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DevInfo DevInfo – a statistical tool for data collection and dissemination information from statistics the impact of better dissemination Progress in Jamaica.

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Presentation on theme: "DevInfo DevInfo – a statistical tool for data collection and dissemination information from statistics the impact of better dissemination Progress in Jamaica."— Presentation transcript:

1 DevInfo DevInfo – a statistical tool for data collection and dissemination information from statistics the impact of better dissemination Progress in Jamaica

2 DevInfo DevInfo Objectives Easy retrieval of data Analysis of trends over time Multiple sources of data Strengthening national monitoring INDICATORS Database All data compiled in one system A database system that facilitates… Data

3 DevInfo Challenges Diverse approaches in monitoring human development Census Population census once every decade Surveys Periodic household surveys on various topics Records Administrative records from various government departments

4 DevInfo Common Database Monitoring the Millennium Development Goals UN Endorsement Endorsed by the United Nations to assist Member States in Monitoring human development MDGs Designed to assist in monitoring the Millennium Development Goals and other national plans of action Common Database State-of-the-art database technology with royalty-free distribution

5 DevInfo Statistical Standards Emerging International Standards for Human Development Statistics Indicators - SDMX Statistical data and metadata exchange (SDMX) ISO/TS 17369:2005 developed by BIS, ECB, EUROSTAT, IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Sources - DDI/DC Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) and Dublin Core (DC) ISO 15836:2003 Information and documentation Digital Maps - UNGIWG Geographic information metadata ISO 19115:2003

6 DevInfo Customized Databases More than 90 national statistics organizations and other agencies have adapted DevInfo DevInfo Adaptations

7 DevInfo JamStats DevInfo Adaptation in Jamaica Vision To establish JamStats as a reliable and current data source for Jamaica both locally and internationally

8 DevInfo JAMAICA HIV PREVALENCE (2002) % JamStats Source: Jamaica National HIV/STD Control Programme, MOH JamStats Internet Users JamStats Example - Table

9 DevInfo JAMAICA HIV PREVALENCE (2002) % JamStats Source: Jamaica National HIV/STD Control Programme, MOH HIV Prevalence Source: Jamaica National HIV/STD Control Programme, MOH JamStats HIV Prevalence JamStats Example - Graph

10 DevInfo 16 - 20 Westmoreland St. Elizabeth Manchester Clarendon St. Catherine St. Thomas Portland St. Mary St. Ann Trelawny St. James Hanover Kingston St. Andrew Kingston & St. Andrew JAMAICA HIV PREVALENCE (2002) % JamStats Source: Jamaica National HIV/STD Control Programme, MOH JamStats HIV Prevalence 2002 Jamstats Example - Map

11 DevInfo JamStats Milestones Software Adaptation Training Govt & U.N JamStats 1.0 Dec 2003 JamStats 1.2 Dec 2005 SIP Launched Stakeholder Orientations

12 DevInfo JamStats School Implementation Programme

13 DevInfo JamStats Highlights International Development Partners NGOs Line Ministries Health Education Content Dissemination Training Advocacy UN Country Team Funding Planning Institute National Development Plan MDG Monitoring Statistical Institute Data Source Database Maintenance Secretariat Steering Committee

14 DevInfo JamStats 2007 Work Plan Produce JamStats 2.0 Deploy by CD and internet Advocacy materials Collate and document indicators Next steps include… Training Government, NGOs, UN Partners, Schools Establish databases for Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Planning Institute, Police Establish procedures for annual database update to ensure sustainability

15 DevInfo JamStats Challenges Human resource constraints Data gaps Integration with other data initiatives Ensuring use of the software

16 DevInfo IMPACT Enhances public access to socio- economic data Serves as a flexible database to support policy making Allows comparability of data from different sources Facilitates wider dissemination of a broad range of information JamStats …… Enhances the capacity of partners and users to analyse data Supports public advocacy on issues of national importance

17 DevInfo

18 DevInfo THANK YOU

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