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Today’s Talk Report on “Priest 60 Years Old Conference” Report on “Magnetic Reconnection 2003” Turbulent reconnection (Tanuma et al.; Vishiniac & Lazarian;

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Talk Report on “Priest 60 Years Old Conference” Report on “Magnetic Reconnection 2003” Turbulent reconnection (Tanuma et al.; Vishiniac & Lazarian;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Talk Report on “Priest 60 Years Old Conference” Report on “Magnetic Reconnection 2003” Turbulent reconnection (Tanuma et al.; Vishiniac & Lazarian; Cho et al….) Particle acceleration in turbulence (Dmitruk et al. 2003, ApJ, 597, L81) Particle simulations (Tanuma et al.)

2 Priest 60 Years Old Conference Magnetic Reconnection and the Dynamic Sun 8-10 September 2003 Institute of Mathematics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Linton’ talk

3 Programme Reconnection Theory and Applications (Forbes, Drake, Fujimoto, Linton, Birn, etc.) The Dynamic Sun (Proctor, Weiss, Asai, Klimchuk, Longcope, Galsgaard, Neukirch, Kusano, etc.) The Dynamic Sun and Astrophysics (Dahlburg, Antiochos, Roussev, Heyvaerts, Casse, Baty, etc.) Poster (Chen,Yokoyama, Miyagoshi, Suzuki, Tanuma etc.) Annual PLATON Network Meeting follows the meeting.

4 MR2003 Fifth US-Japan Workshop on Magnetic Reconnection, Plasma Merging, and Magnetic Jets November 3-5, 2003 Catalina Canyon Resort, Catalina Island, California Ono-san’s talk Tanuma’s talk

5 Program Particle heating during reconnection (Lin, Hoshino, Oieroset, Birn, Ono) Jets, dynamo, & reconnection (Hirose, Kudoh, Bellan, Li) Turbulent versus Laminar reconnection (Wygant, Ji, Diamond, Bale, Horiuchi, Lazarian) Macroscale structure (Kawamori, Tanuma) Structure and scaling of reconnection (Egedal, Terry, Shay, Cowley, Fujimoto, Kusano) Guide versus null field reconnection (Prager, Porcelli, Cothran, Fuselier, Hesse, Swisdak) Poster (Colgate, Furno, Uzdensky, T.Nakamura, Phan, M.Nakamura, Tanaka, Yamada, Tripathi, Jorne, Vou, Romero-Talamas, Izzo)

6 My Recent Study about Turbulent Reconnection Talk at MR2003 Internal shocks created by some instabilities and Turbulence in the reconnection jet

7 Turbulent Reconnection Matthaeus & Lamkin 1985, Phys. Fluids, 28, 303, ‘Rapid magnetic reconnection caused byu finite amplitude fluctuations’ Matthaeus & Lamkin 1986, Phys. Fluids, 29, 2513, ‘Turbulent magnetic reconnection’ Enhanced viscous and resistive dissipation

8 Turbulent Reconnection

9 Coronal Heating by Turbulence Matthaeus et al. 1999, ApJ, 523, L93, ‘Coronal heating by magnetohydrodynamic turbulence driven by reflected low-frequency waves’

10 Reconnection Rate Enhanced by Turbulence Vishniac & Lazarian 1999, ApJ, 511, 193, ‘Reconnection in the interstellar medium’ Lazarian & Bishniac, 1999, ApJ, 517, 700, ‘Reconnection in a weakly stochastic field’

11 Reconnection Rate Enhanced by Neutral Gas Cho, Lazarian, & Vishniac 2002, ApJ, 564, 291, ‘Simulations of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in a strongly magnetized medium’ Yan & Lazarian 2003, ApJ, 592, L33, ‘Grain acceleration by magnetohydrodynamic turbulence: Gyroresonance mechanism’ Cho, Lazarian, & Vishniac 2003, ApJ, 595, 812, ‘Ordinary and viscousity-damped magnetohydrodynamic turbulence’ Many papers are posted in astro-ph.

12 MHD Simulations of Turbulent Reconnection In Yokoyama-san’s results, the reconnection rate is not enhanced. They are same with Tanuma’s results. Much more simulation grids would be required.


14 Particle Acceleration in Analytic Reconnection Current Sheet Craig & Henton’s analytic solution(Craig & Henton 1995, ApJ, 450, 280) Hirose, Litvinenko, Shibata, Tanuma et al. (2003): MHD simulations of stability. Heerikhuisen, Litvinenko, & Craig (2002), ApJ, 566, 512, ‘Proton acceleration in analytic reconnecting current sheets’: Test particle in Craig & Henton solution Takasaki, Asai, et al.: Test particle in Craig & Henton solution

15 Craig & Henton(1995)’s Solution

16 Numerical Test of Stability Hirose, Litvinenko, Shibata, Tanuma et al. (2003) examine stability of Craig & Henton solution by performing MHD simulations. It is revealed that Craig & Henton solution is unstable to tearing instability or Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in some cases.

17 Particle Acceleration in Analytic Solution Heerikhuisen, Litvinenko, & Craig (2002), ApJ, 566, 512, ‘Proton acceleration in analytic reconnecting current sheets’: Test particle in Craig & Henton solution

18 Trajectories of Test particles

19 Spectrum of Test Particles

20 Particle Acceleration in Turbulence Dmitruk, Matthaeus, Seenu, & Brown 2002, ApJ, 597, L81, ‘Test particle acceleration in three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence’

21 MHD Equations

22 Simulations Mach number is 0.25. Specific heat ratioγ=5/3 The random fluctuation is assumed at 1<k<4. R=Rm=1000 Pseudospectral code (Ghosh, Hossain, & Matthaeus 1993) The resolution is 256^3 Fourier modes.

23 Ohm’s law

24 Results Turbulent |B| (upper) and |E| (lower). Yellow shows high, blue shows low. The energy spectrum of the MHD fields (not shown in the paper) is consistent with a Kolmogorov 5/3 power law.

25 Nonrelativistic Equations of Motion α=Ωi Ta relates the turbulent field scales with the particle motion scales. In general, α>>1: turbulent time scale is much slower than gyro frequency. In this paper, α=10^2, 10^3, 10^4, 10^5. Ωi=qi B/ mi c is normalized gyro-frequency. 50000 particles Runge-Kutta 4 th order.

26 Trajectories 100 test particles (out of 50000) The color shows velocity.

27 Particle Energy Distribution -2 -0.6

28 Emax and v.s. α Emax=2αE||λ|| Solid line: This simulation Dotted line: Particle simulation Dashed line: Integration Emax

29 Emax Emax=2αE||λ|| ∝ vBL. These results are consistent with Swarthmore Spheromak laboratory reconnection experiment (Brown et al. 2002, ApJ, 577, L63) and a wide range of space and astrophysical systems (Makishima 1999, Astron. Nachr., 320, 1997  Proc. Of ASCA 4 th Meeting)

30 Particle Simulations Tanuma et al. Nishikawa et al. 2003 To obtain spectrum. Naito: Monte-Carlo simulations

31 Summary Report of conferences Turbulent reconnection Particle acceleration Particle simulations

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