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1 Hi Welcome back Lions I hope you had a good half term? We will continue to look at the Normans for a few more weeks (actually until 2 weeks before Christmas)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Hi Welcome back Lions I hope you had a good half term? We will continue to look at the Normans for a few more weeks (actually until 2 weeks before Christmas)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Hi Welcome back Lions I hope you had a good half term? We will continue to look at the Normans for a few more weeks (actually until 2 weeks before Christmas)

2 2 A Walk Around Wharram Percy The Manor House

3 3 Would you like to go up and have a look at the Manor House, my cousin Katie is a kitchen maid. If we go to the Kitchen door she will show us around as the Lord and Lady are out hunting today. This is Katie. Lets go inside and have a look around. It's the only stone house in the village.

4 4 We are preparing for a banquet tonight. there will be 50 guests from all over the county. If you look into the Great Hall you can imagine what it will be like. We have to cook 3 oxen, 4 pigs, 2 sheep, 10 geese, 5 swans and 5 peacocks. Its all very spicy, things like ginger and hot pepper from the East. They are very expensive. There will be 10 casks of ale and 100 bottles of wine from France. All the plates and bowls are made of pewter. There are knives and spoons but will most eat with their fingers. Here’s a boar’s head roasting on a spit. Why do they add spices to everything?

5 5 What do you notice ?

6 6 This is the main bedroom, I was on my way up here to sweep it out when you arrived. But Lady Matilda is in the room, she hasn’t gone hunting after all, so I will have to come back later. It gives me time to show you a little more. Its very bare apart from the bed but I think you will agree its a lot more comfortable than Kitty's house.

7 7 Clothing for the Rich The Lord and Lady and their family wear very different clothes to us. They have fine wool made by skilled weavers in Malmesbury in Wiltshire. They also have clothes of silk, velvet and fine linen, some of this is woven by Belgian craftsmen who are said to be the best in the world. Both men and the women wear very bright colours.

8 8 Clothing for the Rich The ladies usually wear long dresses and for banquets they have very tall hats. The men wear short tunics with very fancy sleeves and tights. I'm very envious of their fine leather shoes and that they have more than one set of clothes. Lady Percy and her daughters have gold thread in their gowns when they are at special events like the tournament.

9 9 The Church

10 10 The Church is a very important part of our lives. Nearly everyone goes to Mass on Sunday. The service is in Latin, I don't understand a word of it. We all believe in Heaven and Hell and it is important to come to confession each week and ask God for forgiveness. I confessed that I had too much ale last week and refused to help Henry with the weeding in the fields next day. I have to say extra prayers. The Church is a very important part of our lives. Nearly everyone goes to Mass on Sunday. The service is in Latin, I don't understand a word of it. We all believe in Heaven and Hell and it is important to come to confession each week and ask God for forgiveness. I confessed that I had too much ale last week and refused to help Henry with the weeding in the fields next day. I have to say extra prayers. What kind of church must this be?

11 11 William the priest is a caring man who will help the sick or needy if he can. Not like some priests you hear of who drink too much, live with women, which they are not allowed to do, and ignore their services. But it's hard having to give the priest one tenth of all our crops each year. This is called a TITHE. Decoration from the Bible The priest will read or tell stories from the Bible. He will explain the stories that go with the paintings in the church, none of us villeins can read or write of course.

12 12 Primary Evidence A psalter is a book of prayers and psalms. The Luttrell Psalter was owned by Sir Geoffrey Luttrell who ordered it to be written for him in about 1340. It is thought that he employed monks at his estate to write and illustrate it for him. A psalter is a book of prayers and psalms. One monk would write the text, another do the illuminated letters, and yet another the illustrations at the bottom and sides of the pages. In its day it would have been something that Sir Geoffrey would have been very proud of, and would have displayed it for all to see.

13 13 Primary Evidence Its importance to us today, lies in the fact that the illustrator produced very detailed and precise pictures of life at the time. The drawings show the harnesses for horses, the types of clothes worn, the ploughs used, as well as many fantastic and fanciful creatures. From these it is possible to draw a clear picture of life on the Luttrell estates, and many others, at the time. Its importance to us today, lies in the fact that the illustrator produced very detailed and precise pictures of life at the time. The drawings show the harnesses for horses, the types of clothes worn, the ploughs used, as well as many fantastic and fanciful creatures. From these it is possible to draw a clear picture of life on the Luttrell estates, and many others, at the time.

14 14 The Barons Tenants in Chief The feudal system Today in 1196 the Barons still control about half the land in England. The most powerful Baron of all is John who is King Richard's brother. As King Richard is away so often at the wars John seems to rule England. In return for their land from the King each baron has to provide trained knights for the army for 40 days in each year. This is how Kings since William have raised an army. The Barons gave land (the Manors) to the Knights who fought with them at Hastings as a reward. Our Lord of the Manor's ancestor fought with King William at the Battle of Hastings. The feudal system Today in 1196 the Barons still control about half the land in England. The most powerful Baron of all is John who is King Richard's brother. As King Richard is away so often at the wars John seems to rule England. In return for their land from the King each baron has to provide trained knights for the army for 40 days in each year. This is how Kings since William have raised an army. The Barons gave land (the Manors) to the Knights who fought with them at Hastings as a reward. Our Lord of the Manor's ancestor fought with King William at the Battle of Hastings.

15 15 Knights – Lords of the Manor In return for his land the Knight has to serve in the army for 40 days a year. This is a picture of Sir Gilbert from the church. Its was painted in 1190 when he left to fight in the Crusades with King Richard. Sir Gilbert is a powerful and important Knight. He has 20 Manors altogether. In return for his land the Knight has to serve in the army for 40 days a year. This is a picture of Sir Gilbert from the church. Its was painted in 1190 when he left to fight in the Crusades with King Richard. Sir Gilbert is a powerful and important Knight. He has 20 Manors altogether.

16 16 Knights – Lords of the Manor He spends most of his time training young Knights to serve the King. They have tournaments at the Manor which we are allowed to watch. His Steward and Bailiffs run the farming on the estates. The hard work, that's where we peasants come in. He spends most of his time training young Knights to serve the King. They have tournaments at the Manor which we are allowed to watch. His Steward and Bailiffs run the farming on the estates. The hard work, that's where we peasants come in.

17 17 Look across to the hill you can see Squires practising swordsmanship near the castle. We see a lot of this as the Baron's castle is close to the Manor. Their armour, called chain mail, is made of interlocking iron rings making it easier to move. Look across to the hill you can see Squires practising swordsmanship near the castle. We see a lot of this as the Baron's castle is close to the Manor. Their armour, called chain mail, is made of interlocking iron rings making it easier to move. One of the best things about living near the castle is that we can go to the Tournaments where the knights display their skills.

18 18 Knights are skilled horse soldiers who have been given their Manors by the Baron in return for serving in the army. Knights are trained in chivalry from about the age of 7 when they become a page. At 14 he will become a Squire and continue with his education as a gentleman. They learn about religion, and how to fight with lance and sword. A successful squire will be knighted (dubbed) by the Baron or even the King in a ceremony where he swears to fight for God, his King and to be chivalrous.

19 19 Jousting is a very popular entertainment up at the castle. Knights charge at each other along opposite sides of a barrier and try to knock each other off their horse. A knight often jousted to show his love for a lady and wore her "gage", often a scarf. Its very dangerous. Several knights have been killed jousting at Percy castle. A Tournament at Percy Castle Jousting like most medieval pastimes have a serious side too. They are ways of practising the skills they will need in battle.

20 20 Hunting, particularly stag and wild boar are very popular pastimes. They are followed by a feast at the castle. Hawking is very popular. The hawks are hooded to keep them quiet. They are trained to perch on the hunters wrist, even on horseback, until they are released to attack a bird, perhaps a duck. They return to the wrist after the kill. Training a hawk Hunting

21 21 Homework Greetings to my Venerable MotherGreetings to my Venerable Mother You are a page training to be a knight and you are away from home. Please write to your mother about what you have been doing. I have provided some information on the wiki at 1.+The+Normans underneath lesson 7 together with a few links, but do draw on anything else we did in class or you found out for yourself. 1.+The+Normans And do remember you are an active 11 year old boy. Writing long letters would not seem to be too much fun! So make it short and interesting, what you have see and done in the last few weeks.

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