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Publishers and online subscription models Kaufman-Wills Group, LLC Charleston Conference November 7, 2003.

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1 Publishers and online subscription models Kaufman-Wills Group, LLC Charleston Conference November 7, 2003

2 Overview Types of institutional subscription models  Examples of publishers using each model  Pros and cons from publisher perspective  Differences among commercial and non-profits Decision-making considerations  Financial  Sales and marketing  Customer service and fulfillment Future trends  Wellcome Trust scenarios  Author-led  Actual use

3 Types of subscription models Bundled print and online Unbundled  Bundled option  Online only  Print only (addl print) Tiered pricing  Concurrent use Number of seats Workstation (1 IP, user name/password)  Size of institution FTE Relevant FTE  Type of institution Carnegie Classification Academic, government, corporate Open access  Author/institutional paid  Society supported

4 Publisher examples Bundled print and online Unbundled Concurrent users Single simultaneous user, Or site license Size of institution Carnegie Type of institution Open access  Institutional membership/author paid  Society supported

5 Pros and cons: publisher perspective Bundled  Pros: Raise print price to cover online, maintains print, simple product pricing  Cons: Unresponsive to user needs, production costs for two formats Unbundled  Pros: User demand, opens door for usage based pricing, print can be add-on  Cons: More complicated pricing, threat to advertising, difficult transition Concurrent use  Pros: Can keep institution’s costs down, may equate to use  Cons: Not really tied to use, restricted access, difficult to administer Size of institution  Pros: Starts to equate to usage, revenues offset personal and inst subscriptions  Cons: FTEs v relevant FTEs argument; difficult to determine tier, implement Type of institution  Pros: Easier to identify than size, HighWire supported, “fit in with the pack”  Cons: Difficult to differentiate between tiers, hard to figure for inst outside of US Open access  Pros: Open to experimentation, pro-institution, may attract more papers  Cons: Unproven financial return, author hardship to pay?, low citation impact

6 Decision-making considerations Financial  Replace loss of subscriptions as individuals gain access through institutional site licenses  Replace loss of (multiple) print subscriptions as institutions purchase site-wide, desktop access Sales and marketing  Easier to market print plus online features than online and print as separate products  Separate pricing, editorial development needed for specialty gateways, title collections  Personal sales needed for top tier, multi-site, and consortial license negotiation and sales Customer service and fulfillment  No new systems required for bundled model  New fulfillment systems, customer service training needed for tiered models

7 Future trends Actual use… the beginnings or flashback to the past  To determine tiers: equating number of downloads for non-US institutions to equivalent downloads for US institutions American Physical Society BMJ (for 2005) Institution, author-led  Author repositories: DSpace initiative (MIT)  SPARC, University of California initiative Wellcome Trust scenarios 1. More of the same 2. Commercial withdrawal 3. Commercial publishers gain more control 4. Deposit libraries and open access become dominant

8 Alma J. Wills, Partner Cara S. Kaufman, Partner Kaufman-Wills Group, LLC 24 Aintree Road Baltimore, MD 21286 410 821 8035 (ph) 443 269 0283 (fax) Selected clients  Am Acad Ped  Am Assoc Immunologists  Am Coll Cardiology  Am Coll Radiology  American Psychiatric Assoc  Am Soc Clin Oncology  ASPET  ASTRO  Intl Anesthesia Res Soc  NEJM  Proj Hope/Hlth Affairs Alma: former President, Periodicals Div, Williams & Wilkins Cara: former Publisher, Am Heart Assoc journals, The Lancet

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