praebere ”. Year 6 Parents’ Evening Mrs Kate Smith Headteacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ Vel Optima Cuique Praebere ”

2 Year 6 Parents’ Evening Mrs Kate Smith Headteacher

3 Year 6 Parents’ Evening The Transition Process Sara Eaton Head of Year 7


5 Year 6 Parents’ Evening What now….? This is an exciting time …. with much to look forward to!

6 Year 6 Parents’ Evening Transition Key Staff

7 Year 6 Parents’ Evening What’s ahead?

8 Year 6 Parents’ Evening The Transition Process Noel Kelly Deputy Headteacher

9 Year 6 Parents’ Evening The Parent & Carer Handbook

10 Year 6 Parents’ Evening The Parent & Carer Handbook How you can help

11 Year 6 Parents’ Evening The Parent & Carer Handbook How will you keep my child safe? How is my child’s work marked? What subjects will my child study? How do I know if my child is making good progress? Will my child be placed in ability sets? What clubs and activities can my child join? Tell us what else you need !

12 Year 6 Parents’ Evening Subject Overviews for Parents A term-by-term breakdown for every subject telling you: What your child will be learning that term How their work will be assessed How you can help Useful resources and websites

13 Year 6 Parents’ Evening Subject Overviews for Parents Add an overview pic here

14 Year 6 Parents’ Evening Subject Overviews for Parents

15 Year 6 Parents’ Evening Subject Overviews for Parents

16 Year 6 Parents’ Evening The Transition Process

17 Year 6 Parents’ Evening The Transition Process

18 Year 6 Parents’ Evening The Transition Process Sara Eaton Head of Year 7

19 Year 6 Parents’ Evening What can you do to ensure a smooth transition? Work together – with your child and us! Liaise with your child’s primary school. Be aware of key dates. Discuss your feelings with us and share any concerns. Actively support your child. Be prepared for September and know what to expect. Stay calm and positive!

20 Year 6 Parents’ Evening Any questions? Extra Curricular Activities: Mr Athill – PE Miss Rotchell – Music Miss Rogers – Drama Catering – Mrs Timms Cashless Catering – Mrs Tracie Smith Pupil Premium – Mr Hutchings Reading Challenge/Librarian – Mr Lancaster Passport to Graduation/House System – Miss Cook Dictionaries for sale Year 7 Students

21 Year 6 Parents’ Evening The Transition Process Thank you for attending.

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