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 The Chevrolet company needed to invent a new car so sales would increase.

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3  The Chevrolet company needed to invent a new car so sales would increase.

4  The Corvair was widely popular around the country because of the affordable prices

5  People wanted a futuristic car with an engine in the back.


7  In its time the Corvair was considered an extremely dangerous vehicle

8  The Corvair’s design led to unstable emergency handling and only about 1.8 million were invented.

9  The car was originally made for racing but because the engine was in the back of the car it made the vehicle dangerous.


11  One theory is that the General Manager was going to shut down the Corvair production in 1969.

12  Ernie Kovacs, a famous comedian, was killed in a crash whilst driving a corvair leading to the publishing of Ralph Nader’s famous book “Unsafe at any Speed” which brought bad business to the company.

13  The Corvair went into a steep sales decline when Nader’s book hit stores in 1965. Then in 1969 the Corvair was completely discontinued.


15  Ralph Nader was born February 27, 1934 and is a political activist and corporate critic

16  Ralph Nader made a charge saying that the Chevrolet Corvair had a defective rear suspension causing it to roll over

17  In 1965, Nader wrote the book, “Unsafe at any Speed” legalizing the charges, but after a series of tests, they proved false and Nader wrote the book for publicity and profit.

18  "This Day in History." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 01 May 2013. history

19  "The 1969 Corvair Group." The 1969 Corvair Group. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2013. air/


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