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Flor, António 2 ; Silva, Julieta 2 ; Pires, Américo 3 ; Cordeiro, Manuel 1,2,4 1 ITIDAI-Institute of Trás-os-Montes for the Agro-Industrial Research and.

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Presentation on theme: "Flor, António 2 ; Silva, Julieta 2 ; Pires, Américo 3 ; Cordeiro, Manuel 1,2,4 1 ITIDAI-Institute of Trás-os-Montes for the Agro-Industrial Research and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flor, António 2 ; Silva, Julieta 2 ; Pires, Américo 3 ; Cordeiro, Manuel 1,2,4 1 ITIDAI-Institute of Trás-os-Montes for the Agro-Industrial Research and Development, 2 UTAD- University, Quinta de Prados, 5000 Vila Real, Portugal, 3 AREVDN- Regional Energy Agency 4 ICETA-Institute of Agrarians Technologies Internet site : THE ENERGETIC POTENCIAL IN GRAPE VINES OF THE TRÁS-OS-MONTES REGION, NORTHEAST OF PORTUGAL Trás-os Montes University Douro North Valey Energy Agency

2 Where is it ? Europe - Portugal - Trás-os-Montes Region - - Oldest Port Wine production area - about 200 Km 2

3 Resource caracterization and quantification General característics Potencial

4 Technical Viability Mechanical Recovery Pack up by manual means Before Now

5 Energetic viability Produced Energy Spended Energy Energy produced per ton is much higher than that consumed during material transformation, Which would be decisive to future resource profit Estilhação Mat.S/ Transf. Briquet. The most competitive process, mechanical recovery and splinter Economic viability

6 Atmosferic impacts CO 2 emissions from wine prunings ocurre anyway since they are burned in the vineards but:o 46.000 ton. AMVDN Evita a emissão de 48760 ton CO 2 (11,7% emissions in the DNVMA Soil impacts Low variations in the soil organic mater levels Avoids disease proliferation Maintain employment levels Soil organic mater Environmental Aspects

7 Great available potencial at local level The great possibility to turn this residuals in a outcome and not only a single expense. This material will undoubtedly substitue fossil fuel in heating sistems, at leas at local level, becoming in the near future something useful and new Conclusions

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