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Effects of WWII. Germany Nuremberg Trials Nov. 20, 1945 & Oct. 1, 1946 Adolf Eichman – Creator of the Final Solution Herman Goring – Commander of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of WWII. Germany Nuremberg Trials Nov. 20, 1945 & Oct. 1, 1946 Adolf Eichman – Creator of the Final Solution Herman Goring – Commander of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of WWII

2 Germany Nuremberg Trials Nov. 20, 1945 & Oct. 1, 1946 Adolf Eichman – Creator of the Final Solution Herman Goring – Commander of the Luftwaffe Cities in ruin Yalta Conference Feb 1945 The Big 3 – Churchill, Stalin, FDR Who will lead occupied nations (popular sovereignty ) Potsdam Conference July 1945 The Big 3 – Atlee, Stalin, Truman Poland’s borders drawn Germany divided into 4 zones USSR allowed reparations from East Germany


4 United Kingdom Devastated from Luftwaffe Blitz Phased out imperial holdings OR gave colonies home rule Created power vacuum

5 France Punished those who collaborated with Nazis Philippe Pétain in charge of Vichy France Gave up most colonies Held on to Algiers and Vietnam

6 Japan Cities in ruin Hiroshima & Nagasaki Military leaders tried and punished Emperor retained position Hirohito – Living god US Military Rule MacArthur occupied Japan Helped write new Constitution

7 united soviet socialist republic Western region devastated Large, powerful army built Occupied most of Eastern Europe

8 Weapons Weapons Amphibious tanks (DUKW) Amphibious tanks (DUKW) Newly designed aircraft carriers Newly designed aircraft carriers Improved hand guns Improved hand guns Jets Jets Cruise missiles=V1 Rockets Cruise missiles=V1 Rockets Ballistic missiles=V2 Rockets Ballistic missiles=V2 Rockets A-bomb A-bomb Technology " I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.“ Einstein

9 Technology Penicillin – Discovered 1928, presented 1929, massively distributed during WWII Electronics advancements Computers ENIAC -- 27 tons, used for calculations for the creation the hydrogen bomb

10 International Relations Human Civilization Threatened United Nations Created Israel 1948 Mediates Conflict Established a World Bank Universal Declaration of Human Rights IMF – International Monetary Fund GATT – General Agreement on Tariff Trade 1948


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