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“It’s up to you…and me?”.  Who’s job is Grange Growth?  Is it the Master’s/President’s job?  Is it the Membership Chair’s job?  Is it everyone’s job?

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Presentation on theme: "“It’s up to you…and me?”.  Who’s job is Grange Growth?  Is it the Master’s/President’s job?  Is it the Membership Chair’s job?  Is it everyone’s job?"— Presentation transcript:

1 “It’s up to you…and me?”

2  Who’s job is Grange Growth?  Is it the Master’s/President’s job?  Is it the Membership Chair’s job?  Is it everyone’s job?

3  Where does the Grange grow?  At the National Grange?  At your State Grange?  At your Subordinate/Community Grange?

4  Active Granges grow  2+2+2=New  Does your Grange have two educational features?  Does your Grange have two Grange activities?  Does your Grange hold two fund raisers?

5  Is your Grange hall busy?  Nothing ever happens…  Nobody is ever there…  Can’t tell if it is available…  Advertise, advertise, advertise…

6  As State Master, do you know:  The status of the Granges in your state?  Who’s doing great?  Who’s in trouble?  Where the best opportunities are?  What are the impediments?

7  How do we recruit new members?  Ask someone  Bring a guest to meetings  Hold high-profile meetings  Make some Grange meetings social events  Have members give talks at other organizations  Hold joint meetings with other groups in community

8  Does your Grange have a master plan?  Annual budget  How are decisions made  Annual membership goal  Who is our next leader  Plan your work and work your plan

9  Do you see Ed’s challenge as achievable??  Net member gains in community Granges  Net gain in number of community Granges in your state

10  How can The National Grange best support your membership growth goals?  How can The National Grange best support leadership training in your state?

11 23% remains


13 45% of Granges remain


15 375 or 20% 260 or 14% 461 or 25% 321 or 17% 125 or 7% 116 or 6% 183 or 10% 14 or 1%

16  Do not hesitate  Invite others proudly Rev. Aaron B. Grosh, says, “I am led to regard it as the greatest blessing ever offered to the American farmer and his family; and it needs only to be known, to be duly appreciated.” “The general tendency is to undervalue our own, and put the price so low that the public undervalues it also.”

17 Grow your Grange: Achieve a Net Gain. It’s up to you and me?

18 For assistance contact Dr. Michael J. Martin Leadership /Membership Development Director National Grange 1616 H Street NW Washington, D.C. 20006-4999 888-4-GRANGE membership@nationalgrange.o rg For assistance contact Dr. Michael J. Martin Leadership /Membership Development Director National Grange 1616 H Street NW Washington, D.C. 20006-4999 888-4-GRANGE membership@nationalgrange.o rg Contact Dr. Michael J. Martin at

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